Term ID |
Vocabulary![]() |
Parent | Term | Description |
3286 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Keble, John | |
5412 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Keeley Institute, Memphis | |
3606 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Kentucky | |
2565 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Khan, Genghis | |
2820 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Kiblett, Arkansas | |
3608 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | King and/or queen | |
4237 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Kitchener, Horatio Herbert | |
1873 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Koran | |
5423 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Kreisler, Fritz | |
2307 | Aesthetics | Typography/Orthography | Lack of Punctuation | |
3233 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Lamar | |
3337 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Lancelot | |
2551 | Aesthetics | Description | Landscape | |
1100 | Aesthetics | (First level term) | Language | |
4582 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Lao Tse (Laozi) | |
2967 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Latin pastoral poetry | |
3168 | Aesthetics | Language | Latin phrase | |
5271 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Launcelot | |
4158 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Mythical | Leda and the Swan | |
2661 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Lee, Robert Edward | |
5659 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | LeFlore, Greenwood | |
5297 | Aesthetics | Language | Legal definitions | |
3347 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Mythical | Legends in American history | |
4475 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Biblical | Leprosy | |
3806 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Mythical | Lethe | |
3906 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Lexington, Virginia | |
2693 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Biblical | Lilith | |
3221 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Mythical | Lilith | |
5656 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Lilliput | |
5515 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Limbourg, Belgium | |
2326 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Lincoln, Abraham | |
3217 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Lind, Jenny | |
3510 | Aesthetics | Style | List | |
5084 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Livy | |
4215 | Aesthetics | Description | Location portrait | |
4101 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Locked | |
2827 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | London | |
5440 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Long Island, New York | |
1888 | Aesthetics | Style | Long sentence | |
3037 | Aesthetics | Style | Long sentence passim | |
1215 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Longstreet, James | |
5061 | Aesthetics | Recurring Episodes | Looking upon evil | |
4812 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Lookout Mountain | |
2596 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Loom | |
2819 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Lord Fauntleroy | |
5554 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Los Angeles | |
2380 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Lothario | |
5691 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Louisville, Kentucky | |
2804 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Biblical | Lucifer | |
4298 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Lusitania | |
4942 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Lycurgus of Sparta | |
2791 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Lytle, Horace | |
884 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | MacArthur, Douglas | |
2320 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Macbeth | |
4448 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Madame Bovary | |
4768 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Madison, Mississippi | |
5274 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Biblical | Magdalen | |
5448 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Maginot Line | |
4034 | Aesthetics | Diction | Malapropism | |
5503 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Malaya | |
2951 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Manassas, Horse | |
5212 | Aesthetics | Recurring Episodes | Mannie Hait cashes check | |
5211 | Aesthetics | Recurring Episodes | Mannie's death | |
3216 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Mark Twain | |
5465 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Marlowe, Christopher | |
2173 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Biblical | Mary | |
679 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Mask | |
3619 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Mason and Dixon Line | |
2568 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Masons | |
3610 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Massachusetts | |
5072 | Aesthetics | Recurring Episodes | McCarron ambushed | |
5670 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | McClellan, George B. | |
3231 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | McLaurin | |
413 | Aesthetics | (First level term) | Media | |
2397 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Medical / Surgical | |
2103 | Aesthetics | Genre Conventions | Melodrama | |
5421 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Memphis Junction | |
2372 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Memphis, Tennessee | |
5369 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Mythical | Menelaus | |
3032 | Aesthetics | Metafictional | Merging history and fiction | |
5474 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Mesopotamia | |
4532 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Messalina | |
484 | Aesthetics | (First level term) | Metafictional | |
1030 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Metaphor | |
2130 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Metonym | |
4380 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Mexico | |
3368 | Aesthetics | Narrative | Mid-sentence insertion of another thought | |
5229 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Middle Ages | |
2329 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Military analogy | |
2156 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Military terminology | |
3446 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Milton, John | |
5437 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Literary | Milton, John | |
1004 | Aesthetics | Genre Conventions | Minstrelsy | |
2634 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Mirage | |
4142 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Mirror | |
3305 | Aesthetics | Diction | Misogynistic wording | |
5435 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | Miss America | |
5035 | Aesthetics | Recurring Episodes | Miss Quentin runs away | |
2886 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Mississippi | |
5526 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Geographical | Mississippi Delta |