Character Keys
Code![]() |
title | biography | |
2242 | Unnamed Old Gentleman |
This "old gentleman" gave the toy soldiers to the boy that the Judge meets in Beyond (793). He himself does not appear, but the boy's mother describes him as having "lived here a long time, they say," and being "quite wealthy," "with a white mustache and that kind of popping eyes that old people have who eat too much" (793). He often sits with the woman and her child, "talking and breathing hard" (793). |
2243 | Unnamed Man Who Wrote Little Women Books |
While telling Judge Allison whom he might expect to meet in other parts of Beyond, Mothershed mentions "the one that wrote the little women books. If he ain't there, he ought to be" (788). The book titled 'Little Women' was of course not written by a man, and the story doesn't give any further information about either the books or the person Mothershed is thinking of. One possibility is Edward Stratemeyer (1863-1930), who wrote books under pseudonyms for boys as well as girls, but there's no way to say if Faulkner is even thinking about an actual children's book author. |
2244 | Unnamed Mother in Beyond |
This is the mother whom Judge Allison meets in "Beyond," a young woman who wears "a plain, brushed, worn cape" with "a plain, bright, pleasant face" and "a pleasant, tranquil voice" (791). When she first appears she is "carrying a child" (791), but she does not provide any details about her previous existence. She treats her son "with an air fond and unconcerned," soothing him when he fusses and doling out toys to him (793). Ingersoll tells the judge to "Follow her" (791). |
2245 | Unnamed Mourners at Judge's Funeral |
The people at the Judge's funeral in "Beyond" are not directly mentioned, but their presence can be presumed by the reference to "the line of motor cars at his gate" (797). |
2246 | Unnamed Neighbors of Judge Allison |
When he returns to Yoknapatawpha from Beyond, still unable to accept his death, the judge thinks about "the neighbors" who will see his "clocklike passing" as he walks home at the same time he used to (795). |
2247 | Unnamed Other Children |
These "other children" in "Beyond" are the ones who gave the young mother's son the scars he bears "one day when they were playing" (794). It isn't clear if this happened in a previous life, or in Beyond, but what the mother says - "they didn't know they were going to hurt him" (794) - adds to the details in the story that suggest a connection between this anonymous mother and son and Mary and Jesus in the New Testament. |
2248 | Unnamed People Who Telephone Judge |
All "Beyond" says about this group is that "they" telephoned the Judge to tell him that his son had been killed (789). "They" probably refers to a single representative of an official group, like a police officer, doctor, or hospital representative, or perhaps a concerned neighbor. |
2249 | Unnamed Two House Servants |
During his childhood, as Judge Allison describes it in "Beyond," these "two house servants" (790) would supervise his infrequent trips to play outside barefoot in the garden. |
2250 | Unnamed Legal Witnesses |
In "Beyond" Judge Allison's angry thoughts about Pettigrew include the detail that the last will and testament that Pettigrew is ignoring was signed in the "presence of witnesses" (797). He doesn't mention who they were. |
2251 | Unnamed Young Man in Beyond |
This young man is the first to speak with the Judge in Beyond (and in "Beyond"). He died in a car accident when, late for his wedding, he was "driving fast" and "had to turn" when a "child ran into the road" (784). He assumes that the Judge is looking for his own wife, and he sympathizes with him because "It must be hell on the one who has to watch and wait for the other one he or she has grown old in marriage with, because it is so terrible to wait and watch like me, for a girl who is a maiden to you" (784). |
2252 | Dicey|Negro Midwife |
In both "Wash" and Absalom! Milly's baby is delivered by an old Negro midwife who lives in a cabin "three miles" from the fishing camp (542, 230). The short story refers to her mainly as "the Negress" (535), but Sutpen once calls her "Dicey" (544). She is not named in the novel. In the short story she witnesses Wash killing Sutpen, "peering around the crazy door with her black gargoyle face of a worn gnome" (545), while in the novel she only hears this event from inside the camp. In both texts she flees as soon as it happens. |
2253 | Unnamed Half-Grown White Boy |
In "Wash," this "half-grown white boy" finds the body of Thomas Sutpen lying outside the tumble-down fishing camp. After "a mesmerized instant" in which he looks at Wash looking at him through a window in the camp, he runs off to report the crime (546). Although Faulkner omits his race (and a hyphen) when he returns to this "halfgrown boy" in Absalom!, he does add a couple of aural details to make the event more dramatic: the boy is "whistling" when he first sees the body, and he "screams" when he sees "Wash in the window, watching him" (229). |
