
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Termsort ascending Description
335 Environment (First level term) Olfactory
2201 Environment Olfactory Old woman smell

For when Faulkner texts make explicit reference to the smell of elderly (old) women - "faint odor of old maidens" in "Go Down, Moses," the "rank smell of female old flesh" in "Absalom," etc. (Question: Does Faulkner ever reference the smell of old MEN?) JBP

1567 Cultural Issues Nationality Old vs New World
3003 Cultural Issues Identity, Personal Old vs new selves
3862 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Old Testament Book Song of Songs
3712 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Old Testament Book of Psalms
3866 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Old Testament Book of Proverbs
3567 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Old Testament Book of Isaiah
4959 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Old Testament
5299 Cultural Issues History Old South and start of the war
3240 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Old Point Comfort, Virginia
4097 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Old maid
4943 Environment Place Old Jefferson
5041 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Old Frenchman's arrival
1627 Themes and Motifs Past Old days
1671 Themes and Motifs Story-telling Old days
5024 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Old Bayard's death
2860 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Old Bailey
4341 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Old Bailey
1617 Cultural Issues Age Old age
4914 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Oklahoma
4944 Environment Place Okatoba
3812 Cultural Issues Economy Oil business
5433 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Ohio
3974 Aesthetics Language Oh Oh Oh Oh
1904 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Ogre
3058 Environment Place Official office
2949 Environment Domestic Space Office
5015 Actions Work Office
942 Environment Place Office
3048 Actions Economic Offering to sell
3366 Actions Economic Offering to buy
3926 Cultural Issues Ethnicity Offensive terminology
5352 Themes and Motifs Death Of parent
3117 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Of loved one
2653 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Odor
2731 Environment Time of Year October
4035 Actions Legal Obstructing justice / law enforcement officer
1333 Themes and Motifs Psychological Obsession
4191 Actions Perceptual Observing
2256 Relationships Intergenerational Obligation
2377 Themes and Motifs Art Objet d'art
461 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Objects
2918 Actions Physical Obeying / obedience
1463 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Obesity
4081 Themes and Motifs Objects Oars
677 Actions Emotional Nurturing
1378 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Nursing
1206 Actions Domestic Nursing
3538 Aesthetics Style Numerous adjectives
5585 Actions Emotional Numbness
4877 Cultural Issues Crime Numbers
5005 Cultural Issues Sexuality Nudity
1608 Environment Time of Year November
3092 Themes and Motifs Texts Novel
5259 Themes and Motifs Texts Notice
1332 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Nothingness
4218 Themes and Motifs Futility Nothing to do

"There's nothing else I can do now," Elly thinks (207). Reaching a point where no further options or ways forward can be imagined.

5126 Actions Communication Note
4668 Themes and Motifs Texts Note
4884 Themes and Motifs Memory Not remember
2871 Themes and Motifs Naming Not knowing person or thing's name

For occasions when a narrative draws attention to a character forgetting or not knowing the word or name of someone or something - Benjy being raised not to know his mother's name in Sound and Fury, for instance, or when Joe Christmas can't think at first of what it is he is eating until he remembers "It's peas." -JBP

4295 Cultural Issues Prejudice Not caring about race
746 Aesthetics Tone Nostalgic
301 Cultural Issues Slavery Nostalgia

When black characters, especially ones who had been enslaved, seem nostalgic for the institution of slavery. Simon in Flags in the Dust is probably the most obvious instance of this. SR

2118 Actions Emotional Nostalgia
1363 Actions Perceptual Nosiness
2100 Themes and Motifs Body Nose
2952 Cultural Issues Identity, Cultural Northerner
4899 Aesthetics Diction Northern dialect
1896 Cultural Issues Cultural Identity North vs South
4128 Cultural Issues Migration North
1582 Cultural Issues Region North
747 Environment Time of Day Noon
3072 Actions Physical Nonverbal taunting or teasing
4197 Themes and Motifs Appearance Nondescript
3432 Cultural Issues War Noncombatant
4173 Actions Communication Non-human

To capture when an animal "talks" - for example, when the narrator of "Race at Morning" says the lead dog Eagle "said, 'There he goes'" when he saw the deer. Here the narrator translates the dog's baying into words, but that isn't necessary with this term. It's for when communication occurs between species, probably always between an animal and a person. SR

459 Actions (First level term) Non-human
2856 Themes and Motifs Character Noisiness
3963 Actions Physical Nodding
3300 Cultural Issues Class noblesse-oblige
2011 Actions Interaction, Social Noblesse oblige

Any time of social contract that is maintained that relies on implied class differences. The term is a bit murky, but Faulkner refers to it explicitly and implicitly on a number of occasions. The agreement between Maury Priest and John Powell, and the remission of Miss Emily's taxes are examples. JB

2163 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Noah/flood
4154 Aesthetics Language no no
1907 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Niobe
4184 Environment Time of Day Nine o'clock p.m.
5639 Environment Time of Day Nine o'clock a.m.
2969 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Nihilism
2499 Actions Mental Nightmare
2268 Cultural Issues Clothes Nightgown
2564 Actions Work Night watchman
917 Environment Atmospheric Night
687 Environment Time of Day Night
3197 Themes and Motifs Naming Nicknames
580 Themes and Motifs Naming Nickname
3503 Themes and Motifs Money Nickel coin
4495 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Nicaragua
3352 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Niagara Falls
5426 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Newton, Isaac
