
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Termsort ascending Description
5693 Cultural Issues Religion Christening
1336 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Christ
1059 Actions Physical Chopping wood
902 Actions Work Chopping wood
1212 Actions Agricultural Chopping
1440 Actions Bodily Choking
1320 Themes and Motifs Morals Chivalry
662 Cultural Issues Gender Chivalry
2775 Cultural Issues Religion Chistian Scientist
3995 Themes and Motifs Body Chins
5414 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical China
3788 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Chimera / Chimaera
2192 Actions Play Children playing
3536 Themes and Motifs Character Childlike
3505 Relationships Familial Childlessness
1298 Relationships Friendship Childhood friends
1288 Cultural Issues Age Childhood
1237 Actions Bodily Childbirth
4336 Actions Domestic Child-rearing
1519 Relationships Interracial Child-adult
5228 Aesthetics Narrative Child's perspective
2684 Themes and Motifs Naming Child's name
4472 Actions Economic Child support
1397 Relationships Civic child protection
5290 Actions Agricultural Child labor
1209 Actions Domestic Child care
678 Relationships Hierarchical Child as authority
1291 Cultural Issues Violence Child abuse
4997 Themes and Motifs Death Child
2955 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Chickhahominy River
1739 Themes and Motifs Animals Chickens/roosters
4031 Environment Domestic Space Chicken coop / hen house
826 Cultural Issues Race Chickasaw
4811 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Chickamauga
2167 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Chicago
1851 Actions Bodily Chewing
3903 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Chess imagery stalemate
4443 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Chess
2730 Actions Play Chess
2729 Actions Play Checkers
4119 Themes and Motifs Money Check
3757 Actions Moral Cheating
3688 Cultural Issues Gender Chauvinism / Misogyny
2436 Actions Verbal Chatter
2882 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Chattanooga, Tennessee
5117 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Chateau-Thierry
4675 Themes and Motifs Objects Chastity belt
3829 Cultural Issues Gender Chastity / purity
2511 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Chasing a person

For the many instances when a human being is hunted by others - the slave in "Red Leaves," the architect in Absalom!, Christmas several times in Light in August, Miss Quentin in The Sound and the Fury, etc. SR

1498 Actions Movement Chasing
3931 Actions Physical Chase
3241 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Charleston, South Carolina
3579 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Charles River
4656 Themes and Motifs Values Charity
2725 Relationships Civic Charity
1754 Actions Interaction, Social Charity

Here charity is understood as a communal act and is therefore a social interaction. JB

2914 Actions Legal Charge/accuse
1153 Aesthetics Description Character portrait
966 Aesthetics Style Character portrait
366 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Character
5451 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Chaplin, Charlie
3297 Cultural Issues Education Chapel Service (morning prayers)
3623 Environment Public Chapel
385 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Chaos/Order
1369 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Chaos
1669 Environment Atmospheric Chaos
3450 Actions Verbal Chanting
1340 Actions Mental Channeling

An unFaulknerian term for what Zilphia does when, in Jefferson, she lives "vicariously and transcendentally" inside the lives of her former husband and his new wife in another state, or what Darl does so often in As I Lay Dying. SR

2294 Cultural Issues Gender Changing relationships

Any time the changing norms and values surrounding gender are commented upon. JB

3002 Actions Mental Changing one's mind
2047 Cultural Issues Modernity Changing customs
4271 Cultural Issues Clothes Changing clothes
2433 Themes and Motifs Naming Change over time
3395 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Change of environment

Created for people like Melisandre Backus Harriss's children who relocate to Europe for their health.--LW

2034 Themes and Motifs Objects Chandlier
4736 Cultural Issues Law Chancellor
2920 Cultural Issues Alcohol Champagne
2340 Themes and Motifs Objects Chamber pot
2137 Cultural Issues Religion Challenge

When characters actively set themselves at odds with a religious deity or institution, such as when Jewel in AILD gripes, "if there is a God what the hell is He for." EP

3066 Themes and Motifs Objects Chair
1891 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Chains
5283 Cultural Issues Law Chain gang
4303 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Cervantes, Miguel de
4086 Relationships Marital Certificate
3423 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Cerberus
5405 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Central Park
1496 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Centaur
745 Themes and Motifs Texts Census
4213 Actions Communication Censorship
4805 Cultural Issues Ritual Cemetery decorations
3890 Environment Place Cemetery
2919 Environment Domestic Space Cellar
2923 Actions Interaction, Social Celebration
4100 Environment Natural Cedar trees
3593 Environment Natural Cavern / Grotto
3445 Environment Natural Cave
3855 Themes and Motifs Character Cautious
2544 Cultural Issues Crime Cattle rustling
593 Themes and Motifs Animals Cattle
2722 Themes and Motifs Animals Cats