2254 | Unnamed Slave at Sutpen's |
In "Wash" this "house servant" - also called a "Negress" - is "one of the few Negroes who remained" at Sutpen's after the Sherman and the "Federal troops" had passed through (537). She refuses to allow Wash Jones to enter the Sutpen mansion while Sutpen is away at the war - not even by way of "the kitchen steps" (537). (Her treatment of Wash anticipates the character of Clytemnestra in Absalom, Absalom!, but there is no hint in the story that she is related to the white family she serves.) |
2255 | Unnamed Slaves at Sutpen's |
These are the enslaved people in "Wash" who call Wash "white trash behind his back" (536), and to his face pointedly ask him "Why ain't you at de war, white man?" (537). When they do that, Wash can see their "white eyes and teeth behind which derision lurked" (537). "Most" of Sutpen's slaves leave to follow the Union army toward freedom after "Sherman passes through the plantation" (537). |
2256 | Unnamed Neighbor of Sutpen 1 |
Sutpen's "nearest neighbor" in "Wash" lives a mile away from his plantation; when after the war Sutpen gets too drunk to get home on his own from the store, Wash walks to this man's place and borrows a wagon to carry him in (540). |
2257 | Paul de Montigny |
There is a lot that "Elly" never explains about Paul's character - where he lives, for example, and what he does - but the one mystery that matters most is his racial identity. Paul visits Jefferson as a white man, but the friend who introduces him to Elly insists he is really black. As part of her proof, she recounts a story in which Paul's "uncle killed a man once that accused him of having nigger blood" (209). |
2258 | Elly |
The title character of "Elly" is eighteen years old. She "lives in Jefferson . . . with her father and mother and grandmother in a biggish house" (208). Elly has inherited her given name, Ailanthia, from her grandmother, a link that Faulkner uses to underscore the generational tension between the grandmother's Victorian sexual repression and Southern racial prejudices, and Elly's restlessness with these taboos. |
2259 | Philip |
Philip is "a grave, sober young man of impeccable character and habits" who courts the title character of "Elly" with clock-like regularity (213). As a Jefferson boy whom she has known "from childhood," Philip is the epitome of a suitable husband for Elly (213). His draw as a suitor is indicated in the same breath as his current occupation: "an assistant cashier in the bank, who they said would be president of it some day" (213). |
2260 | Unnamed Aunt of Elly |
In "Elly," Elly's aunt is the wife of Ailanthia's son. She lives with her husband and daughter in Mills City. |
2261 | Unnamed Car Drivers |
Although "Elly" begins and ends on the road between Jefferson and Mills City, the only other drivers mentioned in the story are referred to, obliquely, at the very end, after the accident, when Elly thinks, "They won't even stop to see if I am hurt" (224). Their presence is indicated only by the "snore of an engine, the long hissing of tires in gravel" that she hears on the road above her (223). |
2262 | Unnamed Uncle of Elly |
The uncle of the title character of "Elly" is the son of her grandmother Ailanthia; he lives in Mills City with his wife and daughter. |
2263 | Ailanthia |
Elly's grandmother - Elly's father's mother - lives in Elly's family's home in Jefferson, though she is formerly of Louisiana. Her given name is Ailanthia, as is that of the granddaughter after whom "Elly" is titled. Elly's grandmother is frequently described as cold: "cold, piercing" (209), with "that cold, fixed, immobile, inescapable gaze of the very deaf," having lost her hearing 15 years before the story takes place (212). The narrator calls her an "old woman whose hearing had long since escaped everything and whose sight nothing escaped" (223). |
2264 | Unnamed Father of Elly |
Elly's father lives in Jefferson with her, his wife, and especially his mother. He is a negligible figure in her life, dominated as it by his mother. The one time he and Elly are together, at breakfast, Elly thinks: "He said nothing, apparently knew nothing" (211). |
2265 | Unnamed Mother of Elly |
Elly's mother lives with her, her husband and especially her mother-in-law in a "biggish house" in Jefferson (208). She is a negligible figure in her daughter's life, though it is her suggestion that Elly drive to Mills City to pick up that mother-in-law that precipitates the story's violent climax. |
2266 | Unnamed Cousin of Elly |
