
Term ID Vocabulary Parentsort descending Term Description
5278 Themes and Motifs Memory Haunted by past
4884 Themes and Motifs Memory Not remember
856 Themes and Motifs Memory Remembering
640 Themes and Motifs Memory Remembering passim
4004 Themes and Motifs Memory Sensory memory

When the physical sensation of a particular past event is remembered by a character. BR

1881 Themes and Motifs Memory Uncertain
5171 Actions Mental Accepting
3611 Actions Mental Believing
4370 Actions Mental Calculation
3002 Actions Mental Changing one's mind
1340 Actions Mental Channeling

An unFaulknerian term for what Zilphia does when, in Jefferson, she lives "vicariously and transcendentally" inside the lives of her former husband and his new wife in another state, or what Darl does so often in As I Lay Dying. SR

5494 Actions Mental Compulsion
5127 Actions Mental Confusion
1173 Actions Mental Contemplation
3548 Actions Mental Counting
4987 Actions Mental Curiosity
3556 Actions Mental Day-dreaming
5129 Actions Mental Deciding
4591 Actions Mental Deduction
3685 Actions Mental Disapproval
2912 Actions Mental Disbelief
1203 Actions Mental Discovery
4199 Actions Mental Disorientation
3801 Actions Mental Distraction
3660 Actions Mental Distrust
1314 Actions Mental Dreaming
1966 Actions Mental Economizing

When a character invests effort in thinking strategically about personal or household economy, such as when Cora Tull attempts to pay for her pricey chickens by selling cakes made with the eggs of those chickens in AILD. EP

890 Actions Mental Envisioning
3553 Actions Mental Failing / Failure
3327 Actions Mental Fantasizing
2263 Actions Mental Fatalism
3907 Actions Mental Flashback
5155 Actions Mental Forgetting
3047 Actions Mental Hallucinating
2177 Actions Mental Imagining
2207 Actions Mental Impairment
3555 Actions Mental Inattentativeness
3804 Actions Mental Incomprehension
1996 Actions Mental Inquiry
4328 Actions Mental Insight
4346 Actions Mental Internal argument
5121 Actions Mental Knowing
3517 Actions Mental Learning
4360 Actions Mental Logically reasoning
2219 Actions Mental Misunderstanding
2499 Actions Mental Nightmare
4029 Actions Mental Planning
2847 Actions Mental Predicting
1811 Actions Mental Realization
4842 Actions Mental Reinterpretation
1150 Actions Mental Remembering
2917 Actions Mental Repression
1838 Actions Mental Self-consciousness
2146 Actions Mental Skepticism
1234 Actions Mental Speculation
3098 Actions Mental Studying
2646 Actions Mental Submission / Acquiescence
4073 Actions Mental Suppression / trying not to think
2973 Actions Mental Thinking
2349 Actions Mental Unaware
575 Actions Mental Uncertainty
981 Actions Mental Understanding
4986 Actions Mental Visualize
3032 Aesthetics Metafictional Merging history and fiction
1889 Aesthetics Metafictional Painting
2323 Aesthetics Metafictional Picture/image
2371 Aesthetics Metafictional Projection
2376 Aesthetics Metafictional Signs
3055 Aesthetics Metafictional Theatrical setting
4888 Cultural Issues Migration Big Bottom
2241 Cultural Issues Migration Intraregional migration

This keyword is for characters who move out of Yoknapatawpha to another place inside the South - the "South" being defined in this instance as the former slave-holding states, including the 3 (Missouri, Kentucky and Maryland) that did not secede from the Union. The most typical instance of intraregional migration involves black characters who move to Memphis, like Versh in The Sound and the Fury.  SR

Also it can be used for characters who move into Yoknapatawpha from another place in the South. CR and JJ

2242 Cultural Issues Migration Movement to city

This keyword refers to references or descriptions of characters who move from a less urban to a more urban environment, and is equally appropriate when someone moves from Frenchman's Bend to Jefferson and when someone from Jefferson moves to Memphis or New York. SR

4128 Cultural Issues Migration North
1419 Cultural Issues Migration Work

This is used for instances of characters relocating to a different state or country for reasons related to work and employment (i.e., economic migration). BR

4829 Actions Military Capturing prisoners
2521 Actions Military Combat
5430 Actions Military Demotion
3022 Actions Military Destruction of enemy property
2405 Actions Military Enlistment
1967 Actions Military Escape
2589 Actions Military Marching
4764 Actions Military Patrol
2591 Actions Military Promotion
5214 Actions Military Raid
5428 Actions Military Raising troops
4766 Actions Military Reconnaissance
4384 Actions Military Rescue
3184 Actions Military Retreat
2738 Actions Military Riding
4015 Actions Military Training
2047 Cultural Issues Modernity Changing customs
2985 Cultural Issues Modernity Interwar years
4449 Cultural Issues Modernity Modernist style

When text makes fairly explicit reference to "modernism" as a movement, like the cubistic bug in As I Lay Dying or the modernist lampstand in Sanctuary. SR

5603 Cultural Issues Modernity Modernization
2289 Cultural Issues Modernity Speed

Any time characters experience new speeds as a result of modernization. This could be speeds achieved by car, train, or flight, but also more abstract speeds like the speed of communication due to the telephone. The specific example is when Lucius Priest accidentally spits in his wife's face while motoring. JB

3103 Themes and Motifs Money As motive
4513 Themes and Motifs Money As symbol

I added this term for when money is representative of something, like Chick's shame in Intruder. LW

3674 Themes and Motifs Money Bill
4853 Themes and Motifs Money Cash
4119 Themes and Motifs Money Check
