
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Termsort descending Description
2934 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Stroke
5180 Actions Physical Struggling
4861 Themes and Motifs Character Stubborn
3615 Actions Emotional Stubbornness
5330 Themes and Motifs Money Stud fee
5124 Environment Domestic Space Study
3098 Actions Mental Studying
4545 Themes and Motifs Character Stupid
4002 Actions Verbal Stuttering / stammering
414 Aesthetics (First level term) Style
2312 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Styx
2646 Actions Mental Submission / Acquiescence
4689 Cultural Issues Law Subpoena
3694 Cultural Issues Race Subservient / Obsequious to whites
4418 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Substitute
4283 Themes and Motifs Home Substitute
4589 Cultural Issues Race Subverting a stereotype
4427 Themes and Motifs Values Success
5445 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Suckling, John
1223 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Suffering
4352 Cultural Issues Food Sugar
3242 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Sugar Islands|Carribbean
1537 Themes and Motifs Death Suicide
1400 Actions Violent Suicide
2097 Cultural Issues Clothes Suit
1391 Themes and Motifs Objects Suitcase
3507 Environment Olfactory Sulfur
3142 Actions Emotional Sulking
2315 Aesthetics Narrative Summary
1158 Actions Legal Summation
611 Environment Time of Year Summer
1474 Environment Domestic Space Summer house
1786 Environment Weather Sun
1933 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Sun / Sunlight
4808 Environment Time of Day Sunday
1752 Environment Time of Year Sunday

This should probably go under day of the week in col. 2, but it does not exist. My thinking is that there might be days that are more pronounced in Faulkner, notably the Sabbath and Wednesday prayer. The specific example is from Monk.

1034 Cultural Issues Clothes Sunday clothes
2710 Environment Time of Day Sunday morning
5288 Cultural Issues Religion Sunday school
1047 Cultural Issues Clothes Sunday shoes
5697 Cultural Issues Race Sundown town
2099 Environment Atmospheric Sunlight
5191 Environment Time of Day Sunrise
1220 Environment Time of Day Sunset
1911 Environment Weather Sunshine
4479 Themes and Motifs Character Superhuman strength
384 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Supernatural
476 Cultural Issues (First level term) Supernatural
3134 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Superstitions
706 Environment Time of Day Supper
688 Environment Domestic Space Supper table
1495 Environment Public Supply house
5446 Themes and Motifs Community Supportive
5285 Relationships Familial Support|Neglect
4073 Actions Mental Suppression / trying not to think
3844 Themes and Motifs Appearance Surface
3045 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Surgery
3046 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Surgical castration
1489 Actions Emotional Surprise
763 Cultural Issues War Surrender
3187 Cultural Issues History Surrender at Appomattox
1647 Themes and Motifs Objects Surrey
2550 Actions Movement Surrey
1562 Relationships Familial Surrogate
1300 Actions Perceptual Surveillance
5270 Aesthetics Narrative Suspended|Resumed
4107 Aesthetics Narrative Suspense
2381 Actions Emotional Suspicion
4886 Themes and Motifs Death Suspicious
5057 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Sutpen rejects KKK
5052 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Sutpen's arrival
2088 Themes and Motifs Character Swagger
3967 Actions Bodily Swallowing
4503 Themes and Motifs Animals Swallows
3741 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Swallows
1595 Environment Natural Swamp
2426 Actions Communication Swearing
2734 Actions Verbal Swearing
2817 Environment Olfactory Sweat
1431 Actions Bodily Sweating
3993 Actions Perceptual Sweetness
1749 Actions Movement Swimming
4090 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Swine
2975 Themes and Motifs Objects Swing
1925 Themes and Motifs Objects Sword
2784 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Sword
1101 Aesthetics (First level term) Symbolism
4255 Themes and Motifs Body Symbolism

This term refers to the body itself being referred to symbolically, as when in AILD Peabody says death is "no more than a single family or tenant moving out of a tenement or a town" or the subadar in "Ad Astra" referring to the body as "a room in the inn . . . where we hide for a little while" (420). CR

3392 Actions Emotional Sympathy
3151 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Synesthesia

For when description in a text merges sensory perceptions. Added for when Benjy in S&F describes "hearing it getting night ... hearing it getting dark." -JBP

4135 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Syria
4046 Themes and Motifs Objects Table
1973 Aesthetics Description Tableau
4748 Themes and Motifs Community Taboos
4122 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Taft, President
887 Actions Work Tailor
2479 Actions Physical Taking
3049 Actions Economic Taking without paying

Somewhat distinct from stealing; this is for when someone confiscates, keeps, or otherwise takes something for which payment might ordinarily be expected. (The incident of the golfer keeping the golf ball that Luster tries to sell to him, for example.) -JBP

2367 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Talisman
753 Actions Verbal Talking
