Rejuvenated Rental Cabin in Flags in the Dust (Location)
This is the "rejuvenated rented cabin" into which the "family of country people" whom Narcissa Benbow looks after during World War I move when they come "to town" (72). The novel states that it is "on the edge of town" (72), but our decision to put it on the southeast side of Jefferson is almost entirely speculative. It is far enough from the railroad station that they use a borrowed car to get there from the cabin, which suggested the east side of town. And the fact that so many other "country people" in Flags in the Dust are from Frenchman's Bend suggested the southeast side. In Faulkner's fiction generally, the word "cabin" indicates that the people who live there are "Negroes." "Rejuvenated," however, may signal that this cabin was originally occupied by a blacks but has been spruced up for renting to "country people," a term which in Faulkner's fiction generally indicates the group often labeled "poor white."
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