Cultural Issues: Global Exoticism
Parent Term
Sibling Terms
Tagged Events
Environment: Atmospheric›Stillness | Time of Day›Noon
Cultural Issues: Food›Cannibalism | Global›Exoticism | Labor›Menial | Race›Stereotype cannibalism | Slavery›Indian slave-owners | Slavery›Ownership | Slavery›Quarters | Slavery›Slave trading
Actions: Play
Relationships: Familial›Father-son
Cultural Issues: Alcohol›Whiskey | Clothes›Shoes | Global›Exoticism | Slavery›Field slaves vs house slaves | Slavery›Fugitive
Aesthetics: Figures of Speech›Metaphor | Figures of Speech›Simile
Actions: Verbal›Explaining
Relationships: Commercial›Employer-employee | Familial›Parents-children | Familial›Surrogate