Actions: Economic Saving money
Parent Term
Sibling Terms
- Accounting
- Ascent
- Asking for money
- Auction
- Banking
- Bankrupcy
- Bargaining
- Barter
- Blacksmithing
- Bootlegging
- Borrowing
- Bribing
- Buying
- Buying a house
- Buying a shop or store
- Buying on credit
- Buying timber
- Carpentry
- Child support
- Competition
- Delivery
- Earning Money
- Eviction
- Factory labor
- Frugality
- Getting a receipt
- Gifting
- Hiring / employing / offering a job
- Horse trading
- Impounding
- Indebtedness
- Insurance payment
- Investing
- Lending Money
- Offering to buy
- Offering to sell
- Partnership
- Paying
- Purchase
- Rationing
- Receiving money
- Renting
- Scamming
- Scheming
- Selling
- Selling a house or place
- Selling land
- Settling up
- Sex as payment
- Share-cropping|Tenantry
- Shopping
- Stock trading
- Store owner
- Taking without paying
- Trading
- Transactional
Tagged Events
Actions: Economic›Saving money | Economic›Selling a house or place
Cultural Issues: Agriculture›Cotton | Alcohol›Alcoholism | Class›Snopesism | Class›Social decline | Education›Trade school | Gender›Bachelor
Themes and Motifs: Absence/Loss›Money|Wealth | Home›Destroyed
Relationships: Familial›Brother-brother | Familial›Dysfunctional | Interracial›Master-servant
Environment: Time of Day›Morning | Time of Year›July | Weather›Heat
Actions: Economic›Horse trading | Economic›Saving money | Verbal›Badgering
Cultural Issues: Agriculture›Husbandry
Actions: Economic›Accounting | Economic›Carpentry | Economic›Saving money
Actions: Economic›Accounting | Economic›Saving money
Themes and Motifs: Money›Collecting money | Money›Hidden | Money›Inheritance
Actions: Economic›Saving money | Emotional›Rage
Cultural Issues: Race›Playing to racial expectations / stereotypes
Aesthetics: Diction›Racist term | Typography/Orthography›Italics
Environment: Time of Year›May
Actions: Bodily›Insomnia | Communication›Sending mail | Economic›Gifting | Economic›Saving money | Emotional›Regret | Emotional›Shame
Relationships: Interracial›Child-adult
Actions: Economic›Saving money
Cultural Issues: Economy›Dowry | Education›Need to be educated | Sexuality›Pregnant out of wedlock
Themes and Motifs: Character›Humility | Character›Ruthless | Money›Social force | Psychological›Motivation | Psychological›Obsession | Values›Sacrifice
Relationships: Familial›Stepparent-child
Aesthetics: Narrative›Parentheses | Typography/Orthography›Dash