
Vocabulary: Aesthetics
Term ID Termsort ascending Parent Description
5478 Robinson Crusoe Allusion, Literary
5018 Robinson Crusoe Allusion, Literary
2635 Ripple Figures of Speech
5049 Ringo whips Ab Recurring Episodes
5050 Rider in jail Recurring Episodes
4394 Richmond, Virginia Allusion, Geographical
2105 Richard I of England Allusion, Historical
2852 Rheims Allusion, Geographical
3081 Revisionary Narrative
1989 Revision Narrative
3369 Resumption of sentence after interruption Narrative
4178 Reported narration passim in section Narrative
4165 Reported narration passim Narrative
2081 Reported narration Narrative

For when a character reports what some other character has told him/her about something that has happened - typically for things that the narrator was not present to see in person. -JBP

1939 Replica Figures of Speech
982 Repetition Narrative
Vocabulary: Cultural Issues
Term ID Termsort ascending Parent Description
765 Roads Progress
5495 Road traffic Progress
4254 Rituals and rites Religion
1629 Ritual Hunting and Fishing
475 Ritual (First level term)
2940 Rite of passage Age

Any challenge or ritualized moment in which a person goes from child to adult. The other option here is coming of age, but felt like a more passive, ambiguous movement over time, when what is meant here is someone having an active, singular moment in which he or she becomes an adult. For example, Lucius winning the horse race in The Reivers (274). JB

2639 Riots Race
1716 Right of secession Government
5016 Riding Clothes
2675 Ribbons Clothes
3466 Rhodes Scholar Education
2471 Rheumatism Health and Illness
298 Revolt Slavery
904 Revenue officer Law
2492 Revenge War
4858 Revelation Religion
2686 Return to war War
2633 Return from war War
963 Return War
1171 Retrial Law
4772 Retreat War
4028 Retirement Economy
2658 Reticule Clothes
3331 Resurrection Religion
562 Respectability Class
312 Resistance Slavery

To index passages in which slaves are described taking a stand of some kind, usually verbal, against their enslavement. The clearest instances of this involve Loosh and Granny on the Sartoris plantation. (More direct physical forms of resistance are indexed under "Fugitive" and "Revolt.") SR

1677 Requirements Progress
1794 Republicanism Politics
2576 Republican Politics

In The Reivers Lucius Priest defines the various positions of Conservative, Liberal, Republican, and Democrat in the following manner: "Like this: a Republican is a man who made his money; a Liberal is a man who inherited his; a Democrat is a barefoot Liberal in a cross-country race; a Conservative is a Republican who has learned to read and write." (109) Though, these positions are hardly set in stone it is important to note the distinct separation between political outlook and political party. JB

322 Reproduction Gender
Vocabulary: Environment
Term ID Termsort ascending Parent Description
691 Road Public
2805 Road Place
2044 River-bottom Place
2071 River Natural
4526 Ritual Domestic Space
3493 Restaurant Public
Vocabulary: Relationships
Term ID Termsort ascending Parent Description
700 Rivalry Commercial
725 Rivalry Intergenerational
Vocabulary: Actions
Term ID Termsort ascending Parent Description
967 Rivalry Interaction, Private
1870 Riding Physical
2738 Riding Military
1230 Riding Movement
4548 Rhetorical question Verbal
2888 Revealing Verbal

Whenever a character accidentally or intentionally reveals an important piece of information. For example, Lucius revealing that Miss Corrie's real name is Everbe to Boon in The Reivers (212).

834 Return Movement
3184 Retreat Military
4172 Reticence Verbal
4003 Retching Bodily
1081 Restraining Violent
1970 Restraining Physical
1566 Restlessness Emotional
1844 Restauranteer Work
4083 Responding Verbal
2086 Respect Emotional
3115 Resignation Emotional
1972 Resentment Emotional
4610 Rescuing Physical
4384 Rescue Military
1919 Requesting Verbal
2917 Repression Mental
4010 Repetition Verbal
Vocabulary: Themes and Motifs
Term ID Termsort ascending Parent Description
5232 Risque Story-telling
2645 Ring Objects
5329 Right-of-way Recurring Tropes

Use to identify scenes where - because of race or class - one person is denied the right-of-way in a public space. The Sutpen children being 'ridden down' by a carriage, or Mink Snopes by Houston, and so on. Includes the related episodoes of Bayard Sartoris almost driving into wagons with Negroes in them. SR

1138 Right Morals

As in rightness, explicitly considered as a moral issue. JW

1721 Reward Money
4367 Revenge Recurring Tropes
4398 Reunion Recurring Tropes
4198 Return to Yoknapatawpha Arrivals/Departures
2907 Return to present time Time
1280 Return home Arrivals/Departures
4693 Return from war Arrivals/Departures
576 Return Arrivals/Departures
4127 Retelling Story-telling
2416 Restoring order Chaos/Order
2631 Restoration / rebuilding Recurring Tropes
1161 Responsibility Morals
1226 Responsibility Character
945 Response to Death
3861 Respect Death
2108 Resolve Character
2649 Reputation Character
4224 Repression Psychological
3013 Repetition Past
