
Displaying 501 - 600 of 5013

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Unnamed Doctor 7 "Uncle Willy" Unnamed Doctor Professional Peripheral view
Uncle Robert "Uncle Willy" Robert, Uncle Minor view
Unnamed Mayor 2 "Uncle Willy" Unnamed Mayor Administrative Peripheral view
Uncle Willy Christian "Uncle Willy" Christian, Uncle Willy Sales and Service Major view
Unnamed Sheriff 7 "Uncle Willy" Unnamed Sheriff Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Drug Store Clerk 3 "Uncle Willy" Unnamed Drugstore Clerk Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Narrator 8 "Uncle Willy" Unnamed Narrator Major view
Secretary "Uncle Willy" Secretary Domestic Service Secondary view
Unnamed Father of Narrator 1 "Uncle Willy" Unnamed Father of Narrator Professional Secondary view
Mrs. Christian "Uncle Willy" Christian, Mrs. Criminal Secondary view
Unnamed Boys in Jefferson 1 "Uncle Willy" Unnamed Boys in Jefferson Minor view
Unnamed Mother of Narrator 1 "Uncle Willy" Unnamed Mother of Narrator Minor view
Captain Warren "Death Drag" Warren, Captain Armed Forces Major view
Unnamed Boys at Airfield "Death Drag" Unnamed Boys at Airfield Minor view
Unnamed Negroes 4 "Death Drag" Unnamed Negroes Minor view
Jock "Death Drag" Jock Transportation Major view
Jake 1 "Death Drag" Jake Transportation Secondary view
Unnamed White Man 3 "Death Drag" Unnamed White Man Minor view
Ginsfarb "Death Drag" Ginsfarb Other Major view
Unnamed White Men 2 "Death Drag" Unnamed Two White Men Minor view
Unnamed Taxi Driver 3 "Death Drag" Unnamed Taxi Driver Transportation Minor view
Unnamed Airplane Passengers "Death Drag" Unnamed Airplane Passengers Minor view
Calvin Coolidge "Death Drag" Coolidge, Calvin Administrative Peripheral view
Vernon 2 "Death Drag" Vernon Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Spectators at Air Show "Death Drag" Unnamed Spectators at Air Show Minor view
Harris 2 "Death Drag" Harris Minor view
Unnamed Boy 4 "Death Drag" Unnamed Boy Minor view
Mr. Black "Death Drag" Black, Mr, Minor view
Jones "Death Drag" Jones Peripheral view
Unnamed Newspaper Editor 1 "Death Drag" Unnamed Newspaper Editor Professional Minor view
Unnamed Narrator 5 "Death Drag" Unnamed Narrator Major view
Mrs. Habersham "Two Soldiers" Habersham, Mrs. Minor view
President Franklin Roosevelt "Two Soldiers" Roosevelt, President Franklin D. Peripheral view
Unnamed Social Worker "Two Soldiers" Unnamed Social Worker Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Radio Newscaster "Two Soldiers" Unnamed Radio Newscaster Professional Minor view
Marsh "Two Soldiers" Marsh Minor view
Unnamed Mother of Mrs. Grier "Two Soldiers" Unnamed Mother of Mrs. Grier Minor view
Boy Grier "Two Soldiers" Grier, Boy Major view
Unnamed People in Bus Depot "Two Soldiers" Unnamed People in Bus Depot Minor view
Unnamed Crowds in Memphis "Two Soldiers" Unnamed Crowds in Memphis Minor view
Unnamed Soldier in Memphis "Two Soldiers" Unnamed Soldier in Memphis Armed Forces Minor view
Vernon Tull "Two Soldiers" Tull Farming Peripheral view
Pete Grier "Two Soldiers" Grier, Pete Armed Forces Major view
Unnamed Enlistees "Two Soldiers" Unnamed Enlistees Armed Forces Minor view
Old Man Killegrew "Two Soldiers" Killegrew, Old Man Farming Minor view
Unnamed Army Lieutenant "Two Soldiers" Unnamed Army Lieutenant Armed Forces Minor view
Mrs. Killegrew "Two Soldiers" Killegrew, Mrs. Minor view
Mrs. McKellogg "Two Soldiers" McKellogg, Mrs. Secondary view
Mrs. Res Grier "Two Soldiers" Grier, Mrs. Res Secondary view
Colonel McKellogg "Two Soldiers" McKellogg, Colonel Armed Forces Minor view
Res Grier "Two Soldiers" Grier, Res Farming Secondary view
Unnamed Negro Elevator Operator "Two Soldiers" Unnamed Negro Elevator Operator Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Bus Driver 2 "Two Soldiers" Unnamed Bus Driver (2) Transportation Minor view
Tull, Daughters of Vernon "Two Soldiers" Tull Girls Minor view
Unnamed Negro Waiter 2 "Two Soldiers" Unnamed Negro Waiter Minor view
McKellogg Boy "Two Soldiers" McKellogg, Son of Colonel and Mrs. Peripheral view
Unnamed Bus Driver 1 "Two Soldiers" Unnamed Bus Driver(1) Transportation Minor view
Unnamed Soldier Who Drives Car "Two Soldiers" Unnamed Soldier Who Drives Car Armed Forces Minor view
Mr. Foote "Two Soldiers" Foote, Mr. Administrative Minor view
General Douglas MacArthur "Two Soldiers" MacArthur, General Douglas Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Ticket Seller 1 "Two Soldiers" Unnamed Ticket Seller Transportation Minor view
