
Displaying 3901 - 4000 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupation Ranksort descending
Woodrow Wilson The Mansion Wilson, Woodrow Administrative Peripheral view
Drake, Mother of Temple Requiem for a Nun Drake, Mother of Temple Stevens Peripheral view
Adolph Hitler "Delta Autumn" Hitler, Adolph Administrative Peripheral view
General John Pope Flags in the Dust Pope, General John Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Train Passengers 9 The Reivers Unnamed Train Passengers Peripheral view
Jody Varner As I Lay Dying Varner, Jody Peripheral view
Adolph Hitler Go Down, Moses Hitler, Adolph Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Yardman 1 Sanctuary Unnamed Negro Yardman Domestic Service Peripheral view
Unnamed American Haberdashers "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed American Haberdashers Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Lady Poet Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Lady Poet Other Peripheral view
Unnamed Bailiff 4 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Bailiff Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Russian Poet The Mansion Unnamed Russian Poet Other Peripheral view
Unnamed Assistant Provost Marshal Flags in the Dust Unnamed Assistant Provost Marshal Armed Forces Peripheral view
Mrs. Andrew Jackson "Appendix: Compson" Jackson, Mrs. Peripheral view
Unnamed Confederate Captain "The Unvanquished" Unnamed Confederate Captain Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Neighbors of Judge Allison "Beyond" Unnamed Neighbors of Judge Allison Peripheral view
Unnamed Grandmother of Boon Hogganbeck Go Down, Moses Unnamed Grandmother of Boon Hogganbeck Peripheral view
Louis Grenier Intruder in the Dust Grenier, Louis Management Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Strangers The Hamlet Unnamed Negro Strangers Peripheral view
Unnamed Minister in Santa Fe Light in August Unnamed Minister in Sante Fe Professional Peripheral view
Old Lady Wyatt "A Rose for Emily" Wyatt, "Old Lady" Peripheral view
Unnamed Second Cousin of Herman Basket's Aunt "A Courtship" Unnamed Second Cousin of Herman Basket's Aunt Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Moonshiner 1 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Negro Moonshiner Peripheral view
Monaghan, Grandfather of Buck "Ad Astra" Monaghan, Grandfather of Buck Peripheral view
Unnamed Father of Belle and Joan Sanctuary Unnamed Father of Belle Peripheral view
V.K. Ratcliffe III The Mansion Ratliff III, V.K. Peripheral view
Unnamed Young Northern Woman Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Young Northern Woman Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Family of Vicksburg Aunt "Delta Autumn" Unnamed Negro Family of Vicksburg Aunt Peripheral view
Unnamed Union Soldiers 8 The Unvanquished Unnamed Union Soldiers(4) Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed College Instructor The Hamlet Unnamed College Instructor Professional Peripheral view
Quentin Compson's Aunt Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Aunt of Quentin Compson Peripheral view
Henry Ford The Reivers Ford, Henry Management Peripheral view
Virginius MacCallum's Father Flags in the Dust MacCallum, Father of Virginius Farming Peripheral view
Unnamed American Soldier 1 Sanctuary Unnamed American Soldier Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Sheriff 6 "Skirmish at Sartoris" Unnamed Sheriff Administrative Peripheral view
Amodeus (Buddy) McCaslin The Unvanquished McCaslin, Buddy Armed Forces Peripheral view
E.E. Peebles Light in August Peebles, E.E. Professional Peripheral view
Unnamed Union General 1 "Ambuscade" Unnamed Union General Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Sexual Partners of Miss Quentin The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Sexual Partners of Miss Quentin Peripheral view
Unnamed Field Workers 2 "Monk" Unnamed Field Workers Farming Peripheral view
Unnamed Wilderness Outlaws "A Name for the City" Unnamed Wilderness Outlaws Criminal Peripheral view
Nathan Bedford Forrest Go Down, Moses Forrest, General Nathan Bedford Armed Forces Peripheral view
Carothers Roth Edmonds "Go Down, Moses" Edmonds, Carothers Management Peripheral view
Nathan Bedford Forrest "Vendee" Forrest, General Nathan Bedford Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Texas Millionaire "Uncle Willy" Unnamed Texas Millionaire Production Peripheral view
Unnamed Aviators "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Aviators Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Enslaved Children 1 The Unvanquished Unnamed Enslaved Children Peripheral view
General Hooker Requiem for a Nun Hooker, General Armed Forces Peripheral view
Norman Thomas The Mansion Thomas, Norman Professional Peripheral view
