
Term ID Vocabulary Parentsort ascending Term Description
3933 Actions Economic Competition
1536 Actions Economic Delivery
4657 Actions Economic Earning Money
5365 Actions Economic Eviction
5483 Actions Economic Factory labor
2231 Actions Economic Frugality
4061 Actions Economic Getting a receipt
1109 Actions Economic Gifting
3760 Actions Economic Hiring / employing / offering a job
2120 Actions Economic Horse trading
685 Actions Economic Impounding
3394 Actions Economic Indebtedness
4536 Actions Economic Insurance payment
2691 Actions Economic Investing
3316 Actions Economic Lending Money
3366 Actions Economic Offering to buy
3048 Actions Economic Offering to sell
3190 Actions Economic Partnership
686 Actions Economic Paying
1068 Actions Economic Purchase
4923 Actions Economic Rationing
4234 Actions Economic Receiving money
1192 Actions Economic Renting
4521 Actions Economic Saving money
2554 Actions Economic Scamming
1359 Actions Economic Scheming
3657 Actions Economic Selling
2122 Actions Economic Selling a house or place
3726 Actions Economic Selling land

Added to distinguish (if we deem necessary) the selling of LAND, part of one's holdings, rather than an entire "home or place"; perhaps these should be subsumed under a single keyword, but selling a home or place is probably not quite the same thing as selling PART of one's land (as in the pasture in SF). JBP

5236 Actions Economic Settling up
4691 Actions Economic Sex as payment
696 Actions Economic Share-cropping|Tenantry

There are significant differences between "share-cropping" and "tenant farming" in reality. "Tenants" typically furnished their own farming tools and livestock, and had at least a measure of control over what crops they planted on land they rented from a landlord; "share-croppers" typically only contributed their own labor, with the landlord dictating what they would raise and providing the animals and tools they used. But in his fiction Faulkner does not maintain this distinction, using the terms as essentially synonymous. SR

4759 Actions Economic Shopping
2119 Actions Economic Stock trading

Term for those who buy or sell "stock" - horses, mules, etc. -JBP

5527 Actions Economic Store owner
3049 Actions Economic Taking without paying

Somewhat distinct from stealing; this is for when someone confiscates, keeps, or otherwise takes something for which payment might ordinarily be expected. (The incident of the golfer keeping the golf ball that Luster tries to sell to him, for example.) -JBP

1195 Actions Economic Trading
4487 Actions Economic Transactional
2984 Environment Domestic Space Apartment
525 Environment Domestic Space Architecture
831 Environment Domestic Space Attic
1008 Environment Domestic Space Backyard
2822 Environment Domestic Space Barn
2560 Environment Domestic Space Bathroom
778 Environment Domestic Space Bedroom
1371 Environment Domestic Space Boarding house
1403 Environment Domestic Space Cabin
2351 Environment Domestic Space Carriage house
2919 Environment Domestic Space Cellar
4031 Environment Domestic Space Chicken coop / hen house
4240 Environment Domestic Space Closet
3275 Environment Domestic Space College dormitory
2124 Environment Domestic Space Confined living quarters

Refers to when a text draws attention to the relative smallness or confined nature of where a character resides - a "single room twelve feet square," for example. -JBP

1918 Environment Domestic Space Deathbed
1796 Environment Domestic Space Dilapidation
977 Environment Domestic Space Dining room
3441 Environment Domestic Space Dollhouse
4377 Environment Domestic Space Drawing room
3110 Environment Domestic Space Dressing room
1506 Environment Domestic Space Drive
3150 Environment Domestic Space Empty room
4313 Environment Domestic Space Field
3763 Environment Domestic Space Fireplace|Mantel
1472 Environment Domestic Space Gallery
2281 Environment Domestic Space Garage

Any structure used for the storage of a motor vehicle. In The Reivers this is continuously referred to as the "carriage house", but since it is now an automobile that it houses, I am calling it a garage. This might be more useful for scholars than carriage house. JB

1475 Environment Domestic Space Garden
1019 Environment Domestic Space Gate
654 Environment Domestic Space Gender stereotype
1476 Environment Domestic Space Hall
1501 Environment Domestic Space Hearth
3985 Environment Domestic Space Hogwallow
832 Environment Domestic Space Home
4902 Environment Domestic Space House
3962 Environment Domestic Space Immigrant neighborhood
578 Environment Domestic Space Kitchen
2935 Environment Domestic Space Ladies parlor
2814 Environment Domestic Space Lean-to
789 Environment Domestic Space Library
4773 Environment Domestic Space Livestock pen
2548 Environment Domestic Space Loft
1181 Environment Domestic Space Log house
2760 Environment Domestic Space Log yard
1488 Environment Domestic Space Lot
2949 Environment Domestic Space Office
1462 Environment Domestic Space Outhouse
3380 Environment Domestic Space Paddock
1514 Environment Domestic Space Parlor
1512 Environment Domestic Space Pasture
748 Environment Domestic Space Plantation house
920 Environment Domestic Space Porch
994 Environment Domestic Space Race
984 Environment Domestic Space Racial confusion
4526 Environment Domestic Space Ritual
2875 Environment Domestic Space Servants' home

For when a text draws attention to the home of a servant (not necessarily a slave quarter) - the servants' homes in "The Sound and the Fury," for instance, or maybe in "The Unvanquished." -JBP

3153 Environment Domestic Space Sick room

Added to denote a room being used or described as for when someone is sick. Added to refer to the "empty" room that is also where the family "has the measles" in S&F, but can be applied in other texts as well -- Addie's room in AILD, for example. -JBP

1987 Environment Domestic Space Sitting room
1020 Environment Domestic Space Stable
2610 Environment Domestic Space Stairway
5124 Environment Domestic Space Study
1474 Environment Domestic Space Summer house
