
Displaying 2501 - 2600 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupation Ranksort descending
Unnamed Assistant to Judge Gowan Go Down, Moses Unnamed Assistant to Judge Gowan Administrative Minor view
Calvin Burden II "Skirmish at Sartoris" Burden(2) Management Minor view
Mr. Barbour "Uncle Willy" Barbour, Mr. Minor view
Milly Jones Absalom, Absalom! Jones, Milly Minor view
Binford The Mansion Binford Minor view
Uncle Bud Sanctuary Uncle Bud Minor view
James Beauchamp's Daughter Go Down, Moses Unnamed Aunt of Roth Edmonds' Mistress Minor view
Unnamed Jewish Families The Town Unnamed Jewish Families Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Archaeologists 2 "An Error in Chemistry" Unnamed Archaeologists Professional Minor view
Unnamed Boy 5 "Miss Zilphia Gant" Unnamed Boy Minor view
Unnamed White People outside Jail Sanctuary Unnamed White People Outside Jail Minor view
Molly Worsham Beauchamp "A Point of Law" Beauchamp, Mrs. Lucas Minor view
Unnamed Spinster Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Spinster Minor view
Labove, Father of Labove The Hamlet Labove, Father of Labove Farming Minor view
Vardaman Snopes The Mansion Snopes, Vardaman Minor view
Unnamed Negro Grooms "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Negro Grooms Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Negress Flags in the Dust Unnamed Negress Domestic Service Minor view
Russell Light in August Russell Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Negro Troops "By the People" Unnamed Negro Troops Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Modern Planter Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Modern Planter Management Minor view
Unnamed Blind Negro Musician Flags in the Dust Unnamed Blind Negro Musician Minor view
Unnamed Show Cook The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Show Cook Other Minor view
Unnamed White Man 6 The Reivers Unnamed White Man Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Negro Store Manager|Owner The Mansion Unnamed Negro Store Manager|Owner Sales and Service Minor view
C.L. Gambrell "Monk" Gambrell, C.L. Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Union Sentry 2 "The Unvanquished" Unnamed Union Sentry Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Craps Dealer Sanctuary Unnamed Craps Dealer Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Negro Witness 2 "Smoke" Unnamed Negro Witness(2) Minor view
Unnamed Father-in-Law of Trusty The Mansion Unnamed Father-in-Law of Trusty Minor view
Unnamed Boys and Negroes Sanctuary Unnamed Boys and Negroes Minor view
Unnamed White Women and Children "Raid" Unnamed White Women and Children Minor view
Ikkemotubbe Go Down, Moses Ikkemotubbe Minor view
Unnamed Enslaved Body Servant 2 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Enslaved Body Servant(2) Minor view
Unnamed Aviator 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed Aviator Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Members of Sartoris' Troop "Retreat" Unnamed Members of Sartoris' Troop Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Grocery Delivery Boy Sanctuary Unnamed Grocery Delivery Boy Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Countrymen 2 The Town Unnamed Countrymen Minor view
Clefus The Town Clefus Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Bandit "A Name for the City" Unnamed Bandit Criminal Minor view
Ab Russell The Sound and the Fury Russell, Ab Farming Minor view
Unnamed Women in Jefferson 2 The Unvanquished Unnamed Women in Jefferson Minor view
Unnamed Classmates of Minnie Cooper "Dry September" Unnamed Schoolmates of Minnie Cooper Minor view
Unnamed Negro Youth 1 "Barn Burning" Unnamed Negro Youth Minor view
Sarah Burden Light in August Burden, Sarah Minor view
Houston's Father The Hamlet Houston, Mr. Farming Minor view
Tubbs|Euphus Tubb Requiem for a Nun Tubbs, Mr. Administrative Minor view
Versh Gibson "That Evening Sun" Versh Minor view
Unnamed School Girl 1 The Sound and the Fury Unnamed School Girl(1) Minor view
Ephum The Reivers Ephum Domestic Service Minor view
Spoade II The Mansion Spoade II Minor view
Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 14 "Fool About a Horse" Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople Minor view