Unnamed Grandmother of Boon Hogganbeck The Reivers Unnamed Grandmother of Boon Peripheral view
President Franklin Roosevelt "Two Soldiers" Roosevelt, President Franklin D. Peripheral view
Unnamed Executives in St. Louis "Gold Is Not Always" Unnamed Executives in St. Louis Sales and Service Peripheral view
Nathan Bedford Forrest The Unvanquished Forrest, General Nathan Bedford Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Drummer 3 "Smoke" Unnamed Drummer Sales and Service Peripheral view
John Sartoris I Requiem for a Nun Sartoris, John Management Peripheral view
Unnamed Bondsmen 2 The Town Unnamed Bondsmen Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Memphis Investigator Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Memphis Investigator Administrative Peripheral view
John Sevier The Unvanquished Sevier, John Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Southern Lady Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Southern Lady Peripheral view
John L. Sullivan Absalom, Absalom! Sullivan, John L. Other Peripheral view
Unnamed White Man 5 "A Courtship" Unnamed White Man Peripheral view
Unnamed Yankee Raiders The Town Unnamed Yankee Raiders Armed Forces Peripheral view
Thompson, Daughter of Pappy Light in August Thompson, Daughter of Pappy Peripheral view
General Grant "Shall Not Perish" Grant, Ulysses S. Armed Forces Peripheral view
Adolph Hitler The Mansion Hitler, Adolf Administrative Peripheral view
President Franklin Roosevelt Go Down, Moses Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Administrative Peripheral view
John Brown Intruder in the Dust Brown, John Other Peripheral view
Unnamed Choir at Country Church Light in August Unnamed Choir at Country Church Peripheral view
Unnamed Neighbor of Benbow Sanctuary Unnamed Neighbor Peripheral view
Smith, Father of McKinley The Mansion Smith, Father of McKinley Farming Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Yardmen 2 Light in August Unnamed Negro Yardmen Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Men 1 "That Will Be Fine" Unnamed Men Peripheral view
Unnamed Stranger 2 The Mansion Unnamed Stranger Peripheral view
Unnamed Grandmother of Cecilia Farmer Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Grandmother of Cecilia Farmer Peripheral view
Unnamed Enslaved Male The Unvanquished Unnamed Male Slave Peripheral view
Alexander Holston Intruder in the Dust Holston Management Peripheral view
Unnamed King of Britain "Ad Astra" Unnamed King of Britain Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed People of This Delta "Delta Autumn" Unnamed People of This Delta Peripheral view
Unnamed White Hunter The Hamlet Unnamed White Hunter Production Peripheral view
Unnamed Kinswoman of Quentin's Aunt Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Kinswoman of Quentin's Aunt Peripheral view
Unnamed Father of Luster The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Father of Luster Peripheral view
Unnamed Filipino Woman Sanctuary Unnamed Filipino Woman Peripheral view
Unnamed Government Officials "Uncle Willy" Unnamed Government Officials Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Ancestors of Temple Drake Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Ancestors of Temple Drake Peripheral view
Unnamed Men Who Caused the World Wars The Mansion Unnamed Men Who Caused the World Wars Peripheral view
General Joseph Johnston "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" Johnston, General Joseph Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Grandfather of Boy Hunter "The Bear" Unnamed Grandfather of Boy Hunter Management Peripheral view
General Smith The Unvanquished Smith, General Andrew Jackson Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Woman Near Burden Place Light in August Unnamed Negro Woman Near Burden Place Peripheral view
Unnamed Negroes 2 "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Negroes on Sartoris Plantation Farming Peripheral view
Unnamed Mother of Will Varner The Hamlet Unnamed Mother of Will Varner Peripheral view
Hershell Jones Sanctuary Jones, Herschell Peripheral view
Hoke Christian "Uncle Willy" Christian, Hoke Sales and Service Peripheral view
Harry Wong "Knight's Gambit" Wong, Harry Peripheral view
Benbow Family The Unvanquished Benbow Family Peripheral view
General John Pope Requiem for a Nun Pope, General Armed Forces Peripheral view
Harry Truman The Mansion Truman, Harry Administrative Peripheral view
Uncle Willy Christian The Reivers Christian Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Slaves of Indians 3 "Red Leaves" Unnamed Young Negro Slaves Peripheral view
Major Yoknapatawpha Families "Appendix: Compson" Sartorises Peripheral view


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