
Displaying 101 - 200 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupationsort descending Rank
Charles Mallison I "An Error in Chemistry" Unnamed Father of Narrator Peripheral view
Unnamed Spinster Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Spinster Minor view
Unnamed Jefferson Neighbor "Miss Zilphia Gant" Unnamed Jefferson Neighbor Minor view
Unnamed Negro Family 2 The Town Unnamed Negro Family Minor view
Unnamed Chickasaws 8 Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Chickasaws Minor view
Unnamed Old Man 1 The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Old Man Minor view
Celia Cook|Cecilia Farmer Requiem for a Nun Farmer, Cecilia Secondary view
Quentin Compson III "That Evening Sun" Compson, Quentin Major view
Unnamed White Women and Children "Raid" Unnamed White Women and Children Minor view
Prince of Darkness The Hamlet Prince of Darkness Minor view
Unnamed New Englanders Intruder in the Dust Unnamed New Englanders Peripheral view
Loosh "Ambuscade" Loosh Secondary view
Unnamed Farmers and Negro Servants Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Farmers and Negro Servants Minor view
Unnamed Women College Students 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed Woman College Students Minor view
Son of Bill Terrel "Monk" Terrel, Son of Bill Terrel Minor view
Emily Habersham The Town Habersham, Emily Minor view
Unnamed Young Men of Ikkemotubbe "A Name for the City" Unnamed Young Men of Ikkemotubbe Minor view
Unnamed Women in Jefferson 1 "Lizards in Jamshyd’s Courtyard" Unnamed Women in Jefferson Minor view
Unnamed Old People The Mansion Unnamed Old People Minor view
Unnamed Parchman Trusties The Mansion Unnamed Parchman Trusties Peripheral view
Unnamed School Girl 1 The Sound and the Fury Unnamed School Girl(1) Minor view
Unnamed Negro Woman Boon Shoots Go Down, Moses Unnamed Negro Woman Boon Shoots Minor view
Chevalier Soeur-Blonde de Vitry "A Courtship" De Vitry, Chevalier Soeur-Blonde Minor view
Unnamed Wedding Guests Light in August Unnamed Wedding Guests Minor view
Unnamed Jefferson Ladies 1 "A Rose for Emily" Unnamed Ladies Minor view
Unnamed Americans "Shall Not Perish" Unnamed Americans Minor view
Molly Worsham Beauchamp "Go Down, Moses" Beauchamp, Mollie Worsham Major view
Unnamed Negro Witness 3 The Mansion Unnamed Negro Witness Minor view
Unnamed Enslaved Driver 2 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Enslaved Driver(2) Minor view
Unnamed Negroes in Crowd Go Down, Moses Unnamed Negroes in Crowd Minor view
Narcissa Benbow Sartoris "There Was a Queen" Sartoris, Narcissa Benbow Major view
Unnamed Two Witnesses The Town Unnamed Two Witnesses Peripheral view
Unnamed Hunters 8 "Race at Morning" Unnamed Hunters at Hollyknowe Camp Minor view
Mr. Tucker "That Will Be Fine" Tucker, Mr. Minor view
Father of Dan Grinnup The Reivers Father of Dan Grinnup Minor view
Sister Schultz "Uncle Willy" Schultz, Sister Minor view
Henry 1 The Sound and the Fury Henry Minor view
Captain Strutterbuck The Mansion Strutterbuck, Captain Minor view
Unnamed Group of Negroes 2 Light in August Unnamed Group of Negroes Minor view
Unnamed Neighbor Girl The Town Unnamed Neighbor Girl Minor view
Unnamed Children at Play Flags in the Dust Unnamed Children at Play Minor view
Marsh "Two Soldiers" Marsh Minor view
Birdsongs "Pantaloon in Black" Birdsongs Secondary view
Odum Bookwright The Mansion Bookwright, Odum Minor view
Unnamed White Men 1 "That Evening Sun" Unnamed White Men Peripheral view
Unnamed Jefferson Ladies 3 "Skirmish at Sartoris" Unnamed Jefferson Ladies Minor view
Unnamed Poor Whites in Tidewater Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Poor Whites in Tidewater Minor view
Unnamed Enslaved People 3 "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed Enslaved People Minor view
Provine, Brother of Lucius "A Bear Hunt" Provine, Brother of Lucius Minor view
