
Displaying 4801 - 4900 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupationsort descending Rank
Jason Compson IV The Mansion Compson, Jason Sales and Service Minor view
Cain The Hamlet Cain Sales and Service Minor view
Ludus 1 The Reivers Ludus Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Jefferson Businessmen Flags in the Dust Unnamed Jefferson Businessmen Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Man Who Buys Store Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Man Who Buys Store Sales and Service Minor view
Jody As I Lay Dying Jody Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Telephone Operator 2 Sanctuary Unnamed Telephone Operator(2) Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Delivery Boy 2 "A Rose for Emily" Unnamed Negro Delivery Boy Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Porter 2 The Hamlet Unnamed Negro Porter Sales and Service Minor view
Philip "Elly" Philip Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Half-Crazed Woman Sanctuary Unnamed Half-Crazed Woman Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Europeans 2 "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Europeans Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Store Proprietor 2 The Mansion Unnamed Store Proprietor Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Junk Man The Hamlet Unnamed Junk Man Sales and Service Minor view
V.K. Suratt|Ratliff As I Lay Dying Suratt Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Private Detectives "Miss Zilphia Gant" Unnamed Private Detectives Sales and Service Minor view
Uncle Job 2 "Smoke" Job, Uncle Sales and Service Secondary view
Launcelot|Lump Snopes "The Hound" Snopes Sales and Service Minor view
Mitchell "Hand Upon the Waters" Mitchell Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Drummer 1 The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Drummer Sales and Service Minor view
Jason Compson IV "Appendix: Compson" Compson, Jason, IV Sales and Service Major view
Matt Fox "Hair" Fox, Matt Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Drummers 4 Sanctuary Unnamed Drummers in Kinston Sales and Service Minor view
Doc Meeks The Mansion Meeks, Doc Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Salesman 1 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Salesman Sales and Service Secondary view
Mrs. Littlejohn "Spotted Horses" Littlejohn, Mrs. Sales and Service Major view
Unnamed Drummers 3 Sanctuary Unnamed Drummers Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Man at Hell Creek Bottom The Reivers Unnamed Man at Hell Creek Bottom Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Employees of the Holston House 1 The Town Unnamed Negro Employees of the Holston House Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Barber 4 "Hair" Unnamed Barber Sales and Service Minor view
Maxey Light in August Maxey, Mr. Sales and Service Minor view
Mrs. Holston "Skirmish at Sartoris" Holston, Mrs. Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Interior Decorator from Memphis The Town Unnamed Wife of Furniture Salesman Sales and Service Minor view
Alexander Holston "A Name for the City" Holston, Alexander Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed Carnival Man Flags in the Dust Unnamed Carnival Man Sales and Service Minor view
Mr. West "Smoke" West, Mr. Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Telegraph Operator 2 The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Telegraph Operator Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Yardman 2 Light in August Unnamed Negro Yardman Sales and Service Minor view
Wylie 1 The Reivers Wylie 1 Sales and Service Peripheral view
Mrs. Cowan "Hair" Cowan, Mrs. Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Bookkeeper 2 The Mansion Unnamed Bookkeeper Sales and Service Minor view
John Powell The Reivers Powell, John Sales and Service Minor view
Invalid Snopes Flags in the Dust Snopes, Unnamed Invalid Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Mother of Popeye Sanctuary Unnamed Mother of Popeye Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed Furniture Salesman The Town Unnamed Furniture Salesman Sales and Service Minor view
I.O. Snopes Sanctuary Snopes, Father of Clarence Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Hotel Porter Sanctuary Unnamed Negro Hotel Porter Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Brother-in-Law of Maxey "Hair" Unnamed Brother-in-Law of Maxey Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Funeral Parlor Employees "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Negro Funeral Parlor Employees Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Porter 1 "Skirmish at Sartoris" Unnamed Negro Porter Sales and Service Minor view
Walter The Town Walter Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Bondsmen 1 "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed Bondsmen Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Finnish Immigrants The Mansion Unnamed Finnish Immigrants Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Cook 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed Negro Cook Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Executives in St. Louis Go Down, Moses Unnamed Executives in Saint Louis Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Servers at Wedding Reception The Mansion Unnamed Servers at Wedding Reception Sales and Service Minor view
Mr. Lovelady "That Evening Sun" Lovelady, Mr. Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Slave Trader "Red Leaves" Unnamed Slave Trader Sales and Service Minor view
Albert 1 As I Lay Dying Albert Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Salesgirls in Memphis Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Salesgirls in Memphis Sales and Service Minor view
Holston Sisters The Mansion Holston Sisters Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Waiter 2 Sanctuary Unnamed Waiter Sales and Service Minor view
V.K. Suratt|Ratliff "By the People" Ratliff, V.K. Sales and Service Major view
Dollar Light in August Dollar Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Bookkeepers 1 The Town Unnamed Bookkeepers(1) Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Hired Driver 1 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Hired Driver(1) Sales and Service Minor view
Earl The Mansion Triplett, Earl Sales and Service Minor view
Montgomery Ward Snopes The Mansion Snopes, Montgomery Ward Sales and Service Secondary view
Tobe 1 Flags in the Dust Tobe Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Caddie The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Caddie Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Wholesaler The Hamlet Unnamed Wholesaler Sales and Service Minor view
Mrs. Littlejohn The Hamlet Littlejohn, Mrs. Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed Negro Waiter 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed Negro Drugstore Waiter Sales and Service Minor view
I.O. Snopes "Mule in the Yard" Snopes, I.O. Sales and Service Major view
Uncle Willy Christian The Town Christian, Uncle Willy Sales and Service Minor view
Mrs. Rouncewell The Mansion Rouncewell, Miz Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Newspaper Boy The Mansion Unnamed Newspaper Boy Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Bellboys Sanctuary Unnamed Negro Bellboys Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Men at Boathouse The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Men at Boathouse Sales and Service Minor view
V.K. Suratt|Ratliff The Mansion Ratliff, V.K. Sales and Service Major view
Mr. McDiarmid The Reivers McDiarmid, Mr. Sales and Service Minor view
Jim Gant "Miss Zilphia Gant" Gant, Jim Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed Traveling Tradesmen The Hamlet Unnamed Traveling Tradesmen Sales and Service Minor view
Alexander Holston The Mansion Holston, Alexander Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Itinerant Minister and Slave Trader "Red Leaves" Unnamed Itinerant Minister and Slave Trader Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Man from Vicksburg Roadhouse "Race at Morning" Unnamed Man from Vicksburg Roadhouse Sales and Service Minor view
Uncle Willy Christian "Uncle Willy" Christian, Uncle Willy Sales and Service Major view
Unnamed Grandmother of Popeye Sanctuary Unnamed Grandmother of Popeye Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed Oxford Landlady The Hamlet Unnamed Oxford Landlady Sales and Service Minor view
Salmon Light in August Salmon Sales and Service Minor view
Grummet As I Lay Dying Grummet Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Hired Driver 2 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Hired Driver(2) Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Store Proprietor 1 Light in August Unnamed Store Proprietor Sales and Service Minor view
Lonzo Hait The Town Hait, Lonzo Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Drugstore Clerk 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed Drugstore Clerk Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Shopkeepers in Jefferson "Miss Zilphia Gant" Unnamed Shopkeepers in Jefferson Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Chauffeurs Sanctuary Unnamed Chauffeurs Sales and Service Minor view
Hilliard The Unvanquished Hilliard Sales and Service Minor view
Maury Priest I The Reivers Priest, Maury Sales and Service Secondary view
Dink Quistenberry The Town Quistenberry, Dink Sales and Service Minor view


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