
Term ID Vocabularysort descending Parent Term Description
3758 Aesthetics Symbolism Sexual symbol
3759 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Drama / Theatre imagery
3767 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Galahad
3769 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Parrot
3772 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Gods
3776 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Antony and Cleopatra
3779 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical New England
3781 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary The Tempest
3782 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Dickinson, Emily
3786 Aesthetics Description Color green
3787 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Violent in figurative sense

For when a text uses "violent" in a figurative sense for things not actually violent -- violent fecundity, for instance, or "cheap violent blues" of someone's clothing. JBP

3788 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Chimera / Chimaera
3789 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Female monsters
3792 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Johnstown, Pennsylvania
3796 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Homer
3805 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Reno, Nevada
3806 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Lethe
3818 Aesthetics Language WhoOoooo
3819 Aesthetics Language WhoOooooooooooooooo
3822 Aesthetics Description Color gray
3827 Aesthetics Language Foreign language
3828 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Shelley, Percy Bysshe
3830 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Unicorn
3847 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Clean flame
3848 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Narcissus
3851 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Dante's Inferno
3852 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
3856 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Arrow
3862 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Old Testament Book Song of Songs
3866 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Old Testament Book of Proverbs
3871 Aesthetics Diction Southern dialect
3872 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Fire
3873 Aesthetics Description Color yellow
3874 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Threads
3875 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Pencil
3877 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Stencil
3884 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Ants
3885 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Poem "Mr. Eliot's Sunday Morning Service"
3892 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Coventry, England
3897 Aesthetics Description Color white
3903 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Chess imagery stalemate
3906 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Lexington, Virginia
3912 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Embroidery
3914 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Treadmill
3919 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Toy bear / teddybear
3923 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Poem/song "The Star-Spangled Banner"
3924 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Parody
3927 Aesthetics Diction Ethnic slur
3954 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Periodical filth
3961 Aesthetics Description Color pink
3969 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Calf rope
3974 Aesthetics Language Oh Oh Oh Oh
4019 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Hardy, Thomas
4027 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Slot machine
4030 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Glove
4034 Aesthetics Diction Malapropism
4042 Aesthetics Language Foreign accent / dialect
4054 Aesthetics Symbolism Fire
4062 Aesthetics Narrative Adage
4072 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Coal dust
4074 Aesthetics Language Abundance or flow of words

For whenever a text makes a point of "words" (without necessarily listing specific ones) - generalizing about them. Added for when Quentin starts thinking about being "the words coming out" as he reflects on how could he be a virgin. JBP

4075 Aesthetics Description Color lilac
4076 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Paint
4084 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Othello
4085 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Bestial imagery
4087 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Persephone
4088 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Euboeleus / Eubuleus
4089 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Abduction myths
4090 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Swine
4093 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Coupled
4097 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Old maid
4099 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Affirmation

Similar to the keyword for negation, but for when a text vaguely affirms or says yes about something. (Cf. Quentin saying "we did" and "yes Yes Yes yes" on 148-49 of SF.) JBP

4101 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Locked
4102 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Wild breath
4103 Aesthetics Language yes Yes Yes yes
4104 Aesthetics Language Ah Ah Ah
4105 Aesthetics Language ah ah ah
4107 Aesthetics Narrative Suspense
4109 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Bach, Johann Sebastian
4110 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Goethe, Johann
4111 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Beethoven, Ludwig van
4112 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Schiller, Friedrich
4113 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Amsterdam
4114 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Rats
4117 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Jehovah
4121 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Cleveland, Grover
4122 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Taft, President
4135 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Syria
4139 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Island of silence
4142 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Mirror
4152 Aesthetics Symbolism Cleansing power of water
4153 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Baptism
4154 Aesthetics Language no no
4157 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Atlantic City, New Jersey
4158 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Leda and the Swan
4164 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Great Depression
4165 Aesthetics Narrative Reported narration passim
4170 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Vernacular
4178 Aesthetics Narrative Reported narration passim in section
4189 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Technological imagery