Old Mr. Stone The Town Stone, Old Mr. Peripheral view
Maggie Stevens Mallison Intruder in the Dust Mallison, Maggie Secondary view
Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 3 "A Bear Hunt" Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha Minor view
Unnamed Football Players 2 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Football Players Minor view
Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 6 "Smoke" Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople Minor view
Unnamed Men 2 "An Error in Chemistry" Unnamed Men Minor view
Miss Lawington As I Lay Dying Lawington, Miss Minor view
Unnamed Bank Customers 2 The Town Unnamed Bank Customers Minor view
Maury Priest II The Reivers Priest, Maury Jr. Minor view
Chevalier Soeur-Blonde de Vitry Go Down, Moses De Vitry, Chevalier Soeur-Blonde Minor view
Unnamed Boy with Packard Sanctuary Unnamed Boy with Packard Peripheral view
Ab Snopes "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" Snopes, Abner Secondary view
Unnamed White Male Citizens of Yoknapatawpha Requiem for a Nun Unnamed White Male Citizens of Yoknapatawpha Minor view
Lucius Priest III The Reivers Priest, Lucius III Minor view
Drusilla Hawk Sartoris The Unvanquished Hawk, Drusilla Major view
Boy Grier "Shall Not Perish" Grier, Boy Major view
Bayard Sartoris III Sanctuary Sartoris Peripheral view
Aunt Rachel "That Evening Sun" Rachel, Aunt Minor view
Jed White The Unvanquished White, Jed Minor view
(Miss) Quentin The Mansion Compson, Miss Quentin Minor view
Mrs. Jason Compson II Absalom, Absalom! Compson, Mrs. Minor view
Unnamed Little Boys "A Rose for Emily" Unnamed Little Boys Minor view
Louvinia "Vendee" Louvinia Minor view
God Whom Ike McCaslin Describes Go Down, Moses God Whom Ike McCaslin Describes Peripheral view
Unnamed Confederate Veterans 3 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Confederate Veterans Peripheral view
Mothershed "Beyond" Mothershed Secondary view
Unnamed Infant 1 Sanctuary Unnamed Infant Minor view
Unnamed Friend of Narrator "A Bear Hunt" Unnamed Friend of Narrator Minor view
Unnamed Enslaved Boy 1 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Enslaved Boy Minor view
Cora Tull The Mansion Tull, Miz Minor view
Unnamed German Baroness "Ad Astra" Unnamed German Baroness Minor view
Cinthy Light in August Cinthy Minor view
Callina Beauchamp Go Down, Moses Beauchamp, Callina Minor view
Unnamed Negro Child 4 Light in August Unnamed Negro Child Minor view
Unnamed Cousin of Doom "A Justice" Unnamed Son of The Man Minor view
Birdsong Requiem for a Nun Unnamed White Man Minor view
Unnamed Narrator 1 "A Rose for Emily" Unnamed Narrator Major view
Unnamed Boy 7 The Unvanquished Unnamed Boy in Alabama Minor view
Unnamed Negro Woman on Mourner's Bench Light in August Unnamed Woman on Mourner's Bench Minor view
Mrs. Biglin The Mansion Biglin, Mrs. Minor view
Unnamed Slaves of Indians 1 "Red Leaves" Unnamed Slaves of Indians(1) Minor view
Unnamed Aboriginals 1 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Aboriginals Minor view
Unnamed Tourists from the North The Town Unnamed Tourists from the North Minor view
Unnamed University Men Sanctuary Unnamed University Men Minor view
Major Beat Four Families Intruder in the Dust McCallums Minor view
Eck Snopes' First Wife The Hamlet Snopes, First Wife of Eck Minor view
Miss Lorraine Sanctuary Miss Lorraine Secondary view
Eula Varner Snopes The Mansion Snopes, Eula Varner Secondary view
Hulett Go Down, Moses Hulett Minor view
Unnamed Original Owner of Dangerous Horse "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Original Owner of Dangerous Horse Minor view
Unnamed Father of Samuel Worsham Beauchamp Go Down, Moses Unnamed Father of Samuel Worsham Beauchamp Minor view


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