
Vocabulary: Actions
Term ID Term Parent Description
2800 Smelling Bodily
802 Smoking Bodily
2098 Sneaking Movement
3468 Snoring Bodily
4603 Social criticism Verbal
2422 Social protest Interaction, Social
3486 Sowing Work
4301 Spanish Communication
4592 Speaking Communication
4576 Spectate Interaction, Social

Whenever a group of people are watching an event unfold. For example, when the soldiers watch Buck and Buddy play cards in the Unvanquished (50). JB

519 Speculation Verbal
1234 Speculation Mental
1755 Speech Verbal

Any time someone give a speech, in this case Monk. JB

1917 Spitting Movement
2288 Spitting Bodily
3840 Sport-fencing Play
3591 Sports Crew / rowing Play
2205 Sports Golf Play
2283 Spying Perceptual

Any time a character or characters looks at someone or something while attempting to remain undetected. JB

1604 Squatting Bodily
5120 Squatting Physical
1817 Squirrel hunting Hunting
2750 Stabbing Violent
1413 Stalking Physical
5136 Standing Bodily
4588 Standing guard Legal
1072 Staring Bodily
5140 Starting fire Physical
3908 Starting over Physical
1898 Starvation Bodily
3139 Stating intent to leave home / run away Verbal
1113 Stealing Moral
2517 Steamboat Movement
2119 Stock trading Economic

Term for those who buy or sell "stock" - horses, mules, etc. -JBP

4889 Stopping Movement
1843 Store clerk Work
5527 Store owner Economic
3504 Store owner-customer Interaction, Private
1185 Storytelling Verbal
3578 Strangers in a public place Interaction, Private

For when two people happen to interact in some way in the street or some other public place. Added for Quentin's various chance encounters with people during his long day of travel in and around Cambridge. JBP

3499 Street vendor / service worker Interaction, Private
2557 Streetcar Movement
5141 Stretching Bodily
1302 Strip searching Perceptual
5180 Struggling Physical
3615 Stubbornness Emotional
3098 Studying Mental
4002 Stuttering / stammering Verbal
2646 Submission / Acquiescence Mental
1400 Suicide Violent
3142 Sulking Emotional
1158 Summation Legal
4073 Suppression / trying not to think Mental
1489 Surprise Emotional
2550 Surrey Movement
1300 Surveillance Perceptual
2381 Suspicion Emotional
3967 Swallowing Bodily
2426 Swearing Communication
2734 Swearing Verbal
1431 Sweating Bodily
3993 Sweetness Perceptual
1749 Swimming Movement
3392 Sympathy Emotional
887 Tailor Work
2479 Taking Physical
3049 Taking without paying Economic

Somewhat distinct from stealing; this is for when someone confiscates, keeps, or otherwise takes something for which payment might ordinarily be expected. (The incident of the golfer keeping the golf ball that Luster tries to sell to him, for example.) -JBP

753 Talking Verbal
2921 Tasting Perceptual
637 Taunt Verbal
4654 Taxi Movement
3550 Teacher-class of students Interaction, Social
3549 Teacher-student Interaction, Private
1578 Teaching Work
1610 Teaching Hunting
1644 Teaching Domestic
2111 Teasing Verbal
2350 Telegraph Communication
1415 Telephone Communication
2325 Telling Verbal
3469 Tennis Play
5586 Tension Bodily
1292 Terror Emotional
5652 Testifying Legal
5680 Thanking Verbal
2006 Theatricality Emotional
2973 Thinking Mental
1597 Thirsting Bodily
563 Threat Verbal
1750 Threatening Violent
1861 Throwing Physical
3749 Throwing downstairs Violent
2922 Tickling Perceptual
2720 Tirade Verbal
4687 To pay for education Work
2437 Tolerance Emotional
2976 Touching Physical
1618 Tracking Hunting
1195 Trading Economic
4793 Traffic Movement