Unnamed Japanese "Two Soldiers" Unnamed Japanese Peripheral view
Unnamed Father of Hamp and Mollie "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Father of Hamp and Mollie Beauchamp Peripheral view
Unnamed Joliet Undertaker "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Joliet Undertaker Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Undertaker "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Negro Undertaker Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Mother of Molly Worsham Beauchamp "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Mother of Hamp and Mollie Beauchamp Peripheral view
Molly Worsham Beauchamp "Go Down, Moses" Beauchamp, Mollie Worsham Major view
Gavin Stevens "Go Down, Moses" Stevens, Gavin Administrative Major view
Mrs. Hamp Worsham "Go Down, Moses" Worsham, Mrs. Hamp Minor view
Unnamed Newspaper Advertisers "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Newspaper Advertisers Peripheral view
Unnamed Prison Guards 2 "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Prison Guards Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Negro Tenant Farmers 3 "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Negro Tenant Farmers Farming Peripheral view
Unnamed Census Taker "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Census Taker Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Negro Funeral Parlor Employees "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Negro Funeral Parlor Employees Sales and Service Minor view
Samuel Worsham Beauchamp "Go Down, Moses" Beauchamp, Samuel Worsham Criminal Secondary view
Unnamed Whites in Crowd "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Whites in Crowd Minor view
Unnamed Father of Samuel Worsham Beauchamp "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Father of Samuel Worsham Beauchamp Minor view
Unnamed Jefferson Merchants and Professionals 2 "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Jefferson Merchants and Professionals Minor view
Samuel Beauchamp's Mother "Go Down, Moses" Beauchamp, Mother of Samuel Beauchamp Minor view
Unnamed Municipal Officials 1 "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Municipal Officials Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Chicago Police Officer "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Chicago Police Officer Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Sheriff 12 "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Sheriff Administrative Minor view
Samuel Worsham "Go Down, Moses" Worsham, Samuel Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Driver 3 "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Negro Driver Transportation Minor view
Unnamed District Attorney 3 "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed District Attorney Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Prison Warden "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Prison Warden Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Jefferson Police Officer "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Jefferson Police Officer Administrative Minor view
Lucas Quintus Carothers McCaslin Beauchamp "Go Down, Moses" Beauchamp, Luke Minor view
Worsham, Grandfather of Belle "Go Down, Moses" Worsham, Grandfather of Belle Minor view
Carothers Roth Edmonds "Go Down, Moses" Edmonds, Carothers Management Peripheral view
Wilmoth "Go Down, Moses" Wilmoth, Mr. Other Secondary view
Hamp Worsham "Go Down, Moses" Worsham, Hamp Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed District Attorney in Chicago "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed District Attorney in Chicago Administrative Minor view
Belle Worsham|Eunice Habersham "Go Down, Moses" Worsham, Belle Sales and Service Major view
Unnamed Lawyer 7 "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Lawyer Professional Peripheral view
Unnamed Negroes in Crowd "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Negroes in Crowd Minor view
Unnamed Youngest Negro in Delta Camp "Delta Autumn" Unnamed Youngest Negro Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Mississippi Indians 1 "Delta Autumn" Unnamed Indians in Mississippi Minor view
Major de Spain "Delta Autumn" De Spain, Major Management Minor view
Smith and Jones "Delta Autumn" Smith and Jones Peripheral view


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