
Displaying 3801 - 3900 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupationsort ascending Rank
Thomas Sutpen's Brother 3 Absalom, Absalom! Sutpen, Brothers of Thomas(3) Peripheral view
Unnamed People of Massachusetts Town The Sound and the Fury Unnamed People of Massachusetts Town Minor view
Unnamed Old Men "The Unvanquished" Unnamed Old Men Minor view
Unnamed Men in Square 1 Sanctuary Unnamed Men in Square Minor view
Unnamed Negro Who Finds Gun The Hamlet Unnamed Negro Who Finds Gun Minor view
Drusilla Hawk Sartoris "Vendee" Hawk, Drusilla Minor view
Unnamed Relatives of Mrs. Hightower Light in August Unnamed Relatives of Mrs. Hightower Peripheral view
Unnamed Aboriginals 2 Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Mound Builders Minor view
Elly "Elly" Elly Major view
George Wilkins Go Down, Moses Wilkins, George Secondary view
Mrs. Pruitt 2 "Tomorrow" Pruitt, Mrs. Secondary view
John Sartoris II Flags in the Dust Sartoris, John II Peripheral view
Unnamed Biracial Sister of Sickymo Go Down, Moses Unnamed Biracial Sister of Sickymo Minor view
Unnamed "Husband" of "Miss Smith" "Tomorrow" Unnamed "Husband" of "Miss Smith" Peripheral view
Unnamed Dog Aficianados, Trainers and Owners The Reivers Unnamed Dog Aficianados, Trainers and Owners Peripheral view
Unnamed Woman in Alabama The Unvanquished Unnamed Woman in Alabama Minor view
Unnamed Women in Pascagoula The Mansion Unnamed Women in Pascagoula Minor view
Colonel John Sartoris' Mother "There Was a Queen" Sartoris, Mrs. Minor view
Varner, Wife of Will 2 The Mansion Varner, Wife of Will(2) Minor view
Unnamed Slaves of Families of the University Grays Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Slaves of Families of the University Grays Minor view
Patterson Boy The Sound and the Fury Patterson Boy Minor view
Don Boyd "Delta Autumn" Boyd, Don Major view
Unnamed Negro Cousin of Roth's Mistress Go Down, Moses Unnamed Negro Cousin of Roth's Mistress Minor view
Mohataha The Town Unnamed Sister of Issetibbeha Minor view
Mrs. Bland 1 The Sound and the Fury Bland, Mrs. Minor view
Will Legate "Delta Autumn" Legate, Will Major view
Unnamed People of This Delta Go Down, Moses Unnamed People of the Delta Peripheral view
Unnamed Baptist and Methodist Settlers The Town Unnamed Baptist and Methodist Settlers Minor view
Unnamed Original Inhabitants of Jefferson Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Original Inhabitants of Jefferson Minor view
Unnamed Narrator 7 "Smoke" Unnamed Narrator Major view
Mrs. Nunnery The Town Nunnery, Mrs. Minor view
Pose "Hand Upon the Waters" Pose Minor view
Walter Ewell The Reivers Ewell, Walter Minor view
Unnamed Negro Mourners Go Down, Moses Unnamed Negro Mourners Minor view
Madame de Pompadour "Red Leaves" De Pompadour, Madame Peripheral view
Unnamed People in Mottstown 1 As I Lay Dying Unnamed People in Mottson Minor view
Mrs. Jason Compson II The Unvanquished Compson, Mrs. Secondary view
Unnamed Boys The Mansion Unnamed Boys Minor view
Joby 1 "The Unvanquished" Joby Minor view
Unnamed Inmates 3 Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Inmates Minor view
Unnamed Mexican Girls Sanctuary Unnamed Mexican Girls Peripheral view
Rosa Millard "Raid" Millard, Rosa Major view
Unnamed Narrator 9 "Fool About a Horse" Unnamed Boy Narrator Major view
Unnamed Passersby 3 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Passersby Minor view
Quentin Compson I "Appendix: Compson" Compson, Quentin MacLachan Secondary view
Mrs. C.L. Gambrell "Monk" Gambrell, Mrs. C.L. Minor view
Mrs. Cooper "Dry September" Cooper, Mrs. Minor view
Unnamed New Families in Jefferson The Town Unnamed New Families in Jefferson Minor view
Unnamed Granddaughter of Issetibbeha|Mohataha "A Name for the City" Unnamed Granddaughter of Issetibbeha Minor view
Grimm, Second Wife of Eustice's Father The Hamlet Grimm, Second Wife of Eustice's Father Peripheral view
Maury Bascomb "Appendix: Compson" Bascomb, Maury Minor view
