
Term IDsort ascending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
1079 Actions Violent Domestic violence
1078 Environment Public Blacksmith
1077 Actions Verbal Whispering
1076 Actions Emotional Defiance
1075 Environment Time of Year Laid-by season
1074 Cultural Issues Class Power
1073 Actions Economic Bargaining
1072 Actions Bodily Staring
1071 Cultural Issues Law Bail
1070 Actions Verbal Discussion
1069 Themes and Motifs Home Dwelling
1068 Actions Economic Purchase
1067 Relationships Marital Father in law-son in law
1066 Cultural Issues Politics Election
1065 Environment Atmospheric Heat
1064 Cultural Issues Economy Dowry
1063 Themes and Motifs Money Dowry
1062 Themes and Motifs Objects Well
1061 Actions Verbal Shouting
1060 Environment Time of Day Dusk
1059 Actions Physical Chopping wood
1058 Actions Emotional Impatience
1057 Actions Verbal Naming self
1056 Themes and Motifs Psychological Peace
1055 Relationships Marital Conflict
1054 Actions Hunting Shooting
1053 Environment Time of Year Quail season
1052 Themes and Motifs Animals Quail
1051 Actions Hunting Quail hunting
1050 Cultural Issues Politics Presidential administration
1049 Aesthetics Intertextuality Embedded text, cursive

This term was created In reference to the names "George Wilkins" and "Nathalie Beauchamp" written by hand on the wedding license in "Point of Law." JW

1048 Cultural Issues Law Wedding license
1047 Cultural Issues Clothes Sunday shoes
1046 Environment Place Foyer
1045 Cultural Issues Class Professional
1044 Cultural Issues Economy Wealth
1043 Cultural Issues Class Elite
1042 Themes and Motifs Objects Cigar
1041 Themes and Motifs Objects Truck
1040 Themes and Motifs Objects Wagon
1039 Actions Movement Crossing
1038 Environment Public Town Square
1037 Relationships Interracial Conflict
1036 Actions Verbal Questioning
1034 Cultural Issues Clothes Sunday clothes
1033 Actions Verbal Negotiation
1032 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Gaze
1030 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Metaphor
1029 Relationships Marital Arrangements
1028 Cultural Issues Clothes Headrag
1027 Cultural Issues Clothes Panama hat
1026 Cultural Issues Clothes Overalls
1025 Environment Domestic Space Yard
1024 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Twilight
1023 Environment Place Field
1022 Environment Time of Day Afternoon
1021 Relationships Familial Kinship
1020 Environment Domestic Space Stable
1019 Environment Domestic Space Gate
1018 Cultural Issues Economy Self-sufficiency
1017 Actions Movement Driving
1016 Aesthetics Narrative Conjectural narration

This is the term I came up with to describe situations where the narrator (I was thinking mainly of anonymous narrators) uses phrases like "perhaps," "probably," "might," "maybe" to weaken the certainty or authority of what's being narrated. Where, that is, the narrator hedges his bets. JW

1014 Cultural Issues Law Spousal privilege
1013 Relationships Marital Spousal privilege
1012 Relationships Familial Conflict
1011 Cultural Issues Law Legal issue
1010 Cultural Issues Labor Farming
1009 Cultural Issues Law Witness
1008 Environment Domestic Space Backyard
1007 Cultural Issues Race White savior
1006 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Freedom
1005 Environment Place Railroad log line
1004 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Minstrelsy
1003 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Insight
1002 Themes and Motifs Animals Wildcats
1001 Themes and Motifs Objects Watch
1000 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Vanishing Indian
999 Themes and Motifs Animals Panther
998 Aesthetics Tone Humorous
997 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Roosevelt, Franklin D.
996 Cultural Issues Race Black property ownership
995 Themes and Motifs Arrivals/Departures Relocation
994 Environment Domestic Space Race
993 Cultural Issues War Draft
991 Cultural Issues Race Stereotype sweat
990 Cultural Issues Crime Penalty for
989 Themes and Motifs Arrivals/Departures Jailbreak
988 Themes and Motifs Death Execution
987 Relationships Ancestral Indian
986 Actions Work Law enforcement
985 Themes and Motifs Death Indian burial practices
984 Environment Domestic Space Racial confusion
983 Cultural Issues Land-Use Aboriginal
982 Aesthetics Narrative Repetition
981 Actions Mental Understanding
980 Cultural Issues Progress Trains
979 Aesthetics Diction Rural vernacular
978 Cultural Issues War World War I
977 Environment Domestic Space Dining room
976 Actions Interaction, Social Leadership
