
Vocabulary: Themes and Motifs
Term ID Term Parent Description
1282 Money|Wealth Absence/Loss
1803 Monument Objects
1630 Moral authority Values
3722 Morality Morals
1092 Morals (First level term)
1820 Mosquitoes Animals
1774 Motivation Psychological
5393 Mottoes Texts
2491 Moustache Body
2995 Mouth Body
2271 Movement Philosophical
4790 Moving a dead body Death
661 Mules Animals
2229 Murder Death
1934 Music Art
4317 Musical instrument Objects
852 Mysterious Arrivals/Departures
877 Mystery Meaning
2220 Nail Objects
2389 Naivety Character
5137 Naked Body
2019 Nakedness Appearance
1830 Named bear Ben Animals
860 Named dog Lion Animals
1166 Named for historical figure Naming
463 Naming (First level term)
3141 Napkin Objects
5496 Need for Money
4261 Neglect Home
3385 New car Objects
5524 New home Home
1709 Newspapers Texts
3503 Nickel coin Money
580 Nickname Naming
3197 Nicknames Naming
2969 Nihilism Philosophical
2856 Noisiness Character
4197 Nondescript Appearance
2100 Nose Body
2871 Not knowing person or thing's name Naming

For occasions when a narrative draws attention to a character forgetting or not knowing the word or name of someone or something - Benjy being raised not to know his mother's name in Sound and Fury, for instance, or when Joe Christmas can't think at first of what it is he is eating until he remembers "It's peas." -JBP

4884 Not remember Memory
4668 Note Texts
4218 Nothing to do Futility

"There's nothing else I can do now," Elly thinks (207). Reaching a point where no further options or ways forward can be imagined.

1332 Nothingness Recurring Tropes
5259 Notice Texts
3092 Novel Texts
4081 Oars Objects
461 Objects (First level term)
2377 Objet d'art Art
1333 Obsession Psychological
2653 Odor Recurring Tropes
3117 Of loved one Absence/Loss
5352 Of parent Death
1627 Old days Past
1671 Old days Story-telling
1985 Open secret Recurring Tropes

Any moment when everyone or many people in a place know something to be true, but they pretend not to know it. For example, everyone knows Linda is not Flem's child, but pretends to not know, just as everyone pretends John Powell brings his gun to work but people pretend he does not. JB

3354 Opera glass Objects
3546 Opinion Community
2258 Opportunism Character
4835 Order Chaos/Order
4048 Order in a courtroom Chaos/Order
4652 Ordinary Community
5162 Organ Objects
1387 Out of ordered place Chaos/Order

This phrase derives from the last words of The Sound and the Fury: "each in its ordered place." It is used when the expected order is radically unsettled, such as when one of the spotted horses goes inside Mrs. Littlejohn's house or the mule gets into Mrs. Hait's yard, and so on. SR

756 Over time Absence/Loss
2121 Owed Money

This keyword is for when a character claims or otherwise believes he or she is owed money (to repay a debt, as payment for labor, etc.). -JBP

5304 Owl Animals
939 Ownership Animals
2036 Oxen Animals
1700 Padlock Objects
1544 Painting Art
999 Panther Animals
3146 Paper Objects
3407 Parade Community
1923 Paradox Recurring Tropes
1301 Paranoia Psychological
1646 Parasol Objects
3633 Parcel Objects
1303 Parental Past
521 Past Time
1093 Past (First level term)
1322 Past in present Past
4206 Past vs present Past
3820 Paternity Meaning
2801 Payoff Money

TMT: I added this for the scene in which John Sartoris sends money to the widow of a man whom he killed in The Unvanquished (221), so I don't know whether it will be applicable anywhere else; but nothing else on the list seemed to fit.

1056 Peace Psychological
4514 Pear tree Objects
3357 Peep-hole viewer / Stanhope Objects
3108 Pencil Objects
2310 Performance Recurring Tropes
2931 Perfume Objects
2600 Permanence Time
4606 Persistence Character
3560 Personal past Past
2332 Personality change Character
1613 Perspective Appearance

I added this for "The Old People," 206.5, to describe how the narrator sees Sam Fathers growing smaller and smaller as the hunting party leaves him behind. I don't really like the term that I chose but I couldn't think of anything else. LW

1946 Phaeton Objects
2382 Phantom Supernatural
386 Philosophical (First level term)
3209 Phonograph Objects
