
Term IDsort ascending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
563 Actions Verbal Threat
562 Cultural Issues Class Respectability
561 Cultural Issues Gender Women
560 Relationships Marital Shotgun marriage
559 Environment Time of Day Monday morning
558 Actions Verbal Rumor
557 Environment Place Rural
556 Cultural Issues Economy Bargaining
555 Cultural Issues Clothes Undressing
554 Environment Place Frenchman's Bend
553 Actions Movement Flight
552 Actions Perceptual Voyeurism
551 Environment Time of Year Spring
550 Actions Violent Fighting
549 Cultural Issues Clothes Apron
548 Cultural Issues Law Acquittal
547 Relationships Social Homosocial rivalry
546 Cultural Issues Race Law
545 Relationships Romantic Courtship
544 Environment Time of Year Fall
543 Cultural Issues Sexuality Attractiveness
542 Cultural Issues Law Mistrial
541 Cultural Issues Age Spinsterhood
540 Relationships Commercial Employer-employee
539 Themes and Motifs Community Tradition
538 Themes and Motifs Character Ambitious
537 Relationships Commercial Customer relations
536 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Ethics
535 Cultural Issues War Death
534 Environment Place Country store
533 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Justice
532 Cultural Issues Economy Predatory practices
531 Actions Moral Defeat
530 Themes and Motifs Objects Fence
529 Cultural Issues Labor Menial
528 Themes and Motifs Animals Hog
527 Aesthetics Figures of Speech People compared to animals
526 Cultural Issues Violence Rape
525 Environment Domestic Space Architecture
524 Cultural Issues Economy Tenantry|Share-cropping

There are significant differences between "share-cropping" and "tenant farming" in reality. "Tenants" typically furnished their own farming tools and livestock, and had at least a measure of control over what crops they planted on land they rented from a landlord; "share-croppers" typically only contributed their own labor, with the landlord dictating what they would raise and providing the animals and tools they used. But in his fiction Faulkner does not maintain this distinction, using the terms as essentially synonymous. SR

523 Actions Work Prosecuting
522 Themes and Motifs Body Intestines
521 Themes and Motifs Time Past
520 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Gothic
519 Actions Verbal Speculation
518 Cultural Issues Education Law school
517 Themes and Motifs Arrivals/Departures Advent
516 Aesthetics Typography/Orthography Italics
515 Cultural Issues Education Heidelberg
514 Relationships Familial Father-son
513 Cultural Issues Education Harvard
512 Cultural Issues Prejudice Racism
511 Cultural Issues Law Trial
510 Themes and Motifs Values Loyalty
509 Environment Atmospheric Dread
508 Actions Emotional Grief
507 Cultural Issues Group Mentality Community collective

We created this term to denote any instance in which the community operates as a social body, collectively self-organizing to think or do something. Sometimes, this may be simply believing an idea collectively and, at others, it may entail acting together as in the crowd at the horse auction of The Hamlet. JC and JJ

506 Actions Emotional Despair
505 Actions Emotional Fear
504 Aesthetics Narrative First-person plural passim
503 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Disorder
502 Actions Interaction, Social Gossip
501 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Tall tale
500 Environment Time of Day Twilight
499 Actions Movement Car
498 Actions Perceptual Smelling
497 Actions Movement Wagon
496 Relationships Familial Uncle-nephew
495 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Monument
494 Aesthetics Narrative First-person passim
493 Environment Public Court
492 Environment Time of Day Morning
491 Environment Public Store
490 Aesthetics Narrative First-person
489 Environment Olfactory Food
488 Aesthetics Narrative First-person vernacular passim
487 Aesthetics Narrative First-person vernacular
486 Cultural Issues (First level term) Sexuality
485 Aesthetics (First level term) Ambiguity
484 Aesthetics (First level term) Metafictional
483 Aesthetics (First level term) Intertextuality
482 Relationships (First level term) Sexual
481 Relationships (First level term) Marital
480 Relationships (First level term) Interspecies
479 Relationships (First level term) Intergenerational
478 Relationships (First level term) Hierarchical
477 Relationships (First level term) Friendship
476 Cultural Issues (First level term) Supernatural
475 Cultural Issues (First level term) Ritual
474 Cultural Issues (First level term) Nationality
473 Cultural Issues (First level term) Materialism
472 Cultural Issues (First level term) Labor
471 Cultural Issues (First level term) Identity, Personal
470 Cultural Issues (First level term) Hunting and Fishing
469 Cultural Issues (First level term) Health and Illness
468 Cultural Issues (First level term) Group Mentality
467 Cultural Issues (First level term) Food
466 Cultural Issues (First level term) Clothes
465 Cultural Issues (First level term) Alcohol
464 Cultural Issues (First level term) Age
