
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Term Description
1550 Themes and Motifs Naming Using Indians as names
912 Themes and Motifs Values Valor
395 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Values
4210 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Vanishing
1000 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Vanishing Indian
2025 Themes and Motifs Character Vanity
3431 Themes and Motifs Objects Vase
4256 Themes and Motifs Objects Vegetation
2848 Themes and Motifs Character Violent
2296 Themes and Motifs Values Virtue
5498 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Vision
3417 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Vitality
2598 Themes and Motifs Body Voice
4892 Themes and Motifs Determinism Vs human agency
1040 Themes and Motifs Objects Wagon
3987 Themes and Motifs Body Waist
2846 Themes and Motifs Death Wake

For gatherings of mourners prior to actual, formal funerals - for instance, in The Sound and the Fury on the occasion of Damuddy's death (which most likely is a wake rather than a funeral). -JBP

821 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss War
4534 Themes and Motifs Money Wasting
633 Themes and Motifs Time Watch
1001 Themes and Motifs Objects Watch
1491 Themes and Motifs Objects Watermelon
1666 Themes and Motifs Community Wedding
669 Themes and Motifs Objects Wedding license
2843 Themes and Motifs Objects Wedding ring
2441 Themes and Motifs Body Weight
1062 Themes and Motifs Objects Well
2470 Themes and Motifs Objects Wheel
5540 Themes and Motifs Objects Wheel chair
1345 Themes and Motifs Futility When will it stop
694 Themes and Motifs Animals Whippoorwills
606 Themes and Motifs Animals Wild horses
1002 Themes and Motifs Animals Wildcats
594 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Wildness
4572 Themes and Motifs Texts Will
1864 Themes and Motifs Psychological Will to endure
4150 Themes and Motifs Objects Willow tree
2021 Themes and Motifs Objects Windows
1887 Themes and Motifs Objects Wisteria
2043 Themes and Motifs Animals Wolf
2620 Themes and Motifs Body Womb
2943 Themes and Motifs Money Won
4357 Themes and Motifs Animals Woodpecker|Lord-to-God
1196 Themes and Motifs Character Work ethic
2874 Themes and Motifs Time Working day
1824 Themes and Motifs Objects Wreath
4123 Themes and Motifs Naming Wrong name
4910 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Year the stars fell

Added to refer to Faulkner's reference in at least two texts to 1833, "the year the stars fell" (in Appendix and in Go Down, Moses). Seems to refer to an actual historical event of a massive meteor shower that year which many interpreted as an omen, possibly even of end of times. Here is one article referencing the event: JBP

2418 Themes and Motifs Past Yoknapatawpha founders
5614 Cultural Issues History 1860 Election of Lincoln
302 Cultural Issues Slavery AANoSecondTerm
905 Cultural Issues Government Abdication
317 Cultural Issues Slavery Abolition
983 Cultural Issues Land-Use Aboriginal
3420 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Abortion
4597 Cultural Issues Alcohol Abstinence
3374 Cultural Issues Law Abuse of office
5089 Cultural Issues Education Academia
1372 Cultural Issues Violence Accident
548 Cultural Issues Law Acquittal
1407 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Addiction
923 Cultural Issues Age Adolescence
5349 Cultural Issues Sexuality Adult-adolescent
1793 Cultural Issues Mass Media Advertising
3201 Cultural Issues Economy Advertising
897 Cultural Issues War Aerial combat
2347 Cultural Issues Religion African American

Religion with regard to either African-Americans or the African-American community. The particular example here is of Lucius Priest in the The Reivers who imagines a "Negro" sermonizing about a moral decision. R 61.8. JB

305 Cultural Issues Slavery African origins
464 Cultural Issues (First level term) Age
5606 Cultural Issues Age Agelessness
1635 Cultural Issues Land-Use Agricultural
4033 Cultural Issues Progress Agricultural
1087 Cultural Issues (First level term) Agriculture
3035 Cultural Issues Progress Air travel
465 Cultural Issues (First level term) Alcohol
3915 Cultural Issues Alcohol Alcoholism
1778 Cultural Issues Law Alibi
1745 Cultural Issues Law Alienating

Any time the legal system alienates a person caught up in it, whether the person is guilty or not. The direct example here is Monk, but Mink Snopes is equally alienated, because he does not understand how the system works and suffers more dire consequences because of it.

2872 Cultural Issues Gender All-male space
4065 Cultural Issues Identity, Personal Alter ego / other self
1693 Cultural Issues Identity, Personal Ambiguous
635 Cultural Issues Class Ambition
3192 Cultural Issues Violence Ambush
328 Cultural Issues Slavery Amelioration

To mark passages where white slave owners make some attempt to improve the condition of the slaves they own; the clearest example is way Buck and Buddy McCaslin treat their slaves. SR

1730 Cultural Issues Cultural Identity America and opportunity
3096 Cultural Issues Identity, Cultural America vs Europe
1257 Cultural Issues Nationality American
3195 Cultural Issues Cultural Identity American
3345 Cultural Issues History American historical myths
1711 Cultural Issues War American Revolution
2423 Cultural Issues History American Revolution
3359 Cultural Issues Materialism Americana
3257 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Amputation
1479 Cultural Issues Religion Amulet
3258 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Anaesthetic
5397 Cultural Issues Identity, Personal Ancestral
5587 Cultural Issues Clothes And age
4426 Cultural Issues Clothes And class
4857 Cultural Issues Religion And class
5011 Cultural Issues Clothes And gender
