Term ID | Vocabulary | Parent | Term | Description |
2931 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Perfume | |
2932 | Environment | Olfactory | Perfume smell | |
3954 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Periodical filth | |
4699 | Cultural Issues | Law | Perjury | |
2600 | Themes and Motifs | Time | Permanence | |
4087 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Mythical | Persephone | |
4606 | Themes and Motifs | Character | Persistence | |
294 | Cultural Issues | Slavery | Persistence over time | |
3560 | Themes and Motifs | Past | Personal past | |
2332 | Themes and Motifs | Character | Personality change | |
1981 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Personification | |
1613 | Themes and Motifs | Appearance | Perspective |
I added this for "The Old People," 206.5, to describe how the narrator sees Sam Fathers growing smaller and smaller as the hunting party leaves him behind. I don't really like the term that I chose but I couldn't think of anything else. LW |
2697 | Aesthetics | Narrative | Perspective | |
2255 | Actions | Verbal | Persuasion | |
4926 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Perth Highlands, Scotland | |
4490 | Cultural Issues | Sexuality | Perverse | |
5190 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Petronius | |
2502 | Actions | Emotional | Petulance | |
2836 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Peyton, George | |
1946 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Phaeton | |
2382 | Themes and Motifs | Supernatural | Phantom | |
1121 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Biblical | Pharaoh | |
5364 | Cultural Issues | Education | Phi Beta Kappa | |
5584 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Philippines | |
3514 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Philosopher Bergson, Henri | |
386 | Themes and Motifs | (First level term) | Philosophical | |
2321 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Mythical | Phoenix | |
3209 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Phonograph | |
1906 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Photograph | |
3737 | Themes and Motifs | Art | Photograph | |
5125 | Actions | Work | Photography | |
2393 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Photography | |
353 | Actions | (First level term) | Physical | |
4686 | Cultural Issues | Health and Illness | Physical deformity | |
4211 | Themes and Motifs | Body | Physical disability | |
1366 | Relationships | Familial | Physical discipline | |
1384 | Relationships | Familial | Physical resemblances | |
2193 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Piano | |
4400 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Pickett's Charge | |
5685 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Pickett, George | |
4025 | Actions | Interaction, Social | Picnic | |
2323 | Aesthetics | Metafictional | Picture/image | |
5172 | Cultural Issues | Food | Pie | |
1971 | Cultural Issues | Religion | Piety | |
2531 | Themes and Motifs | Animals | Pigeons | |
2251 | Themes and Motifs | Animals | Pigs | |
4734 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Biblical | Pilate | |
2647 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Pilgrim | |
1458 | Cultural Issues | War | Pillage | |
2868 | Relationships | Civic | Pillar of the community | |
5687 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Pillow | |
2093 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Pine knots | |
1673 | Environment | Public | Pioneer settlement | |
1797 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Pipe | |
3211 | Environment | Olfactory | Pipe smoke | |
587 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Pistol | |
5645 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Pitcher | |
4378 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee | |
1524 | Actions | Emotional | Pity | |
337 | Environment | (First level term) | Place | |
1947 | Themes and Motifs | Supernatural | Place | |
1702 | Themes and Motifs | Naming | Place name | |
4440 | Themes and Motifs | Death | Plane accident | |
3609 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Planets | |
2465 | Actions | Verbal | Planning | |
4029 | Actions | Mental | Planning | |
4095 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Plant mint | |
738 | Environment | Place | Plantation | |
5300 | Cultural Issues | History | Plantation culture | |
748 | Environment | Domestic Space | Plantation house | |
5220 | Aesthetics | Recurring Episodes | Plantation to housing development | |
4282 | Cultural Issues | Class | Planter vs farmer | |
2392 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Planting | |
5337 | Actions | Agricultural | Planting | |
2306 | Environment | Time of Year | Planting time | |
5514 | Cultural Issues | Technology | Plastics | |
4045 | Themes and Motifs | Texts | Plat | |
354 | Actions | (First level term) | Play | |
5688 | Cultural Issues | War | Play at War | |
2113 | Themes and Motifs | Character | Playfulness | |
1290 | Environment | Place | Playground | |
4557 | Cultural Issues | Entertainment | Playing cards | |
2480 | Actions | Play | Playing in water |
For when people (usually children) are playing (splashing, etc.) in water - a creek or branch - as in The Sound and the Fury. Distinct from "swimming" per se. JBP |
2194 | Actions | Bodily | Playing music | |
3698 | Cultural Issues | Race | Playing to racial expectations / stereotypes | |
5199 | Cultural Issues | Law | Plead guilty/not guilty | |
2553 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Plow | |
1130 | Actions | Agricultural | Plowing | |
3637 | Cultural Issues | War | Plunder | |
1765 | Cultural Issues | Health and Illness | Pneumonia | |
4499 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Pocahontas | |
4403 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Poe, Edgar Allan | |
3658 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Poem "Don Juan" | |
3340 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Poem "Kubla Khan" | |
3655 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Poem "Marmion" | |
3885 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Poem "Mr. Eliot's Sunday Morning Service" | |
3852 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" | |
3159 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Poem "The Waste Land" | |
3565 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Poem "The Windhover" | |
5463 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Poem, "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard" |