Term ID |
Vocabulary![]() |
Parent | Term | Description |
1760 | Environment | Place | Classroom | |
2185 | Environment | Atmospheric | Claustrophobic | |
3320 | Environment | Auditory | Clock chiming | |
3070 | Environment | Auditory | Clock ticking | |
3500 | Environment | Public | Clock tower | |
4240 | Environment | Domestic Space | Closet | |
2493 | Environment | Weather | Cloud | |
5648 | Environment | Olfactory | Coffee | |
780 | Environment | Weather | Cold | |
1106 | Environment | Atmospheric | Cold | |
3275 | Environment | Domestic Space | College dormitory | |
4264 | Environment | Auditory | Combat sounds | |
4873 | Environment | Place | Commisary | |
5115 | Environment | Time of Year | Confederate Decoration Day | |
2124 | Environment | Domestic Space | Confined living quarters |
Refers to when a text draws attention to the relative smallness or confined nature of where a character resides - a "single room twelve feet square," for example. -JBP |
1356 | Environment | Auditory | Confused din | |
3784 | Environment | Weather | Coolness | |
693 | Environment | Time of Year | Corn planting time | |
692 | Environment | (First level term) | Corn-planting time | |
1362 | Environment | Place | Corral | |
5368 | Environment | Place | Cotillion Club | |
695 | Environment | Place | Cottonfield | |
5667 | Environment | Place | Country club | |
534 | Environment | Place | Country store | |
929 | Environment | Place | Country vs city | |
493 | Environment | Public | Court | |
5200 | Environment | Public | Courthouse | |
4092 | Environment | Public | Courtroom | |
4697 | Environment | Place | Courtroom | |
926 | Environment | Natural | Creek | |
851 | Environment | Natural | Creek bottom | |
2690 | Environment | Atmospheric | Creepy | |
655 | Environment | Place | Crime scene | |
2018 | Environment | Atmospheric | Crowded | |
4825 | Environment | Atmospheric | Dangerous | |
870 | Environment | Atmospheric | Dark | |
698 | Environment | Time of Day | Dawn | |
1856 | Environment | Time of Day | Daybreak | |
2069 | Environment | Time of Day | Daytime | |
1918 | Environment | Domestic Space | Deathbed | |
607 | Environment | Olfactory | Decay | |
4665 | Environment | Place | Decayed house | |
4613 | Environment | Place | Decayed plantation | |
774 | Environment | Time of Year | December | |
5306 | Environment | Olfactory | Decomposition | |
699 | Environment | Natural | Delta | |
951 | Environment | Natural | Delta rivers | |
1437 | Environment | Atmospheric | Dereliction | |
827 | Environment | Atmospheric | Devastation | |
2926 | Environment | Natural | Dew | |
1796 | Environment | Domestic Space | Dilapidation | |
977 | Environment | Domestic Space | Dining room | |
1433 | Environment | Time of Day | Dinner | |
3559 | Environment | Natural | Dirt / Earth | |
4804 | Environment | Place | Dirt lane | |
600 | Environment | Place | Ditch | |
3649 | Environment | Natural | Ditches | |
3790 | Environment | Auditory | Dog barking | |
3441 | Environment | Domestic Space | Dollhouse | |
333 | Environment | (First level term) | Domestic Space | |
1589 | Environment | Atmospheric | Doom | |
3580 | Environment | Public | Drawbridge | |
4377 | Environment | Domestic Space | Drawing room | |
509 | Environment | Atmospheric | Dread | |
3110 | Environment | Domestic Space | Dressing room | |
1506 | Environment | Domestic Space | Drive | |
4253 | Environment | Public | Drugstore | |
3941 | Environment | Place | Drugstore / pharmacy | |
1060 | Environment | Time of Day | Dusk | |
1426 | Environment | Atmospheric | Dust | |
3879 | Environment | Otherworldly | Earth / the world | |
4504 | Environment | Time of Year | Easter | |
5596 | Environment | Auditory | Echoing | |
5195 | Environment | Time of Day | Eight o'clock a.m. | |
5131 | Environment | Time of Day | Eight o'clock p.m. | |
4787 | Environment | Time of Day | Eleven o'clock | |
5149 | Environment | Time of Day | Eleven o'clock p.m. | |
3150 | Environment | Domestic Space | Empty room | |
5417 | Environment | Auditory | Engine | |
3375 | Environment | Olfactory | Ether | |
2484 | Environment | Time of Day | Evening | |
1329 | Environment | Olfactory | Evoking memory | |
3377 | Environment | Olfactory | Excrement | |
5484 | Environment | Place | Factory|Plant | |
544 | Environment | Time of Year | Fall | |
4893 | Environment | Atmospheric | Familiar | |
866 | Environment | Place | Farm | |
881 | Environment | Place | Farm | |
1229 | Environment | Time of Year | February | |
3785 | Environment | Natural | Fecundity / lushness | |
1023 | Environment | Place | Field | |
4313 | Environment | Domestic Space | Field | |
1756 | Environment | Public | Filling Station | |
3429 | Environment | Natural | Fire | |
5264 | Environment | Atmospheric | Fire | |
5612 | Environment | Olfactory | Fire | |
2114 | Environment | Atmospheric | Firelight | |
3763 | Environment | Domestic Space | Fireplace|Mantel | |
2538 | Environment | Place | Fishing camp | |
5633 | Environment | Time of Day | Five o'clock p.m. |