
Displaying 3001 - 3100 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupationsort ascending Rank
Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 19 The Town Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople Minor view
Unnamed Infant 2 "That Will Be Fine" Unnamed Infant Minor view
Unnamed Early Settlers Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Early Settlers Minor view
Rosa Millard "The Unvanquished" Millard, Rosa Major view
Unnamed World War I Soldiers 2 "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed World War I Soldiers Minor view
Unnamed Son of James Beauchamp's Son Go Down, Moses Unnamed Child of James Beauchamp Minor view
Unnamed Negroes in Freedman Town Light in August Unnamed Negroes in Freedman Town Minor view
Bishop 2 The Town Bishop Minor view
Unnamed Residents of the Poorhouse 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed Residents of Poorhouse Minor view
Unnamed White Man 2 "Red Leaves" Unnamed White Man Minor view
Walter Ewell "The Old People" Ewell, Walter Secondary view
Unnamed Negro Woman 4 The Mansion Unnamed Negro Woman(2) Minor view
Unnamed Movie-Goers 5 The Mansion Unnamed Movie-Goers Minor view
Unnamed Football Players 1 The Hamlet Unnamed Football Players Minor view
Winbush, Mother of Fonzo The Mansion Winbush, Mother of Fonzo Minor view
Martha Habersham "Skirmish at Sartoris" Habersham, Martha Secondary view
Molly Worsham Beauchamp "Gold Is Not Always" Unnamed Wife of Lucas Peripheral view
Unnamed Planter Women Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Planter Women Minor view
Unnamed Witnesses "Monk" Unnamed Witnesses Minor view
Provine, Children of Lucius "A Bear Hunt" Provine, Children of Lucius Peripheral view
Unnamed Football Player Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Football Player Minor view
Unnamed Greek Child "A Name for the City" Unnamed Greek Child Peripheral view
Addie Bundren As I Lay Dying Bundren, Addie Major view
Gowan Stevens' Grandfather Requiem for a Nun Stevens, Grandfather of Gowan Minor view
Issetibbeha Go Down, Moses Issetibbeha Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Woman 2 "Mule in the Yard" Unnamed Negro Woman Minor view
Belle Mitchell Benbow Flags in the Dust Mitchell, Belle Major view
Unnamed White People 1 "A Justice" Unnamed White People Minor view
Louisa Hawk The Unvanquished Hawk, Louisa Secondary view
Burringtons in New Hampshire Light in August Burringtons in New Hampshire Peripheral view
Mrs. Quentin Compson II The Unvanquished Compson, Mrs.(2) Secondary view
Unnamed Men at Holston House The Unvanquished Unnamed Men at Holston House Minor view
Unnamed Negro Mistress The Hamlet Unnamed Negro Mistress Minor view
Coldfield, Father of Goodhue Absalom, Absalom! Coldfield, Father of Goodhue Minor view
Unnamed Countryman 2 "Barn Burning" Unnamed Countryman Minor view
Unnamed "Boy-Symbol" for Sutpen Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed "Boy-Symbol" for Sutpen Peripheral view
Maggie Dandridge Stevens The Town Stevens, Mrs. Lemuel Peripheral view
Unnamed Child in Road "Beyond" Unnamed Child in Road Minor view
Unnamed Chickasaws 1 "A Bear Hunt" Unnamed Chickasaws Minor view
Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha Minor view
Joe Christmas Light in August Christmas, Joe Major view
Unnamed People of Division "Hair" Unnamed People of Division Minor view
Hightower, Mother of Gail Light in August Hightower, Mother of Gail Minor view
Unnamed Tipster The Reivers Unnamed Tipster Minor view
Percival Brownlee Go Down, Moses Brownlee, Percival Minor view
Unnamed "Boys" of Frenchman's Bend The Hamlet Unnamed "Boys" of Frenchman's Bend Minor view
Unnamed Stillborn Negro Baby Light in August Unnamed Negro Stillborn Baby Minor view
Unnamed Members of Silver Shirts The Mansion Unnamed Members of Silver Shirts Minor view
Unnamed Uncle of Doom "A Justice" The Man Minor view
Unnamed Slave at Compsons' 2 The Unvanquished Unnamed Compson Slave Minor view
