Displaying 2501 - 2600 of 5013
CharKey | Text | Name | Occupation |
Rank![]() |
Unnamed Assistant to Judge Gowan | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed Assistant to Judge Gowan | Administrative | Minor | view |
Calvin Burden II | "Skirmish at Sartoris" | Burden(2) | Management | Minor | view |
Mr. Barbour | "Uncle Willy" | Barbour, Mr. | Minor | view | |
Milly Jones | Absalom, Absalom! | Jones, Milly | Minor | view | |
Binford | The Mansion | Binford | Minor | view | |
Uncle Bud | Sanctuary | Uncle Bud | Minor | view | |
James Beauchamp's Daughter | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed Aunt of Roth Edmonds' Mistress | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Jewish Families | The Town | Unnamed Jewish Families | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Archaeologists 2 | "An Error in Chemistry" | Unnamed Archaeologists | Professional | Minor | view |
Unnamed Boy 5 | "Miss Zilphia Gant" | Unnamed Boy | Minor | view | |
Unnamed White People outside Jail | Sanctuary | Unnamed White People Outside Jail | Minor | view | |
Molly Worsham Beauchamp | "A Point of Law" | Beauchamp, Mrs. Lucas | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Spinster | Intruder in the Dust | Unnamed Spinster | Minor | view | |
Labove, Father of Labove | The Hamlet | Labove, Father of Labove | Farming | Minor | view |
Vardaman Snopes | The Mansion | Snopes, Vardaman | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Negro Grooms | "Knight's Gambit" | Unnamed Negro Grooms | Domestic Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Negress | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed Negress | Domestic Service | Minor | view |
Russell | Light in August | Russell | Administrative | Minor | view |
Unnamed Negro Troops | "By the People" | Unnamed Negro Troops | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Modern Planter | Requiem for a Nun | Unnamed Modern Planter | Management | Minor | view |
Unnamed Blind Negro Musician | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed Blind Negro Musician | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Show Cook | The Sound and the Fury | Unnamed Show Cook | Other | Minor | view |
Unnamed White Man 6 | The Reivers | Unnamed White Man | Criminal | Minor | view |
Unnamed Negro Store Manager|Owner | The Mansion | Unnamed Negro Store Manager|Owner | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
C.L. Gambrell | "Monk" | Gambrell, C.L. | Administrative | Minor | view |
Unnamed Union Sentry 2 | "The Unvanquished" | Unnamed Union Sentry | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Craps Dealer | Sanctuary | Unnamed Craps Dealer | Criminal | Minor | view |
Unnamed Negro Witness 2 | "Smoke" | Unnamed Negro Witness(2) | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Father-in-Law of Trusty | The Mansion | Unnamed Father-in-Law of Trusty | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Boys and Negroes | Sanctuary | Unnamed Boys and Negroes | Minor | view | |
Unnamed White Women and Children | "Raid" | Unnamed White Women and Children | Minor | view | |
Ikkemotubbe | Go Down, Moses | Ikkemotubbe | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Enslaved Body Servant 2 | Absalom, Absalom! | Unnamed Enslaved Body Servant(2) | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Aviator 1 | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed Aviator | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Members of Sartoris' Troop | "Retreat" | Unnamed Members of Sartoris' Troop | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Grocery Delivery Boy | Sanctuary | Unnamed Grocery Delivery Boy | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Countrymen 2 | The Town | Unnamed Countrymen | Minor | view | |
Clefus | The Town | Clefus | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Bandit | "A Name for the City" | Unnamed Bandit | Criminal | Minor | view |
Ab Russell | The Sound and the Fury | Russell, Ab | Farming | Minor | view |
Unnamed Women in Jefferson 2 | The Unvanquished | Unnamed Women in Jefferson | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Classmates of Minnie Cooper | "Dry September" | Unnamed Schoolmates of Minnie Cooper | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Negro Youth 1 | "Barn Burning" | Unnamed Negro Youth | Minor | view | |
Sarah Burden | Light in August | Burden, Sarah | Minor | view | |
Houston's Father | The Hamlet | Houston, Mr. | Farming | Minor | view |
Tubbs|Euphus Tubb | Requiem for a Nun | Tubbs, Mr. | Administrative | Minor | view |
Versh Gibson | "That Evening Sun" | Versh | Minor | view | |
Unnamed School Girl 1 | The Sound and the Fury | Unnamed School Girl(1) | Minor | view | |
Ephum | The Reivers | Ephum | Domestic Service | Minor | view |
Spoade II | The Mansion | Spoade II | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 14 | "Fool About a Horse" | Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople | Minor | view | |
Chevalier Soeur-Blonde de Vitry | "A Courtship" | De Vitry, Chevalier Soeur-Blonde | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Men at Farm House | Light in August | Unnamed Men at Farm House | Farming | Minor | view |