Moketubbe The Reivers Moketubbe Peripheral view
Charles Mallison I "Knight's Gambit" Mallison, Father of Charles Minor view
Unnamed People in Downtown Memphis 2 Go Down, Moses Unnamed People in Downtown Memphis Minor view
Ikkemotubbe "A Courtship" Ikkemotubbe Major view
Unnamed Trial Spectators 2 Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Trial Spectators Minor view
Jesus 1 The Sound and the Fury Jesus Minor view
Jones "Death Drag" Jones Peripheral view
Maggie Varner The Hamlet Varner, Maggie Minor view
Spoade I The Sound and the Fury Spoade Secondary view
Unnamed Borneo Headhunters "Vendee" Unnamed Borneo Headhunters Peripheral view
V.K. Ratcliffe III The Town Ratcliffe III, Vladimir Kyrilytch Minor view
Unnamed Train Passengers 7 "Lion" Unnnamed Train Passengers Minor view
Unnamed Men at Horse Lot "Barn Burning" Unnamed Men at Horse Lot Minor view
Grandpa "That Will Be Fine" Grandpa Minor view
Unnamed Negroes in Mottstown Light in August Unnamed Negroes in Mottstown Minor view
Unnamed Boys in Jefferson 1 "Uncle Willy" Unnamed Boys in Jefferson Minor view
Unnamed German Husband "Ad Astra" Unnamed German Husband Minor view
Unnamed Victims of the Ku Klux Klan Go Down, Moses Unnamed Victims of the Ku Klux Klan Minor view
Edmonds, Wives of Edmondses The Reivers Edmonds, Wives of Edmondses Minor view
Unnamed Official on Train Sanctuary Unnamed Official on Train Minor view
Unnamed Would-be Lynchers Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Would-be Lynchers Minor view
Yettie Snopes The Hamlet Snopes, Wife of Mink Minor view
Belle Mitchell Benbow Flags in the Dust Mitchell, Belle Major view
Spoade I The Mansion Spoade I Peripheral view
Sutpen Infant 1 Absalom, Absalom! Sutpen Infant(1) Minor view
Herbert Head "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed Husband of Caddy Compson(1) Minor view
Bilbo Snopes The Town Snopes, Bilbo Minor view
Ina May Armstid "Spotted Horses" Armstid, Ina May Minor view
Unnamed Enslaved Duennas Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Enslaved Duennas Minor view
Unnamed People of Railroad Division Point Light in August Unnamed People of Railroad Division Point Minor view
Unnamed Women in Civil War Jefferson Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Women in Civil War Jefferson Peripheral view
Unnamed Country People 2 "The Hound" Unnamed Country People Minor view
Unnamed First Husband of Joan Heppleton Flags in the Dust Unnamed First Husband of Joan Heppleton Peripheral view
Unnamed Residents of Rouncewell's Boarding House The Reivers Unnamed Residents of Rouncewell's Boarding House Minor view
Unnamed Grandchildren of Mohataha Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Grandchildren of Mohataha Minor view
Birdsongs Go Down, Moses Birdsongs Minor view
Philadelphy "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" Philadelphia Minor view
Unnamed Indian Women "Red Leaves" Unnamed Indian Women Minor view
Unnamed Man outside Mottson As I Lay Dying Unnamed Man outside Mottson Minor view
Unnamed Slaves of Mohataha Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Slaves of Mohataha Minor view
Unnamed Southerners Who Lived in North Light in August Unnamed Southerners Who Lived in North Minor view
Unnamed Teenage Girls The Mansion Unnamed Teenage Girls Minor view
Unnamed Old Men, Women and Children "The Unvanquished" Unnamed Old Men, Women, and Children Minor view
Unnamed Whites in Jefferson "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Whites in Jefferson Minor view
Unnamed Twin Nephews of Devries The Mansion Unnamed Twin Nephews of Devries Minor view
Gowan Stevens' Mother Sanctuary Stevens, Mother of Gowan Stevens Peripheral view
Unnamed Fellow at De Spain's The Hamlet Unnamed Fellow at De Spain's Minor view
Jingus "Raid" Jingus Minor view
Unnamed Wife of Farmer The Hamlet Unnamed Wife of Farmer Minor view


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