In the short story names after her, Elly stays in her cousin's room during her visit to her uncle and aunt in Mills City. The cousin herself does not appear, but her bedroom is filled with "the frivolous impedimenta of a young girl" (217). |
2267 | Unnamed Friend of Elly |
Elly's unnamed friend entertains Paul de Montigny in her home, but is quick to judge Elly for the latter's interest in him. Elly's friend smokes, furtively, in her home, presumably hoping to escape detection by her parents. But if she too is rebellious, it is within very fixed limits. When Elly defends her behavior with Paul by reminding this girl that "you invited him into your house," she replies "I wasn't hid in the cloak closet, kissing him, though" (210). And despite entertaining Paul, she takes the signs of his mixed racial identity as proof of Elly's "queer taste" (209). |
2268 | Unnamed Man Paul's Uncle Killed |
According to the friend in "Elly," this unnamed man was killed by Paul's uncle after he had suggested that the uncle was part black - or as the friend puts it, in language that reminds us that in the racist world of the story, such a 'suggestion' is actually an accusation, that the uncle had "nigger blood" (209). The friend says she "just heard" this story (209). Elly calls it a lie. So it's possible neither the incident nor the uncle ever existed. |
2269 | Unnamed Uncle of Paul |
According to a story that Elly's friend "just heard," Paul de Montigny has an uncle who "killed a man once that accused him of having nigger blood" (209). In the friend's mind, this story 'proves' that Paul himself is black, but while believing in 'black blood' as a kind of curse tells us something about the friend and the culture she grew up in, "Elly" does not allow us to say whether Paul even has an uncle, much less whether any of the friend's other assumptions and implications are true. |
2270 | Unnamed Man Plowing |
Elly remembers this "man plowing in that field" when she and Paul returned to the car after their tryst (207). Her self-consciousness about being seen by him is clear, but nothing about him is. He could be a farmer, or a field hand, or a sharecropper. He could be white or black, but because Faulkner typically specifies race when a character isn't white, and because Elly is particularly anxious about this man's having seen her and Paul together, it seems likely that he is white. |
2271 | Unnamed Group of People Elly Invents |
While talking to Philip in "Elly," Elly invents this "party" of people she will be visiting in order to explain her forthcoming absence - and her need for his silent cooperation. She says that the group she'll be with is comprised of "people you don't know and that I don't expect to see again before I am married" (215). |
2272 | Unnamed Sewing Women |
These "sewing women" make the trousseau for Elly's wedding, coming to her house "daily" after the engagement to Philip is announced (214). Their race is not specified, which typically means 'white' in Faulkner's fiction, but at the same time domestic workers in the fiction are typically 'black,' so we have chosen to call these women's race unknown. |
2273 | Unnamed Suitors of Elly |
In "Elly" the various men whom the title character kisses in the shadows on her veranda are described as "youths and young men of the town at first, but later . . . almost anyone, any transient in the small town whom she met by either convention or by chance, provided his appearance was decent" (208). |
2274 | John Basket |
In "A Bear Hunt," John Basket is a Chickasaw who lives in the settlement near the Indian mound, and well-known as moonshiner who makes what Major de Spain describes as "bust-skull whiskey" (75). Basket unwittingly becomes an accomplice in Ash's act of revenge against Luke Provine when Ratliff offhandedly suggests Luke visit the Chickasaws to get a cure for his hiccups. (There are two other Indians named 'Basket' in three other stories, but there's no indication of a relationship among them.) |
2275 | Jack Bonds |
In "A Bear Hunt" Bonds is a "dead and forgotten contemporary" of Luke Provine when he was a young man. According to the narrator, it has been "years now" since Bonds, along with Luke and Luke's unnamed brother, "were known as the Provine gang and terrorized our quiet town after the unimaginative fashion of wild youth" (63-64). |
2276 | Fraser 1 |
Fraser in one of the hunters at Major de Spain's camp in "A Bear Hunt," seen only in a brief scene in which he is playing poker. His role is to give voice to the annoyance that the rest of the hunting party feels listening to Luke Provine's bout of hiccups. |
2277 | Fraser 2 |
Mr. Fraser is the "childless widower" who takes Monk in after his grandmother's death and teaches him how to make whiskey as well as he made it himself (45). They live together for ten years, until Fraser's death. The narrator of "Monk" speculates that "it was probably Fraser who gave [Monk his] name," and the citizens of "the county got to know [Monk] or become familiar with him, at least" through his association with Fraser (45). |
