
Term ID Vocabulary Parentsort ascending Term Description
5645 Themes and Motifs Objects Pitcher
4095 Themes and Motifs Objects Plant mint
2553 Themes and Motifs Objects Plow
1532 Themes and Motifs Objects Poison
1827 Themes and Motifs Objects Pokeberry juice
2197 Themes and Motifs Objects Porcelain
2075 Themes and Motifs Objects Portmanteau
889 Themes and Motifs Objects Quilt
2737 Themes and Motifs Objects Rake
588 Themes and Motifs Objects Razor
2645 Themes and Motifs Objects Ring
4539 Themes and Motifs Objects Rope
4444 Themes and Motifs Objects rubber tree
2797 Themes and Motifs Objects Saddle
1992 Themes and Motifs Objects Saddlebag
4822 Themes and Motifs Objects Salt
4318 Themes and Motifs Objects Satchel
4516 Themes and Motifs Objects Saw
3105 Themes and Motifs Objects Scissors
4161 Themes and Motifs Objects Scythe
2536 Themes and Motifs Objects Second-hand

These are items that get passed from person to person and re-purposed. Much of this happens in the Snopes family, but there are also other examples. JB

3255 Themes and Motifs Objects Sewing machine
5138 Themes and Motifs Objects Shaving brush
5486 Themes and Motifs Objects Shell
3428 Themes and Motifs Objects Ship
1183 Themes and Motifs Objects Shotgun
5158 Themes and Motifs Objects Shovel
843 Themes and Motifs Objects Silver
4559 Themes and Motifs Objects Silverware
2863 Themes and Motifs Objects Skull
1455 Themes and Motifs Objects Slipper
5646 Themes and Motifs Objects Slop jar
4567 Themes and Motifs Objects Soap
1527 Themes and Motifs Objects Stained glass window
918 Themes and Motifs Objects Steamboat
710 Themes and Motifs Objects Still
2150 Themes and Motifs Objects Stove
2603 Themes and Motifs Objects Stove polish
1391 Themes and Motifs Objects Suitcase
1647 Themes and Motifs Objects Surrey
2975 Themes and Motifs Objects Swing
1925 Themes and Motifs Objects Sword
4046 Themes and Motifs Objects Table
5643 Themes and Motifs Objects Tankard
2076 Themes and Motifs Objects Tarpaulin
3477 Themes and Motifs Objects Tea
4421 Themes and Motifs Objects tent
2110 Themes and Motifs Objects Thimble
768 Themes and Motifs Objects Tobacco
1543 Themes and Motifs Objects Toilet set
2594 Themes and Motifs Objects Tombstone
5151 Themes and Motifs Objects Toothpaste
2908 Themes and Motifs Objects Toothpick
3365 Themes and Motifs Objects Towel
798 Themes and Motifs Objects Toys
3640 Themes and Motifs Objects Train
1041 Themes and Motifs Objects Truck
1653 Themes and Motifs Objects Trunk
1658 Themes and Motifs Objects Umbrella
3431 Themes and Motifs Objects Vase
4256 Themes and Motifs Objects Vegetation
1040 Themes and Motifs Objects Wagon
1001 Themes and Motifs Objects Watch
1491 Themes and Motifs Objects Watermelon
669 Themes and Motifs Objects Wedding license
2843 Themes and Motifs Objects Wedding ring
1062 Themes and Motifs Objects Well
2470 Themes and Motifs Objects Wheel
5540 Themes and Motifs Objects Wheel chair
4150 Themes and Motifs Objects Willow tree
2021 Themes and Motifs Objects Windows
1887 Themes and Motifs Objects Wisteria
1824 Themes and Motifs Objects Wreath
3277 Actions Non-human Animal senses
1591 Actions Non-human Attack
3321 Actions Non-human Bird flying
3319 Actions Non-human Bird watching a human
1467 Actions Non-human Decay
3793 Actions Non-human Dog barking
1373 Actions Non-human Escape
848 Environment Natural Back country
5485 Environment Natural Beach
3344 Environment Natural Body of water

For when a text refers to a pond, lake, or sea (as in Sea of Galilee or other inland bodies of water). JBP

3445 Environment Natural Cave
3593 Environment Natural Cavern / Grotto
4100 Environment Natural Cedar trees
926 Environment Natural Creek
851 Environment Natural Creek bottom
699 Environment Natural Delta
951 Environment Natural Delta rivers
2926 Environment Natural Dew
3559 Environment Natural Dirt / Earth
3649 Environment Natural Ditches
3785 Environment Natural Fecundity / lushness
3429 Environment Natural Fire
3981 Environment Natural Flowers
2925 Environment Natural Grass
1175 Environment Natural Hills
3683 Environment Natural Ivy
1813 Environment Natural Landmark

This term can be used for natural phenomena used as a landmark. (Added for the Gum Tree -- capitalized in the text -- used in "Lion" and related texts like "The Bear.")