Unnamed Guests at Popeye's Birthday Party Sanctuary Unnamed Guests at Popeye's Birthday Party Minor view
Unnamed Wife of Tom-Tom|Mrs. Bird "Centaur in Brass" Unnamed Wife of Tom-Tom Minor view
Mrs. Armstid "Spotted Horses" Armstid, Mrs. Major view
Colonel Sartoris Snopes The Hamlet Snopes, Brother of Flem Peripheral view
Theophilus McCaslin 1 Absalom, Absalom! McCaslin, Theophilus Minor view
Unnamed Enslaved Grandmother|Mother of Sam Fathers "The Bear" Unnamed Enslaved Mother of Sam Fathers Minor view
Ellen Coldfield Sutpen "Wash" Sutpen, Mrs. Minor view
Hershell Jones Sanctuary Jones, Herschell Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Inmates 4 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Negro Inmates Minor view
Unnamed Daughter of Zilphia's Friend "Miss Zilphia Gant" Unnamed Daughter of Zilphia's Friend Minor view
Unnamed Five Indians "Red Leaves" Unnamed Five Indians Minor view
Joe 4 "Hand Upon the Waters" Joe Major view
Unnamed Jefferson Ladies 5 Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Jefferson Ladies Minor view
Unnamed Bystanders 2 The Reivers Unnamed Bystanders Minor view
(Miss) Quentin The Sound and the Fury Quentin, (Miss) Major view
Unnamed Female Classmate The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Female Classmate Minor view
Julia Benbow Sanctuary Benbow, Mother of Narcissa and Horace Peripheral view
Louis The Sound and the Fury Louis Peripheral view
Mohataha "The Old People" Unnamed Mother of Ikkemotubbe Peripheral view
Unnamed Night Station Agent The Hamlet Unnamed Night Station Agent Minor view
Unnamed Negro Messenger 3 "Barn Burning" Unnamed Negro Messenger Minor view
Sam Fathers Intruder in the Dust Fathers, Sam Minor view
Luster "Appendix: Compson" Luster Minor view
Unnamed Negro Murderer Sanctuary Unnamed Negro Murderer Secondary view
Unnamed Members of Posse 5 The Town Unnamed Posse Minor view
Unnamed Messenger 3 "A Name for the City" Unnamed Messenger Minor view
Unnamed Treasure Hunters "Lizards in Jamshyd’s Courtyard" Unnamed Treasure Hunters Minor view
Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 6 "Tomorrow" Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha Minor view
Unnamed Man Who Gives Directions The Hamlet Unnamed Man Who Gives Directions Minor view
Unnamed Movie-Goers 4 The Town Unnamed Movie-Goers Minor view
Byron Snopes' Daughter The Town Snopes, Daughter of Byron Snopes Minor view
Unnamed First Rider "Lizards in Jamshyd’s Courtyard" Unnamed "First Rider" Minor view
Unnamed People in Heaven The Unvanquished Unnamed People in Heaven Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Old Woman 1 Sanctuary Unnamed Old Negro Woman Minor view
Unnamed People at Prayer Meeting Light in August Unnamed People at Prayer Meeting Minor view
Backhouse, Grandfather of Philip "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" Backhouse, Grandfather of Philip Minor view
Unnamed Townsmen Go Down, Moses Unnamed Townsmen Minor view
Henry Armstid The Mansion Armstid, Henry Minor view
Unnamed Mother of Clytemnestra Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Enslaved Mother of Clytemnestra Minor view
Unnamed Pregnant Slave The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Pregnant Slave Minor view
Joan Heppleton Flags in the Dust Heppleton, Joan Secondary view
Unnamed Re-Enslaved Negroes The Unvanquished Unnamed Re-Enslaved Negroes Minor view
De Spain Ancestors "Shall Not Perish" De Spain Ancestors Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Young Men Go Down, Moses Unnamed Young Male Negroes Minor view
Mrs. Hamp Worsham "Go Down, Moses" Worsham, Mrs. Hamp Minor view
Unnamed Customers at the Savoy Hotel The Hamlet Unnamed Customers at the Savoy Hotel Minor view
Narcissa Benbow Sartoris Sanctuary Sartoris, Narcissa Benbow Major view
Judith Sutpen Absalom, Absalom! Sutpen, Judith Major view
Theophilus McCaslin 2 "Lion" McCaslin, Theophilus 2 Minor view
Unnamed Two Men at the Cotillion Ball The Town Unnamed Two Men at the Cotillion Ball Minor view


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