2278 | Provine, Brother of Lucius |
The dead brother of Luke Provine. According to the narrator of "A Bear Hunt," it has been "years now" since he, Luke, and another man, Jack Bonds, "were known as the Provine gang and terrorized our quiet town after the unimaginative fashion of wild youth" (63-64). |
2279 | Provine, Children of Lucius |
The unnamed children of Lucius Provine. The narrator of "A Bear Hunt" makes only one direct reference to them, saying their father "makes no effort whatever to support his wife and three children" (64). |
2280 | Unnamed Friends of Narrator |
These are the friends of the unnamed narrator of "A Bear Hunt" who associate the Indian mound with "secret and violent blood" and a "savage and sudden destruction" (65). As descendants of "literate, town-bred people," their feelings about the "profoundly and darkly enigmatic mound" stem from their romantic ideas about Indians gotten from the "secret dime novels which we passed among ourselves" (65). One of the boys joins the narrator for a night atop the mound. |
2281 | Unnamed Church-Going Ladies |
This group of "ladies," most of whom are likely residents of Jefferson, are described by the narrator of "A Bear Hunt" as "scurrying and screaming" when, some twenty years earlier, the Provine gang would occasionally "terrorize" them by galloping horses in their midst as they were going to or from church on Sunday mornings (64). |
2282 | Unnamed Fellows |
Ratliff calls the first people he encounters upon returning to Jefferson after his misadventure at the hunting camp in "A Bear Hunt" the "first fellow" and "a fellow" (66). They ask about his facial injuries - one in standard English, one in a country vernacular - and their questions provide Ratliff with a way to begin his story. They don't seem to be the "you" (67), however, to whom he "is telling" the story itself (63). |
2283 | Unnamed Friend of Narrator |
One of the boys in town who, "on a dare," joins the unnamed narrator of "A Bear Hunt" when he was fifteen to spend a night on the Indian mound (66). During and afterwards, they do not speak about their experience, apparently awed by it; the narrator says even though they were children, "yet we were descendants of people who read books and who were - or should have been - beyond superstition and impervious to mindless fear" (66). |
2284 | Unnamed Negro Men at Hunting Camp |
An unspecified number of black men are present in the hunting camp in "A Bear Hunt." Their role in the annual hunt is to cook and do other odd jobs around the camp. As blacks and as servants, they tend to be ignored or not noticed by the white hunters except when they are sought for some reason, as happens when Major de Spain calls for Old Man Ash to fetch him a drink when Ash has gone to the Indian mound. One of these other black servants appears with the "demijohn and fixings" and reports that Ash has gone "up to'ds de mound" (74). |
2285 | Unnamed Negro Men at Picnic |
These black men in "A Bear Hunt" were at a Negro church picnic some twenty years ago when they were set upon by the pistol-wielding Provine gang, then taken "one by one" and tormented and demeaned by having the celluloid shirt collars they wear burned, "leaving each victim’s neck ringed with an abrupt and faint and painless ring of carbon" (65). The ring may have been "painless," but the psychological scar it left is not - as beccomes clear when it is revealed at the very end of the story that one of men who was forced to wear it is Ash. |
2286 | Unnamed People in Want |
The narrator of "A Bear Hunt" identifies a group of men who, "since the last year years, cannot find work" (64). The chronological reference probably points to the Great Depression of the 1930s, an era defined by mass unemployment and what the story calls "men among us now whose families are in want" (64). |
2287 | Unnamed Town Officers 1 |
In "A Bear Hunt" these "town officers" must be local law enforcement officials who, less than a week after Luke Provine appears in town carrying a black sample case, discover that what he is selling is bootleg whisky, a serious crime in Yoknapatawpha, which like the rest of Mississippi prohibited the sale of alcohol - not only during, but also before and after Prohibition (64). (Mississippi did not legalize liquor until the 1960s.) The story suggests they arrest Provine for his crime, but allow Major de Spain to "extricate" him from the charge (64). |
2288 | Lonzo Hait |