Chevalier Soeur-Blonde de Vitry "A Courtship" De Vitry, Chevalier Soeur-Blonde Minor view
Unnamed Men at Farm House Light in August Unnamed Men at Farm House Farming Minor view
Jason Compson III "Lion" Compson, Father of Quentin Minor view
Unnamed Neighbor of Meadowfill The Mansion Unnamed Neighbor of Meadowfill Minor view
Unnamed Americans "Shall Not Perish" Unnamed Americans Minor view
Unnamed Confederate Generals Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Confederate Generals Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 3 "Hair" Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople Minor view
Unnamed Airplane Passengers "Death Drag" Unnamed Airplane Passengers Minor view
Unnamed Men at Whiteleaf Store 2 The Hamlet Unnamed Men at Whiteleaf Store(2) Minor view
Unnamed Deputy Sheriff 11 The Town Unnamed Deputy Sheriff Administrative Minor view
Mrs. Patterson The Sound and the Fury Patterson, Mrs. Minor view
Colonel John Sartoris' Daughter 2 Flags in the Dust Sartoris, Daughter of John Sartoris(2) Minor view
Major de Spain "Delta Autumn" De Spain, Major Management Minor view
Belle Worsham|Eunice Habersham The Town Habersham, Eunice Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Memphis Preacher The Unvanquished Unnamed Memphis Preacher Professional Minor view
Pettigrew "Beyond" Pettigrew Professional Minor view
Unnamed Man in Mob 1 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Man in Mob(1) Farming Minor view
Damuddy Bascomb The Sound and the Fury Damuddy Minor view
Unnamed People in Jefferson Alley The Hamlet Unnamed People in Jefferson Alley Minor view
Unnamed Father of Joe Christmas Light in August Unnamed Father of Joe Christmas Other Minor view
Father of Dan Grinnup The Reivers Father of Dan Grinnup Minor view
Unnamed Waiters in New York The Mansion Unnamed Waiters in New York Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed People Traveling in Wagons The Hamlet Unnamed People Traveling in Wagons Minor view
Unnamed Slaves in Delta Go Down, Moses Unnamed Slaves in Delta Minor view
Unnamed Companions of Ikkemotubbe Go Down, Moses Unnamed Companions of Ikkemotubbe Minor view
Unnamed Clerk at Varner's Store Light in August Unnamed Clerk at Varner's Store Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Gunnery Sergeant "All the Dead Pilots" Unnamed Gunnery Sergeant Armed Forces Minor view
Miss Allison The Mansion Allison, Miss Professional Minor view
Boon Hogganbeck "The Old People" Hogganbeck, Boon Other Minor view
Sonny Barger "Uncle Willy" Barger, Sonny Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed University of Mississippi Students 1 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed University of Mississippi Students Minor view
Unnamed Confederate Soldiers 7 "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed Confederate Soldiers Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Jefferson Ladies 3 "Skirmish at Sartoris" Unnamed Jefferson Ladies Minor view
Unnamed Negro Youth 2 "An Error in Chemistry" Unnamed Negro Youth Minor view
Unnamed Negro Funeral Parlor Employees Go Down, Moses Unnamed Negro Funeral Parlor Employees Sales and Service Minor view
Garraway, Father of Mr. Garraway The Town Garraway, Father of Mr. Garraway Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Postmaster "Miss Zilphia Gant" Unnamed Postmaster Administrative Minor view
Carothers Roth Edmonds Intruder in the Dust Edmonds, Carothers Management Minor view
Henry 2 "A Point of Law" Henry Administrative Minor view
Unnamed Veterans of World War I 1 The Town Unnamed Veterans of World War I Armed Forces Minor view
Unnamed Insurance Agent "Hand Upon the Waters" Unnamed Insurance Agent Sales and Service Minor view
Ernest "Spotted Horses" Ernest Farming Minor view
Unnamed White People 2 Light in August Unnamed White People Minor view
Unnamed Members of Jehovah's Shareholders The Mansion Unnamed Members of Jehovah's Shareholders Minor view
Unnamed Negro Hostler 1 The Hamlet Unnamed Negro Hostler(2) Sales and Service Minor view
Henry Sutpen "Wash" Sutpen, Son of Colonel Sutpen Minor view
Lessep Priest The Reivers Priest, Lessep Minor view
Pat Stamper The Mansion Stamper, Pat Sales and Service Minor view
General Longstreet Requiem for a Nun Longstreet, General Armed Forces Minor view


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