Term ID![]() |
Vocabulary | Parent | Term | Description |
1383 | Actions | Perceptual | Overhearing | |
1382 | Actions | Work | For room and board | |
1381 | Relationships | Familial | Exigent circumstances | |
1380 | Aesthetics | Language | Ah-Ah-Ah | |
1379 | Cultural Issues | Health and Illness | Doctoring | |
1378 | Cultural Issues | Health and Illness | Nursing | |
1377 | Cultural Issues | Health and Illness | Injured | |
1376 | Actions | Physical | Dressing | |
1375 | Cultural Issues | Clothes | Underclothes, female | |
1374 | Cultural Issues | Clothes | Underclothes, male | |
1373 | Actions | Non-human | Escape | |
1372 | Cultural Issues | Violence | Accident | |
1371 | Environment | Domestic Space | Boarding house | |
1370 | Aesthetics | Tone | Farce | |
1369 | Themes and Motifs | Chaos/Order | Chaos | |
1368 | Cultural Issues | Economy | Rural sales | |
1367 | Actions | Physical | Undressing | |
1366 | Relationships | Familial | Physical discipline | |
1365 | Cultural Issues | Gender | Maternal impulse | |
1364 | Aesthetics | Narrative | Pause | |
1363 | Actions | Perceptual | Nosiness | |
1362 | Environment | Place | Corral | |
1361 | Aesthetics | Tone | Sarcastic | |
1360 | Cultural Issues | Sexuality | Female | |
1359 | Actions | Economic | Scheming | |
1358 | Cultural Issues | Prejudice | Socio-economic | |
1357 | Cultural Issues | Class | Snopesism | |
1356 | Environment | Auditory | Confused din | |
1355 | Relationships | Marital | Adultery | |
1354 | Relationships | Marital | Abandonment | |
1353 | Cultural Issues | Food | As substitute | |
1352 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Life as repetition | |
1351 | Relationships | Familial | Invented | |
1350 | Themes and Motifs | Death | Car accident | |
1349 | Themes and Motifs | Death | In childbirth | |
1348 | Environment | Place | Hospital | |
1347 | Themes and Motifs | Determinism | Lack of choice | |
1346 | Cultural Issues | Race | Imaginary Negro men | |
1345 | Themes and Motifs | Futility | When will it stop | |
1344 | Actions | Verbal | Screaming | |
1343 | Themes and Motifs | Texts | Letters | |
1342 | Cultural Issues | Sexuality | Vicarious | |
1341 | Actions | Emotional | Exultation | |
1340 | Actions | Mental | Channeling |
An unFaulknerian term for what Zilphia does when, in Jefferson, she lives "vicariously and transcendentally" inside the lives of her former husband and his new wife in another state, or what Darl does so often in As I Lay Dying. SR |
1339 | Actions | Bodily | Gaining weight | |
1338 | Actions | Perceptual | Professional surveillance | |
1337 | Cultural Issues | Sexuality | Frustration | |
1336 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Biblical | Christ | |
1335 | Actions | Bodily | Insomnia | |
1334 | Relationships | Marital | Vicarious wedding | |
1333 | Themes and Motifs | Psychological | Obsession | |
1332 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Nothingness | |
1331 | Themes and Motifs | Absence/Loss | Absence as loss | |
1329 | Environment | Olfactory | Evoking memory | |
1328 | Relationships | Marital | Separated | |
1327 | Themes and Motifs | Absence/Loss | Absence | |
1326 | Environment | Place | Vacant house | |
1325 | Environment | Auditory | Heartbeat | |
1324 | Themes and Motifs | Animals | Metaphorical elephant | |
1323 | Aesthetics | Symbolism | Shadows | |
1322 | Themes and Motifs | Past | Past in present | |
1321 | Relationships | Marital | Civil marriage | |
1320 | Themes and Motifs | Morals | Chivalry | |
1319 | Actions | Verbal | Promising | |
1318 | Actions | Bodily | Fainting | |
1317 | Actions | Interaction, Private | Courting | |
1316 | Actions | Physical | Searching | |
1315 | Aesthetics | Symbolism | Freudian | |
1314 | Actions | Mental | Dreaming | |
1313 | Cultural Issues | Economy | Buying a house | |
1312 | Actions | Economic | Buying a house | |
1311 | Actions | Emotional | Attraction | |
1310 | Themes and Motifs | Psychological | Madness | |
1309 | Cultural Issues | Progress | Country to city |
To capture the movement of people from the countryside to more urban areas, including moving from Frenchman's Bend to Jefferson, as Zilphia Gant's mother and so many Snopeses do. SR |
1308 | Aesthetics | Typography/Orthography | Dots |
This is for the occasions when Faulkner uses a series of dots as a feature of his prose - i.e. ". . ." or ". . . . . ." We can't call these dots ellipses, because they do not represent anything being left out of the text. The most disconcerting use of this technique is in "Miss Zilphia Gant." SR |
1306 | Cultural Issues | Age | Maturing | |
1305 | Themes and Motifs | Home | Estranged | |
1304 | Actions | Verbal | Family history | |
1303 | Themes and Motifs | Past | Parental | |
1302 | Actions | Perceptual | Strip searching | |
1301 | Themes and Motifs | Psychological | Paranoia | |
1300 | Actions | Perceptual | Surveillance | |
1299 | Actions | Perceptual | Investigating | |
1298 | Relationships | Friendship | Childhood friends | |
1297 | Themes and Motifs | Money | Recovery | |
1296 | Cultural Issues | Health and Illness | Medical advice | |
1295 | Cultural Issues | Health and Illness | Anemia | |
1294 | Actions | Emotional | Shame | |
1293 | Actions | Bodily | Vomiting | |
1292 | Actions | Emotional | Terror | |
1291 | Cultural Issues | Violence | Child abuse | |
1290 | Environment | Place | Playground | |
1289 | Actions | Play | School recess | |
1288 | Cultural Issues | Age | Childhood | |
1287 | Cultural Issues | Mass Media | Movies | |
1286 | Cultural Issues | Mass Media | Magazines | |
1285 | Cultural Issues | Entertainment | Movies | |
1284 | Cultural Issues | Sexuality | Appearance of | |
1283 | Themes and Motifs | Home | Home as prison | |
1282 | Themes and Motifs | Absence/Loss | Money|Wealth |