The "defunct husband" of Mrs. Hait - called simply Hait in "Mule in the Yard" (252) and Lonzo Hait in The Town - was helping I.O. Snopes cheat the insurance company when he (along with a string of I.O.'s mules) was killed in a train accident on a blind curve next to his house in Jefferson. According to what his widow says to I.O. in both texts, "you paid him fifty dollars a trip each time he got mules in front of the train in time" (262, 262). |
2289 | Mannie Hait |
Mannie Hait first appears in "Mule in the Yard," and then returns in her role as widow and adversary of mules and I.O. Snopes when Faulkner re-tells the story in The Town. In both texts she staunchly defends her house against both adversaries, but is defeated by her own carelessness. In the end, however, despite the loss of her house, she manages to get even with one mule and one Snopes. |
2290 | Spilmer |
Spilmer may or may not still be alive, but the property above the ravine ditch where Mannie Hait hides and shoots a mule bears his name in both "Mule in the Yard" and The Town. |
2291 | Unnamed Bank President 1 |
Along with the cashier who works for him, this banker in "Mule in the Yard" tries to convince Mannie Hait to invest her settlement money in bonds or a savings or a checking account. (When Faulkner re-tells this event in The Town, the president of the bank is "Major de Spain himself," 244.) |
2292 | Unnamed Claims Adjuster |
On behalf of the railroad company, this claims adjuster in "Mule in the Yard" pays Mannie Hait the sum of $8500 after her husband gets run over by one of their trains. On this occasion he also thwarts I.O. Snopes, by refusing to pay anything for the mules who were killed in the accident. |
2293 | Unnamed Customers of I.O. Snopes |
In "Mule in the Yard," these "farmers and widows and orphans black and white" (252) buy mules from I.O. Snopes. |
2294 | Unnamed Mule Drovers |
In "Mule in the Yard" these men help I.O. Snopes 'drive' (i.e. move - no vehicle is involved) his newly purchased mules from the railroad station past the Hait house to his pasture. |
2295 | Unnamed Town Wit 1 |
The narrator of "Mule in the Yard" singles out from 'the town' as a group this one "town wag" who sends I.O. Snopes a printed train schedule, his wry commentary on all the mules that Snopes loses in "accidents" with freight trains on the "blind curve" on the railroad tracks (252). |
2296 | General Joseph Mower |
Requiem for a Nun mentions the "general of the United States army" who takes charge of Jackson, Mississippi, after Union troops captured and burned it (87). Historically, this officer was named Joseph A. Mower. He served in Sherman's corps during the 1863 campaign against Vicksburg (87). |
2297 | Unnamed Union General 2 |
In Requiem for a Nun the carpetbagger named Redmond associates himself with this general, "the brigadier commanding the force which occupied Jefferson" (183). (Historically, the Union forces who burned (but did not occupy) Oxford in 1863 were under the command of General Andrew Jackson Smith, who is mentioned as "General Smith" in other Yoknapatawpha fictions.) |
2298 | Benbow Family |
In Flags in the Dust the Benbows are identified as one of the oldest and most prominent Yoknapatawpha families, though they do not figure among the county's large plantation owners, and individual members of that family play major roles in that novel, Sanctuary and "There Was a Queen." In "Skirmish at Sartoris," however, as a short story and again as a chapter in The Unvanquished,the family is mentioned only as the antebellum owners of a "carriage" and the slave - "Uncle Cash," or Cassius - who drove it (66). |
2299 | Yance |
In "Vendee" Bayard says that the livestock pen at Ab Snopes' cabin was "just like the one Ringo and Yance and I had built at home" (100). The reference to Yance is puzzling, since no character with that name is ever mentioned anywhere else in the fictions, and other Unvanquished stories describe in detail how Bayard, Ringo, Joby and Loosh build that pen at Sartoris. Faulkner might just have forgotten Joby's name: when he reprinted this story as a chapter in The Unvanquished, he changed the name "Yance" to "Joby." |
2300 | Mrs. Church |
In "That Will Be Fine," after Mrs. Church pays a call on Mrs. Pruitt, she gossips about her with the women of Grandpa's family, saying that she uses too much makeup, does not dress properly, and drinks. |
2301 | Emmeline |
In "That Will Be Fine," Emmeline is the nursemaid for Aunt Louisa's baby. She takes Mandy's place in cooking breakfast, complaining "that she was going to waste all her Christmas doing extra work they never had the sense she give them credit for and that this looked like to her it was a good house to be away from nohow" (279). |
2302 | Fred 1 |
In "That Will Be Fine," this is the Fred who is Georgie's uncle and Aunt Louisa's husband; he lives with his wife's parents in Mottstown. Fred is aware of Rodney's crimes but unable to do much about them. |
2303 | Aunt Louisa |
