
Term IDsort ascending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
1685 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Napoleon
1684 Cultural Issues Progress Ironies of
1683 Actions Interaction, Social Marketing
1682 Actions Interaction, Social Frontier life
1681 Themes and Motifs Objects Iron box
1680 Actions Work Building structure
1679 Actions Legal Record keeping
1678 Themes and Motifs Texts Civic records
1677 Cultural Issues Progress Requirements
1676 Cultural Issues Progress Education
1675 Cultural Issues Progress Religion
1674 Cultural Issues History Indian Removal
1673 Environment Public Pioneer settlement
1672 Cultural Issues History Founding fathers
1671 Themes and Motifs Story-telling Old days
1670 Cultural Issues Clothes Veil
1669 Environment Atmospheric Chaos
1668 Cultural Issues Food Community
1667 Themes and Motifs Arrivals/Departures Arrival
1666 Themes and Motifs Community Wedding
1665 Cultural Issues Progress Technological
1664 Cultural Issues Technology Television
1663 Cultural Issues Technology Invention
1662 Cultural Issues Progress Historical
1661 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Explorers
1660 Cultural Issues History Explorers
1659 Aesthetics Narrative Frame

Though somewhat obvious, this refers to a "nested" narrative where a story is told by someone to someone else. The example here is the opening of The Reivers, where the entire text is framed as being told to Lucius III by Lucius II. JB

1658 Themes and Motifs Objects Umbrella
1657 Cultural Issues Clothes Bonnet
1656 Cultural Issues Clothes Mourning
1655 Cultural Issues Gender Widow
1654 Actions Emotional Defeat
1653 Themes and Motifs Objects Trunk
1652 Cultural Issues Region Reconstruction
1651 Actions Emotional Crying
1650 Aesthetics Narrative Self-Reflective
1649 Actions Emotional Embarrassment
1648 Actions Work Getting water
1647 Themes and Motifs Objects Surrey
1646 Themes and Motifs Objects Parasol
1645 Cultural Issues Clothes Shawl
1644 Actions Domestic Teaching
1643 Cultural Issues Gender Clothing
1642 Cultural Issues Religion Episcopal
1641 Cultural Issues Religion Baptist
1640 Cultural Issues Gender Body
1639 Aesthetics Narrative Withholding
1638 Aesthetics Narrative Anti-climax
1637 Aesthetics Narrative Epiphany
1636 Aesthetics Language Indian
1635 Cultural Issues Land-Use Agricultural
1634 Cultural Issues Land-Use Spiritual
1633 Cultural Issues Hunting and Fishing Annual
1632 Cultural Issues Ritual Funeral
1631 Relationships Friendship Racial

I did not create this definition, but I read this as friendships that occur by virtue of people being of the same race. For example, Ned and Ephum in the Reivers are surrounded by white people and form friendship. Not sure how this term is meant to be used though. JB

1630 Themes and Motifs Values Moral authority
1629 Cultural Issues Hunting and Fishing Ritual
1628 Cultural Issues Ritual Initiation
1627 Themes and Motifs Past Old days
1626 Actions Hunting Turkey hunting
1625 Actions Hunting Racoon hunting
1624 Relationships Interracial Indian-white
1623 Cultural Issues Class Blood
1622 Relationships Marital Forced
1621 Relationships Marital Interracial
1620 Actions Hunting Blowing horn
1619 Actions Verbal Honor
1618 Actions Hunting Tracking
1617 Cultural Issues Age Old age
1616 Actions Hunting Waiting
1615 Themes and Motifs Objects Antlers
1614 Actions Hunting Breaking camp
1613 Themes and Motifs Appearance Perspective

I added this for "The Old People," 206.5, to describe how the narrator sees Sam Fathers growing smaller and smaller as the hunting party leaves him behind. I don't really like the term that I chose but I couldn't think of anything else. LW

1612 Actions Emotional Self-doubt
1611 Actions Hunting Rabbit hunting
1610 Actions Hunting Teaching
1609 Themes and Motifs Appearance Inscrutable

I added this for "The Old People," 205.3, to reflect the lack of emotion that Sam Fathers shows. LW

1608 Environment Time of Year November
1607 Actions Hunting Possum
1606 Aesthetics Diction Native American languages

I created this for "The Old People," 204.2, because the emphasis is on the "old tongue" that Sam Fathers speaks. LW

1605 Aesthetics Diction Hill dialect
1604 Actions Bodily Squatting
1603 Actions Economic Carpentry
1602 Actions Economic Blacksmithing
1601 Actions Movement Running away
1600 Cultural Issues Race Native American

I added this in addition to the more specific Indian tribal identifications because I thought that it would be useful to have a larger umbrella term for users searching for Faulkner's Native American material. LW

1599 Actions Emotional Excitement
1598 Actions Bodily Drinking
1597 Actions Bodily Thirsting
1596 Themes and Motifs Community Crowd
1595 Environment Natural Swamp
1594 Relationships Hierarchical Master-slave
1593 Actions Bodily Decomposition
1592 Cultural Issues Religion Totem
1591 Actions Non-human Attack
1590 Themes and Motifs Animals Snake
1589 Environment Atmospheric Doom
1588 Cultural Issues Violence Killing animal
1587 Cultural Issues Race Miscegenation
1586 Actions Bodily Panting
