
Term ID Vocabularysort descending Parent Term Description
2369 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Soul / Spirit
2607 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Sound of a gunshot
3318 Themes and Motifs Animals Sparrow
2385 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Spell
4746 Themes and Motifs Death Spousal
1809 Themes and Motifs Animals Squirrel
1527 Themes and Motifs Objects Stained glass window
918 Themes and Motifs Objects Steamboat
710 Themes and Motifs Objects Still
3418 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Stillness
3068 Themes and Motifs Money Stingy with money
4484 Themes and Motifs Character stoic
2217 Themes and Motifs Money Stolen
1740 Themes and Motifs Body Stomach/belly
392 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Story-telling
1131 Themes and Motifs Story-telling Story-telling passim
2150 Themes and Motifs Objects Stove
2603 Themes and Motifs Objects Stove polish
4870 Themes and Motifs Body Straightened hair
4424 Themes and Motifs Community Stranger

I'm thinking of the times when someone enters a community who is unknown and the collective community has suspicions about this character. A clear example would be Lena Grove. (jj)

4861 Themes and Motifs Character Stubborn
5330 Themes and Motifs Money Stud fee
4545 Themes and Motifs Character Stupid
4283 Themes and Motifs Home Substitute
4418 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Substitute
4427 Themes and Motifs Values Success
1223 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Suffering
1537 Themes and Motifs Death Suicide
1391 Themes and Motifs Objects Suitcase
1933 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Sun / Sunlight
4479 Themes and Motifs Character Superhuman strength
384 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Supernatural
3134 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Superstitions
5446 Themes and Motifs Community Supportive
3844 Themes and Motifs Appearance Surface
1647 Themes and Motifs Objects Surrey
4886 Themes and Motifs Death Suspicious
2088 Themes and Motifs Character Swagger
4503 Themes and Motifs Animals Swallows
2975 Themes and Motifs Objects Swing
1925 Themes and Motifs Objects Sword
4255 Themes and Motifs Body Symbolism

This term refers to the body itself being referred to symbolically, as when in AILD Peabody says death is "no more than a single family or tenant moving out of a tenement or a town" or the subadar in "Ad Astra" referring to the body as "a room in the inn . . . where we hide for a little while" (420). CR

4046 Themes and Motifs Objects Table
4748 Themes and Motifs Community Taboos
5643 Themes and Motifs Objects Tankard
2076 Themes and Motifs Objects Tarpaulin
3477 Themes and Motifs Objects Tea
3905 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Tedious / tedium
2003 Themes and Motifs Body Teeth
1926 Themes and Motifs Character Teetotaler
3000 Themes and Motifs Texts Telegram
2373 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Telepathy
2494 Themes and Motifs Character Tenderness
4839 Themes and Motifs Animals Tending to animal
4421 Themes and Motifs Objects tent
2570 Themes and Motifs Animals Termites
1404 Themes and Motifs Psychological Terror
3157 Themes and Motifs Body Testicles
393 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Texts
3952 Themes and Motifs Body Thighs
2110 Themes and Motifs Objects Thimble
3539 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Thinking of home
653 Themes and Motifs Body Thinness
1948 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Threshold
4040 Themes and Motifs Body Throat
1840 Themes and Motifs Animals Tigers
394 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Time
3346 Themes and Motifs Time Timelessness
4132 Themes and Motifs Texts Title
768 Themes and Motifs Objects Tobacco
1543 Themes and Motifs Objects Toilet set
2594 Themes and Motifs Objects Tombstone
1259 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Tomorrow and tomorrow
5151 Themes and Motifs Objects Toothpaste
2908 Themes and Motifs Objects Toothpick
2609 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Touch
3365 Themes and Motifs Objects Towel
2527 Themes and Motifs Time Town clock
798 Themes and Motifs Objects Toys
539 Themes and Motifs Community Tradition
3640 Themes and Motifs Objects Train
1160 Themes and Motifs Inheritance Traits

In the biological sense rather than the legal or economic one: inherited physical, psychological, or moral characteristics. JW

795 Themes and Motifs Time Transcended
4871 Themes and Motifs Texts Translation
1921 Themes and Motifs Psychological Trauma
4284 Themes and Motifs Past Traumatic
1549 Themes and Motifs Time Travel back in time
4116 Themes and Motifs Money Treasure
4601 Themes and Motifs Texts Treaty
1950 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Triumph
1041 Themes and Motifs Objects Truck
1653 Themes and Motifs Objects Trunk
1227 Themes and Motifs Character Trust
591 Themes and Motifs Values Truth/Lies
4704 Themes and Motifs Home Trying to go home
779 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Trying to say
736 Themes and Motifs Animals Turkey
4802 Themes and Motifs Animals Turtles
1024 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Twilight
3476 Themes and Motifs Appearance Ugliness