In "That Will Be Fine," Aunt Louisa is married to Uncle Fred and mother to Louisa, Fred, and an unnamed baby. As Rodney's older sister, she repeatedly rationalizes her brother's behavior. She hides his misdoings from their father, and pleads for Mr. Pruitt to give him time to get the two thousand dollars he needs to cover his theft from the Compress Association. |
2304 | Fred 2 |
In "That Will Be Fine" this is the Fred who is the young son of Aunt Louisa and Uncle Fred. |
2305 | Louisa 2 |
In "That Will Be Fine," the narrator's cousin Louisa is the young daughter of Aunt Louisa and Uncle Fred. |
2306 | Unnamed Baby of Louisa |
This is the youngest child of Uncle Fred and Aunt Louisa. Georgie's narrative in "That Will Be Fine" does provide either its name or its gender. |
2307 | Georgie |
Georgie, the seven-year-old narrator of "That Will Be Fine," tells the essentially sordid and ultimately fatal story of his uncle Rodney from a perspective that emphasizes both the ignorance and self-centeredness of childhood. He never questions or recognizes Rodney's various forms of social and criminal misbehavior, and his loyalty to Rodney has its roots less in family love than in greed. |
2308 | Sarah |
Sarah - Uncle Rodney's older sister, George's wife and woman whom the narrator of "That Will Be Fine" calls "mamma" (265) - is greatly upset by Rodney's behavior, mostly because gossip about it would damage "the family's good name" (267). She is very class-conscious, but also genuinely concerned about her younger brother: "mamma cried and said how Uncle Rodney was the baby and that must be why papa hated him" (268). |
2309 | Grandma |
In "That Will Be Fine," Grandma is married to Grandpa and is mother to Aunt Louisa, Sarah, and Uncle Rodney. She is Georgie's maternal grandmother, but Georgie pays little attention to her. |
2310 | Grandpa |
The "grandpa" of the narrator of "That Will Be Fine" is married to grandma, and the father of Louisa, Sarah, and Rodney. He knows his son is a criminal but covers for him as long as possible, apparently taking refuge or solace in anger and his "tonic," which he keeps in a bottle in his desk - a desk which Rodney knows how to "prize open" in order to sneak his own (alcoholic) "dose" (266). |
2311 | Rodney |
The "Uncle Rodney" (266) of the narrator of "That Will Be Fine" is the youngest of three children. He is also guilty of theft, fraud, and embezzlement. He is also a serial philanderer. Rodney manages the latter "business" by manipulating his nephew, Georgie, with promises of future monetary rewards. "By God," he tells Georgie, "some day you will be as good a businessman as I am" (280). His attempted elopement with a married woman on Christmas Eve goes horribly wrong, and Rodney winds up "wrapped in a quilt" and carried back to his family like a "side of beef" (286). |
2312 | Mrs. Jordon |
Mrs. Jordon is Grandpa's Mottstown neighbor in "That Will Be Fine"; at the end of the story, after Rodney is killed, Rosie is taking Georgie to her house for the night. |
2313 | Mandy 2 |
Mandy cooks for Grandpa in "That Will Be Fine," but she seems to have disappeared the day before Christmas, missing her duties as cook and leaving her cabin mysteriously "locked on the inside" (274). |
2314 | John Paul |
In "That Will Be Fine," John Paul is the servant who drives the hack for Georgie's family and is willing to speak sarcastically about Uncle Rodney's behavior. He is observant and witty: "John Paul said he bet papa would like to give Uncle Rodney a present without even waiting for Christmas . . . a job of work"; "John Paul quit laughing and said Sho, he reckoned anything a man kept at all the time, night and day both, he would call it work no matter how much fun it started out to be" (270). |
2315 | Rosie |
Rosie, a servant working for the family of the narrator of "That Will Be Fine," seems to have a clear understanding of her employers' characters. In particular, she chastises young Georgie: "You and money! If you ain't rich time you twenty-one, hit will be because the law done abolished money or done abolished you" (265). Rosie, like Emmeline, has to do some of the cooking due to the absence of Grandma and Grandpa's servant, Mandy. Although she grumbles about her work, she performs it conscientiously. |
2316 | Mr. Tucker |
He is the husband of Rodney's earlier Jefferson conquest, Mrs. Tucker. Rodney makes clear to Georgie, the very young and uncomprehending narrator of "That Will Be Fine," that Mr. Tucker is not involved in his "business" with Mrs. Tucker (266). |
2317 | Mrs. Tucker |
In "That Will Be Fine," Mrs. Tucker is one of Rodney's earlier Jefferson conquests, the married woman with whom he had an affair while visiting town "last summer" (266). One one occasion, Mrs. Tucker is "sick," so Georgie doesn't get a quarter for his part in the "business" (285). |
2318 | Unnamed Lady in Mottstown |