Jason Compson III | "Lion" | Compson, Father of Quentin | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Neighbor of Meadowfill | The Mansion | Unnamed Neighbor of Meadowfill | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Americans | "Shall Not Perish" | Unnamed Americans | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Confederate Generals | Absalom, Absalom! | Unnamed Confederate Generals | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 3 | "Hair" | Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Airplane Passengers | "Death Drag" | Unnamed Airplane Passengers | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Men at Whiteleaf Store 2 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Men at Whiteleaf Store(2) | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Deputy Sheriff 11 | The Town | Unnamed Deputy Sheriff | Administrative | Minor | view |
Mrs. Patterson | The Sound and the Fury | Patterson, Mrs. | Minor | view | |
Colonel John Sartoris' Daughter 2 | Flags in the Dust | Sartoris, Daughter of John Sartoris(2) | Minor | view | |
Major de Spain | "Delta Autumn" | De Spain, Major | Management | Minor | view |
Belle Worsham|Eunice Habersham | The Town | Habersham, Eunice | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Memphis Preacher | The Unvanquished | Unnamed Memphis Preacher | Professional | Minor | view |
Pettigrew | "Beyond" | Pettigrew | Professional | Minor | view |
Unnamed Man in Mob 1 | Intruder in the Dust | Unnamed Man in Mob(1) | Farming | Minor | view |
Damuddy Bascomb | The Sound and the Fury | Damuddy | Minor | view | |
Unnamed People in Jefferson Alley | The Hamlet | Unnamed People in Jefferson Alley | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Father of Joe Christmas | Light in August | Unnamed Father of Joe Christmas | Other | Minor | view |
Father of Dan Grinnup | The Reivers | Father of Dan Grinnup | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Waiters in New York | The Mansion | Unnamed Waiters in New York | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed People Traveling in Wagons | The Hamlet | Unnamed People Traveling in Wagons | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Slaves in Delta | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed Slaves in Delta | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Companions of Ikkemotubbe | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed Companions of Ikkemotubbe | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Clerk at Varner's Store | Light in August | Unnamed Clerk at Varner's Store | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Gunnery Sergeant | "All the Dead Pilots" | Unnamed Gunnery Sergeant | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Miss Allison | The Mansion | Allison, Miss | Professional | Minor | view |
Boon Hogganbeck | "The Old People" | Hogganbeck, Boon | Other | Minor | view |
Sonny Barger | "Uncle Willy" | Barger, Sonny | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed University of Mississippi Students 1 | Absalom, Absalom! | Unnamed University of Mississippi Students | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Confederate Soldiers 7 | "Appendix: Compson" | Unnamed Confederate Soldiers | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Jefferson Ladies 3 | "Skirmish at Sartoris" | Unnamed Jefferson Ladies | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Negro Youth 2 | "An Error in Chemistry" | Unnamed Negro Youth | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Negro Funeral Parlor Employees | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed Negro Funeral Parlor Employees | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Garraway, Father of Mr. Garraway | The Town | Garraway, Father of Mr. Garraway | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Postmaster | "Miss Zilphia Gant" | Unnamed Postmaster | Administrative | Minor | view |
Carothers Roth Edmonds | Intruder in the Dust | Edmonds, Carothers | Management | Minor | view |
Henry 2 | "A Point of Law" | Henry | Administrative | Minor | view |
Unnamed Veterans of World War I 1 | The Town | Unnamed Veterans of World War I | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Insurance Agent | "Hand Upon the Waters" | Unnamed Insurance Agent | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Ernest | "Spotted Horses" | Ernest | Farming | Minor | view |
Unnamed White People 2 | Light in August | Unnamed White People | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Members of Jehovah's Shareholders | The Mansion | Unnamed Members of Jehovah's Shareholders | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Negro Hostler 1 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Negro Hostler(2) | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Henry Sutpen | "Wash" | Sutpen, Son of Colonel Sutpen | Minor | view | |
Lessep Priest | The Reivers | Priest, Lessep | Minor | view | |
Pat Stamper | The Mansion | Stamper, Pat | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
General Longstreet | Requiem for a Nun | Longstreet, General | Armed Forces | Minor | view |