Themes and Motifs: Time Just in time
Whenever a character arrives or performs an action, or event happens "just in time" or in the "nick of time." That is, there is narrative anticipation for time running out, but things are saved at the last moment. JB
Parent Term
Sibling Terms
- Abrupt shift in time
- And change
- Anticipation
- Awareness of time
- Being in time
- Being late / tardiness
- Being on time / punctuality
- Being outside of time
- Continuity
- Cyclical
- Duration of time
- Frozen / Static
- Future
- Living in the present
- Long passage of time
- Lost time
- Measuring time
- Past
- Permanence
- Return to present time
- Routine
- Running out
- Series of events experienced as long duration
- Simultaneity of time
- Timelessness
- Town clock
- Transcended
- Travel back in time
- Unsynchronized clocks
- Watch
- Working day
Tagged Events
Environment: Time of Day›Afternoon
Cultural Issues: Clothes›Formal | Modernity›Changing customs | Technology›Telephone
Themes and Motifs: Time›Just in time
Themes and Motifs: Time›Just in time
Aesthetics: Recurring Episodes›Byron Snopes' children