This is the "other lady in Mottstown" who - according to the account of the very young narrator of "That Will Be Fine" - had "business" with Rodney, though "just one time" (268). "Business" is the term Rodney gave his young nephew; a less naive narrator would say 'sex.' "Lady" is the term that his culture taught this youngster to use for most white women; another narrator might use a different word here too. |
2319 | Unnamed Mottstown Women |
After Rodney's death, which the young narrator of "That Will Be Fine" is still ignorant of, he sees these "ladies with shawls over their heads" coming to offer their condolences to the family. |
2320 | Unnamed Six Mottstown Men |
These are the Mottstown men who carry Rodney's body to his father's house in "That Will Be Fine"; Georgie says, "I could look back and see the six men in the moonlight carrying the blind with the bundle on it" (286). |
2321 | Unnamed Two Mottstown Men |
In "That Will Be Fine," these two men prevent Georgie from seeing his uncle's corpse. One of them picks up Georgie and carries him away. This man has a sense of irony worthy of Faulkner himself. When Georgie naively asks if the "wrapped bundle" that other men are carrying (Rodney's corpse, "wrapped in a quilt" and laid on a shutter) is "a Christmas present for Grandpa," this man replies yes, "From all the husbands in Mottstown" (286). |
2322 | Mr. Watts 2 |
The man with the badge outside Grandpa's house in Mottstown in "That Will Be Fine" reminds Georgie of "Mr. Watts at Jefferson that catches the niggers," so it seems safe to say that Watts is either the sheriff or one of the deputies or, perhaps, the town marshal (277). The fact that all the people he catches are black probably reflects the fact that most arrested people in Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha are black, not that Watts has a special commission to catch Negroes. |
2323 | Papa George |
Georgie, the narrator of "That Will Be Fine" calls his father "Papa," but his actual name is also George. He is "in the livery-stable business" (268), and has no illusions about the dynamics of his wife's family or the character of its black sheep, his wife's brother Rodney. When his wife's sister Louisa, for example, rationalizes Rodney's promiscuous behavior by pointing to his lack of opportunities "to meet a nice girl and marry her," George says: "Marry? Rodney marry? |
2324 | Mr. Barbour |
In "Uncle Willy" Mr. Barbour is the narrator's Sunday school teacher at the Protestant church. He is apparently willing to let Willy sit in on the class, but he never calls on him. |
2325 | Sonny Barger |
Since his store is on or near the street in Jefferson that the narrator of "Uncle Willy" calls "Nigger Row," it's possible that Sonny Barger is black, but more likely that he is one of Jefferson's white small businessmen who cater to poor people of both races - like Willy in his drugstore (234). The fact that Barger sells the narrator a bottle of "Jamaica ginger" - a legal form of alcohol - suggests a seedy kind of establishment (234). |
2326 | Captain Bean |
The Memphis man whom the narrator of "Uncle Willy" identifies as "Captain Bean at the airport" refuses to teach Willy how to fly without a certificate from a doctor but is willing to teach Secretary, Willy's black driver - which seems to flaunt the rules of segregation (241). His title suggests he may be an ex-World War I aviator, like many other flyers in Faulkner's fictions, but that is conjecture. |
2327 | Miss Callaghan |
In "Uncle Willy" Miss Callaghan is the narrator's teacher, at least for "one year" (228). |
2328 | Hoke Christian |
In "Uncle Willy" Hoke Christian first opened the drugstore that his son Willy still owns before the Civil War. He seems to have been a much more exemplary member of the community than Willy, but it's hard to determine his class. In addition to his business, he owned at least one slave, Job, and slave-owning is a characteristic of Yoknapatawpha's upper class families. Talking about Willy, Mrs. Merridew refers to "that position in the world which his family's name entitled him to" (232). But Mrs. |
2329 | Mrs. Christian |
"Mrs. Christian" (the narrator of "Uncle Willy" gives her no other name) is a prostitute in Memphis whom Willy marries on one of his regular trips to the city, and an affront to most of Jefferson when he brings her back to his house. She is "twice as big as Uncle Willy," and visually conspicuous in her clothes - "a red hat and a pink dress" (236), "a red-and-white striped dress so that she looked like a great big stick of candy" (237), "a black lace dress" (238). |
2330 | Mrs. Hovis |
In "Uncle Willy" Mrs. Hovis is among the ladies who try to reform the title character. She alternates with Mrs. Merridew in staying with Willy "day and night" for three days as part of the plan to keep him away from morphine (229). It seems likely that, like Merridew, she is a member of Reverend Schultz's congregation. |
