
Term IDsort ascending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
1886 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Voice
1885 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Crucifixion
1884 Cultural Issues Sexuality Virginity
1883 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Ghost
1882 Actions Emotional Lust
1881 Themes and Motifs Memory Uncertain
1880 Actions Physical Dreaming
1879 Actions Physical Waiting
1878 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Dumas, Alexandre
1877 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Cooper, James Fenimore
1876 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Scott, Walter
1875 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Taylor, Jeremy
1874 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Mississippi Reports
1873 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Koran
1872 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Josephus, Flavius
1871 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Coke upon Littleton
1870 Actions Physical Riding
1869 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Bonaparte, Napoleon
1868 Actions Agricultural Livestock care
1867 Actions Physical Eating
1866 Actions Verbal Announcing
1865 Actions Physical Building
1864 Themes and Motifs Psychological Will to endure
1863 Themes and Motifs Home Homecoming
1862 Actions Physical Running
1861 Actions Physical Throwing
1860 Relationships Familial Husband-wife
1859 Relationships Familial Motherhood

As a part of one's identity. I created it when Temple Drake (in Requiem) notes that she had become a mother but never exorcised her culturally improper sexual desires. SR

1858 Actions Play Historical recreation
1857 Relationships Commercial Business partners
1856 Environment Time of Day Daybreak
1855 Environment Time of Year April
1854 Actions Verbal Silence
1853 Cultural Issues Race Colorism
1852 Aesthetics Narrative Commentary
1851 Actions Bodily Chewing
1850 Actions Work Fireman
1849 Cultural Issues Politics City government
1848 Actions Work Government
1846 Cultural Issues Education Yale
1845 Cultural Issues Gender Bachelor
1844 Actions Work Restauranteer
1843 Actions Work Store clerk
1842 Actions Verbal Bragging
1841 Themes and Motifs Animals Elephants
1840 Themes and Motifs Animals Tigers
1839 Environment Public Zoo
1838 Actions Mental Self-consciousness
1837 Environment Place City

For when a place is characterized by its built-up nature, especially as a contrast to town or rural places (e.g., "the tall buildings and the hard pavements and the street cars" in "Lion"). JBP

1836 Cultural Issues Clothes Hunting clothes
1835 Actions Violent Destructive behavior

Should "destructive" be a second-level category for "Actions"? (Violent seems wrong for things like vandalism.) -JBP

1834 Actions Violent Animal predatory behavior
1833 Actions Agricultural Farming
1832 Themes and Motifs Naming Importance of naming

When a character or narrator draws attention to a name - e.g., the narrator of "Lion" saying as "head bear," Old Ben "deserved a better name." JBP

1831 Relationships Social Fame
1830 Themes and Motifs Animals Named bear Ben
1829 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Boxers Dempsey and Tunney
1828 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Boxers Sullivan and Kilrain
1827 Themes and Motifs Objects Pokeberry juice
1826 Cultural Issues Clothes Beaver hat
1825 Themes and Motifs Objects Ballot Box
1824 Themes and Motifs Objects Wreath
1823 Themes and Motifs Objects Basket
1822 Environment Natural Spring
1821 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Bird
1820 Themes and Motifs Animals Mosquitoes
1819 Actions Physical Repair
1818 Environment Place Grave
1817 Actions Hunting Squirrel hunting
1816 Actions Physical Hammering
1815 Actions Emotional Frustration
1814 Themes and Motifs Past Recent past

For events acknowledging recent occurrences that may or may not affect the present. (Added for end of "Lion," with Boon oblivious to events in the recent past while the narrator is thinking about them.)

1813 Environment Natural Landmark

This term can be used for natural phenomena used as a landmark. (Added for the Gum Tree -- capitalized in the text -- used in "Lion" and related texts like "The Bear.")

1812 Themes and Motifs Time Living in the present

Added to describe Boon Hogganbeck at end of "Lion" (and related texts like "The Bear" in GDM) - someone "living in the moment," with no regard at all to the past.

1811 Actions Mental Realization
1810 Themes and Motifs Objects Gun
1809 Themes and Motifs Animals Squirrel
1808 Cultural Issues War Scorched-earth policy

This refers specifically to the events describing the destruction of Southern plantations, cities, railroads, etc., by Union forces during the Civil War. Frequently the narratives associate these actions directly with "Sherman," a hated name in Faulkner's South.

1807 Themes and Motifs Psychological Manipulation
1806 Themes and Motifs Story-telling Reminiscence
1805 Aesthetics Narrative Imagined conversation

When a narrator retrospectively imagines what they could have or wished they had said in a particular conversation. BR

1804 Aesthetics Diction Imitation

When a character imitates or approximates the dialect of another, whose dialect they themselves do not use. BR

1803 Themes and Motifs Objects Monument
1802 Cultural Issues Race Integration
1801 Actions Verbal Apology
1800 Environment Auditory Voices
1799 Relationships Familial Brother-sister
1798 Aesthetics Language Call and response
1797 Themes and Motifs Objects Pipe
1796 Environment Domestic Space Dilapidation
1795 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Roman senator
1794 Cultural Issues Politics Republicanism
1793 Cultural Issues Mass Media Advertising
1792 Aesthetics Typography/Orthography Square brackets
1791 Cultural Issues Gender Traits

Indicates when a particular quality is attributed to a character on the basis of their gender, such as when Miss Belle Worsham is described as possessing "some old, timeless, female affinity for blood and grief" (p. 261) in "Go Down, Moses." BR

1790 Themes and Motifs Death Coffin
1789 Themes and Motifs Money Expenses
1788 Themes and Motifs Death Corpse
1787 Cultural Issues Clothes Handbag
1786 Environment Weather Sun
