
Displaying 4801 - 4900 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupationsort ascending Rank
Unnamed Countrywoman 2 Sanctuary Unnamed Countrywoman Minor view
Unnamed Friends of Narrator "A Bear Hunt" Unnamed Friends of Narrator Minor view
Unnamed Negro Girl 3 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Negro Girl Minor view
Unnamed Two Men 1 Light in August Unnamed Two Men(1) Minor view
Unnamed Parents of Vera The Reivers Unnamed Parents of Vera Peripheral view
Amodeus McCaslin Beauchamp Go Down, Moses Beauchamp, Amodeus Minor view
Unnamed Members of Other Congregations Light in August Unnamed Members of Other Congregations Minor view
Unnamed Texans Light in August Unnamed Texans Minor view
Unnamed Chickasaws 10 The Reivers Unnamed Chickasaws Peripheral view
Unnamed Young Girls 1 "A Rose for Emily" Unnamed Young Girls Minor view
Vynie Snopes The Unvanquished Snopes, Mrs. Minor view
Unnamed Negro Messenger 2 Light in August Unnamed Negro Messenger Minor view
Winterbottom The Hamlet Winterbottom Peripheral view
Mrs. Jason Compson II "Retreat" Compson, Mrs. Minor view
Unnamed Negro Boy 7 The Mansion Unnamed Negro Boy(2) Minor view
Three Basket "Red Leaves" Three Basket Major view
Wallstreet Panic Snopes The Hamlet Snopes, Wallstreet Panic Secondary view
Unnamed White Man 4 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed White Man Minor view
Ikkemotubbe "The Bear" Unnamed Chickasaw Chief Peripheral view
Unnamed Mississippi Indians 1 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Mississippi Indians Minor view
Unnamed Enslaved People 4 The Town Unnamed Enslaved People Minor view
Unnamed Oxford Town Boys Sanctuary Unnamed Oxford Town Boys Minor view
Unnamed Negro Girls and Women Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Negro Girls and Women Minor view
Linda Snopes Kohl The Hamlet Snopes, Daughter of Eula Minor view
Myrtle 3 Sanctuary Miss Myrtle Secondary view
Issetibbeha Requiem for a Nun Issetibbeha Peripheral view
Unnamed People in Chancellor's Office Go Down, Moses Unnamed People in Chancellor's Office Minor view
Mrs. Merridew "Uncle Willy" Merridew, Mrs. Major view
Mink Snopes' Mother The Mansion Snopes, Mother of Mink Minor view
Child of Tomey's Turl and Tennie Beauchamp Go Down, Moses Beauchamp, Unnamed Child of Tomey's Turl and Tennie Minor view
Unnamed Grandmother of Will Falls Flags in the Dust Unnamed Grandmother of Will Falls Minor view
Halliday Light in August Halliday Minor view
Unnamed Newest Wife of Issetibbeha "Red Leaves" Unnamed Second Wife of Issetibbeha Minor view
Mrs. Carter MacCallum "The Tall Men" McCallum, Mrs. Carter Peripheral view
Ikkemotubbe Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Father of Sam Fathers Peripheral view
T.P. Gibson "Appendix: Compson" TP Minor view
Unnamed Driver 1 "Monk" Unnamed Driver Minor view
Unnamed Negro Murder Victim Sanctuary Unnamed Negro Murder Victim Minor view
Unnamed Confederate Veterans 5 The Town Unnamed Confederate Veterans Minor view
Byron Snopes' Daughter The Town Snopes, Daughter of Byron Snopes Minor view
Unnamed First Rider "Lizards in Jamshyd’s Courtyard" Unnamed "First Rider" Minor view
Unnamed People in Heaven The Unvanquished Unnamed People in Heaven Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Old Woman 1 Sanctuary Unnamed Old Negro Woman Minor view
Unnamed People at Prayer Meeting Light in August Unnamed People at Prayer Meeting Minor view
Backhouse, Grandfather of Philip "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" Backhouse, Grandfather of Philip Minor view
Unnamed Townsmen Go Down, Moses Unnamed Townsmen Minor view
Henry Armstid The Mansion Armstid, Henry Minor view
Unnamed Mother of Clytemnestra Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Enslaved Mother of Clytemnestra Minor view
Unnamed Pregnant Slave The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Pregnant Slave Minor view