2331 | Mrs. Merridew |
Mrs. Merridew is the character whom the juvenile narrator of "Uncle Willy" casts as the story's main antagonist: when he accuses Job of telephoning "Her" about Willy's whereabouts, both he and Job know he means Mrs. Merridew (246). She is a member of Reverend Schultz's church and the determined leader of the crusade to "save" Uncle Willy from his predilections, which she sees as both beastly and sinful (238). |
2332 | Brother Miller |
"Brother Miller" leads the adult men's Bible study class at the Protestant church that the narrator of "Uncle Willy" attends (227). In his case, "Brother" is a ceremonial title, reflecting his place in the church fellowship. Willy reluctantly leaves the boys' class in Sunday school to sit in with the "men" (227). |
2333 | Uncle Robert |
The man whom the narrator of "Uncle Willy" calls "Uncle Robert" (239) is presumably his biological uncle, the brother of his "Papa" or "Mamma" - although given the other "Uncle" in the story (i.e. Willy, who is not related to the narrator), and the way Southern culture often uses the term ceremonially with white as well as black men, it's hard to be certain of that. |
2334 | Reverend Schultz |
Reverend Schultz is "the minister" of the Protestant church that both the narrator and title character of "Uncle Willy" attend (227). Along with Mrs. Merridew, he leads the campaign to "cure" Willy of his addictions (232). The narrator, who admires Willy Christian but not the town's 'Christians,' describes Schultz in the Sunday school class for adult men this way: "sitting in the middle of them . . . like he was just a plain man like the rest of them yet kind of bulging out from among the others like he didn't have to move or speak them reminded that he wasn't a plain man" (228). |
2335 | Sister Schultz |
"Sister Schultz" in "Uncle Willy" is probably Reverend Schultz' wife (229). Like "Brother Schultz" and "Brother Miller" (229, 227), the title "Sister" most likely is a ceremonial title, indicating their fellowship as members of the same church. |
2336 | Secretary |
In "Uncle Willy" Secretary is the name of the "negro boy" whom Willy hires to drive his car (235). In Faulkner's South, even adult black men are often called "boys" by white people, so although the juvenile narrator says that Secretary is "about my size" (235), he also says that Secretary is "older than me" (241) - though we have no way to know how much older. Both the narrator and Willy describe Secretary as "burr-headed," i.e. with short, bristly hair (235). |
2337 | Unnamed "Good Women in Jefferson" |
At the beginning of "Uncle Willy" the narrator identifies "the good women in Jefferson" as the people who are to blame for "driving Uncle Willy out of town," and thus for the narrator's own choice to follow him (225). The crusade against Willy's behavior is led by two particular women, Mrs. Merridew and Mrs. Hovis, yet at points the narrative seems to see the town's "good women" and the town's 'white' women as essentially synonymous. |
2338 | Unnamed Boys in Jefferson 1 |
Although the narrator of "Uncle Willy" has a particularly close relationship with Willy, he is also one of the group of twelve- to fourteen-year-old "boys" who "see a lot" of Willy, in two very different contexts (226). They stop by his drugstore after their baseball games, where he feeds them ice cream while listening to their accounts of the games, and they watch him inject morphine; he joins them in church as a member of Mr. Barbour's Sunday School class for boys. |
2339 | Unnamed Father of Narrator 1 |
"Papa," as the narrator of "Uncle Willy" calls his father, is a "lawyer" (236). Although he does not share any of the self-righteousness of the women who want to save Willy from his vices, he does participate in Mrs. Merridew's campaign to force Willy's wife to leave town, and in Job's attempt to keep Willy from flying his airplane. He calls Willy a "lunatic" (239) and blames the old man for the narrator's various forms of truancy; the narrator himself repeatedly rejects both those interpretations. |
2340 | Unnamed Mother of Narrator 1 |
The "Mamma" of the narrator of "Uncle Willy" appears in the text only as the person Mrs. Merridew phones to complain about Willy's new wife (236). Her son does not describe her own reaction to Mrs. Merridew's rage. |
2341 | Unnamed Field Workers 1 |
These "field hands" at Renfro in "Uncle Willy" "come up out of the fields" to stare up at the spectacle of Secretary trying to teach Willy how to fly the plane (244). Their perspective as they watch a black man teach a white man this skill would presumably depend on their own race, but the story says nothing to indicate what that is. |