
Term IDsort ascending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
4697 Environment Place Courtroom
4696 Cultural Issues Gender And religion
4695 Cultural Issues War On homefront
4694 Actions Work Factory
4693 Themes and Motifs Arrivals/Departures Return from war
4692 Relationships Romantic Infidelity
4691 Actions Economic Sex as payment
4690 Actions Emotional Confident
4689 Cultural Issues Law Subpoena
4688 Cultural Issues Politics Political ambition
4687 Actions Work To pay for education
4686 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Physical deformity
4685 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Bullet hole
4684 Cultural Issues Religion Hymns
4683 Themes and Motifs Objects Dice
4682 Cultural Issues Entertainment Dancing
4681 Environment Atmospheric Hallucinated
4680 Actions Bodily Losing consciousness
4679 Themes and Motifs Objects Coffin
4678 Cultural Issues Clothes Bridal
4677 Themes and Motifs Death Imagined
4676 Cultural Issues Alcohol Wanting a drink
4675 Themes and Motifs Objects Chastity belt
4674 Themes and Motifs Objects Canteen
4673 Cultural Issues History European
4672 Cultural Issues Gender Fluidity
4671 Themes and Motifs Past Quest to recover
4670 Themes and Motifs Art Lithographs
4669 Cultural Issues Violence Assault
4668 Themes and Motifs Texts Note
4667 Environment Place Gate
4666 Themes and Motifs Animals Mice
4665 Environment Place Decayed house
4664 Environment Atmospheric Racialized
4663 Actions Communication Miscommunication
4662 Aesthetics Language Hooooooooo
4661 Actions Physical Camping
4660 Themes and Motifs Morals Loyalty
4659 Cultural Issues Clothes Goggles
4658 Cultural Issues Politics Public opinion
4657 Actions Economic Earning Money
4656 Themes and Motifs Values Charity
4655 Cultural Issues Religion Uncharitable
4654 Actions Movement Taxi
4653 Environment Place Lavatory
4652 Themes and Motifs Community Ordinary
4651 Cultural Issues Age Youth vs age
4650 Themes and Motifs Texts School book
4649 Environment Atmospheric Sexual
4648 Cultural Issues Violence Male-female
4647 Actions Verbal Whimper
4646 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Social order|disorder
4645 Aesthetics Language Grandiloquence
4644 Aesthetics Language new item
4643 Cultural Issues Gender Male gaze
4642 Themes and Motifs Money Lacking
4641 Themes and Motifs Futility Inability
4640 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Blackstone
4639 Cultural Issues Technology Public telephone
4638 Relationships Familial Providing for
4637 Cultural Issues Entertainment Music
4636 Cultural Issues Race Behaving/becoming "black"

This tag is used when a white character's appearance or behavior is associated with "blackness." Examples: when Jason Compson says in The Sound and the Fury that Miss Quentin's promiscuous behavior means she is "acting like a nigger" (181) or when Vardaman Bundren notes how his brother Cash's injured foot and his brother Jewel's burned back are turning black, "like a nigger's foot" or back (224). The trope isn't simply descriptive: it implies a loss of status, a threat to one's racial identity.

4635 Cultural Issues Gender Double standard
4634 Cultural Issues Crime Rape
4633 Aesthetics Language eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
4632 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Sacrificial Animal
4631 Actions Communication Joking
4630 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Pain
4629 Actions Bodily Urinating
4628 Actions Bodily Alimentary
4627 Aesthetics Language Baby talk
4626 Themes and Motifs Objects Military equipment
4625 Actions Bodily Defecation
4624 Cultural Issues Violence Sexual
4623 Environment Place Bedroom
4622 Cultural Issues Gender Male rivalry
4621 Actions Work Waitress
4620 Relationships Familial Dysfunctional
4619 Themes and Motifs Psychological Rationalizing
4618 Actions Verbal Praying
4617 Actions Verbal Flirting
4616 Environment Public Lavatory
4615 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Home Sweet Home
4614 Actions Emotional Disgust
4613 Environment Place Decayed plantation
4612 Aesthetics Narrative Cyclical
4611 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Solomon
4610 Actions Physical Rescuing
4609 Actions Interaction, Social Competition
4608 Actions Bodily Fasting
4607 Actions Physical Fasting
4606 Themes and Motifs Character Persistence
4605 Actions Work Dismissing from work
4604 Themes and Motifs Character Popularity
4603 Actions Verbal Social criticism
4602 Cultural Issues Law Territory
4601 Themes and Motifs Texts Treaty
4600 Actions Bodily Sleepy
4599 Actions Economic Buying timber
4598 Actions Legal Exhumation order