Unnamed Re-Enslaved Negroes The Unvanquished Unnamed Re-Enslaved Negroes Minor view
De Spain Ancestors "Shall Not Perish" De Spain Ancestors Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Young Men Go Down, Moses Unnamed Young Male Negroes Minor view
Mrs. Hamp Worsham "Go Down, Moses" Worsham, Mrs. Hamp Minor view
Unnamed Men of Frenchman's Bend The Hamlet Unnamed Men of Frenchman's Bend Minor view
Jesus 2 "That Evening Sun" Jesus Secondary view
Unnamed Boy Who Owns Rifle The Mansion Unnamed Boy Who Owns Rifle Peripheral view
Montgomery Ward Snopes The Hamlet Snopes, Child of I.O. Minor view
Percy Benbow Absalom, Absalom! Benbow, Percy Minor view
Unnamed First Aboriginal "The Bear" Unnamed First Indian Peripheral view
Virginia Sartoris Du Pre Sanctuary Du Pre, Jenny Sartoris Secondary view
Charles Sutpen Bon Absalom, Absalom! Bon, Charles Major view
Flem Snopes' Grandfather The Town Snopes, Grandfather of Flem Peripheral view
Maurice Priest The Town Priest, Maurice Minor view
Unnamed Slave at Sutpen's "Wash" Unnamed Slave at Sutpen's Minor view
Unnamed White Men 2 "Death Drag" Unnamed Two White Men Minor view
Emily Grierson "A Rose for Emily" Grierson, Emily Major view
Henry Beauchamp Go Down, Moses Beauchamp, Henry Secondary view
Candace Compson The Sound and the Fury Compson, Caddy Major view
Virgil Snopes The Mansion Snopes, Virgil Minor view
Unnamed Voyeurs The Reivers Unnamed Voyeurs Minor view
Vernon Tull's Father As I Lay Dying Tull, Vernon’s Father Peripheral view
Unnamed Spinster Aunts and Uncles Go Down, Moses Unnamed Spinster Aunts and Uncles Peripheral view
Unnamed Moonshine Buyers 1 Light in August Unnamed Moonshine Buyers Minor view
Unnamed School Children 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed School Children Minor view
Poleymus, Children of Constable The Reivers Poleymus, Children of Constable Peripheral view
Boy Grier "Two Soldiers" Grier, Boy Major view
Mrs. Odum Bookwright The Hamlet Bookwright, Mrs. Odum Minor view
Unnamed Siblings of Doom "Red Leaves" Unnamed Siblings of Doom Minor view
Bayard Sartoris II "Retreat" Sartoris, Bayard Major view
Varner, Future Wife of Jody The Hamlet Varner, Future Wife of Jody Peripheral view
Unnamed Wagon Driver 1 Light in August Unnamed Wagon Driver(1) Minor view
Sutpen Ancestors and Descendants Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Sutpen Ancestors and Descendants Peripheral view
Unnamed High School Students "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed High School Students Minor view
Unnamed Wife of College Instructor The Hamlet Unnamed Wife of College Instructor Minor view
Nelly Ratcliffe The Town Ratcliffe, Mrs. Minor view
Hubert Drake Sanctuary Drake, Hubert Minor view
Unnamed Customer of Mrs. Gant "Miss Zilphia Gant" Unnamed Customer of Mrs. Gant Minor view
Mrs. Carothers McCaslin The Reivers McCaslin, Great-Great-Grandmother Peripheral view
Mohataha Requiem for a Nun Mohataha Minor view
Unnamed Lynchers Go Down, Moses Unnamed Lynchers of Rider Minor view
Old Het "Mule in the Yard" Het Major view
Unnamed People on the Road to Memphis The Unvanquished Unnamed People on the Road to Memphis Minor view
Unnamed Movie-Goers 2 Light in August Unnamed Movie-Goers Minor view
Unnamed Self-Emancipated Negroes 1 "Raid" Unnamed Self-Emancipated Negroes(1) Minor view
Prince of Darkness, Father of The Hamlet Prince of Darkness, Father of Minor view
Unnamed European Immigrants Intruder in the Dust Unnamed European Immigrants Peripheral view
Philadelphy "Ambuscade" Philadelphy Secondary view
Mrs. Charles Etienne Saint-Valery Bon Absalom, Absalom! Bon, Mrs. Charles E. S-V. Bon Minor view
(Miss) Quentin "Appendix: Compson" Quentin, (Miss) Secondary view
Daughter of Bill Terrel "Monk" Terrel, Daughter of Bill Terrel Minor view


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