
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Termsort ascending Description
4739 Cultural Issues Law County attorney
3661 Cultural Issues Cultural Identity Country vs city
929 Environment Place Country vs city
1309 Cultural Issues Progress Country to city

To capture the movement of people from the countryside to more urban areas, including moving from Frenchman's Bend to Jefferson, as Zilphia Gant's mother and so many Snopeses do. SR

534 Environment Place Country store
5667 Environment Place Country club
3548 Actions Mental Counting
4057 Actions Legal Counsel
2126 Actions Bodily Coughing
695 Environment Place Cottonfield
2420 Cultural Issues Economy Cotton planting
2260 Actions Agricultural Cotton picking
5235 Cultural Issues Technology Cotton gin
972 Cultural Issues Land-Use Cotton farming
1179 Cultural Issues Agriculture Cotton
5368 Environment Place Cotillion Club
4276 Cultural Issues War Cost of war
2090 Themes and Motifs Appearance Cosmetics
5589 Cultural Issues Politics Corruption
1775 Cultural Issues Government Corruption
2815 Cultural Issues Law Corruption
2394 Actions Moral Corrupting
1362 Environment Place Corral
1525 Themes and Motifs Objects Corpse
1788 Themes and Motifs Death Corpse
2864 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille
4702 Themes and Motifs Objects Corncob
692 Environment (First level term) Corn-planting time
693 Environment Time of Year Corn planting time
1184 Cultural Issues Land-Use Corn farming
1178 Cultural Issues Agriculture Corn
4379 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Corinth, Mississippi
4856 Themes and Motifs Community Cooperation
1877 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Cooper, James Fenimore
3784 Environment Weather Coolness
4568 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Coolidge, Calvin
1118 Actions Physical Cooking
1125 Actions Domestic Cooking
4815 Themes and Motifs Texts Cook book
4362 Themes and Motifs Character Conviction
4718 Cultural Issues Law Conviction
5277 Cultural Issues History Convict labor
2547 Actions Interaction, Social Conversion

Whenever a religious person changes someone's mind on religion. The example here is Hightower taming Ballanbaugh's through violent conversion. JB

1470 Aesthetics Narrative Conversation with oneself
794 Actions Interaction, Private Conversation
797 Actions Verbal Conversation
5425 Themes and Motifs Character Conventional
3632 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Convalescence
601 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Control
5225 Cultural Issues Economy Contract
4549 Cultural Issues Law Contract
1528 Cultural Issues Government Contract
2013 Themes and Motifs Time Continuity

Any time the past is consonant with the present, or a tradition is passed on. For example, the Hampton's being Sheriffs is a historical continuity. JB

3088 Aesthetics Narrative Contested

I created this to capture scenes when two or more characters interrupt each other's attempt to create a narrative - specifically, in the context of the way Gavin (and sometimes the Governor) seize on parts of Temple's story that she would rather not dwell on. SR

2606 Actions Emotional Contempt
3280 Aesthetics Language Contemporary slang
1173 Actions Mental Contemplation
4949 Cultural Issues Economy Consumption

This term is meant to capture the buying of goods--food, staples, hardware, etc.; goods to be bought and sold. JJ

3198 Cultural Issues Progress Consumerism
4214 Themes and Motifs Objects Construction tools
5545 Cultural Issues Technology Construction equipment
1529 Actions Work Construction
5338 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Constitutive moment

A moment in a character's story when something happens that changes the arc of his or her life. For example, when in Absalom! Thomas Sutpen is turned away from the front door of that Tidewater plantation. Or in The Mansion, when Houston tells Mink Snopes he still owes the one dollar "pound fee" (28). SR

4345 Themes and Motifs Character Constitutive moment
4036 Cultural Issues Law Constitutional right to remain silent
1707 Actions Movement Constant
4940 Actions Interaction, Social Conspiracy
3415 Actions Verbal Consoling
4463 Cultural Issues Religion Consolation
2579 Cultural Issues Politics Conservative

In The Reivers Lucius Priest defines the various positions of Conservative, Liberal, Republican, and Democrat in the following manner: "Like this: a Republican is a man who made his money; a Liberal is a man who inherited his; a Democrat is a barefoot Liberal in a cross-country race; a Conservative is a Republican who has learned to read and write." (109) Though, these positions are hardly set in stone it is important to note the distinct separation between political outlook and political party. JB

2938 Themes and Motifs Values Conservatism

Here conservatism is meant as a value and is politically agnostic. It is roughly being used as prudence, common sense, and tradition all wrapped up in one. JB

2092 Themes and Motifs Values Conscience
5019 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Conrad, Joseph
1016 Aesthetics Narrative Conjectural narration

This is the term I came up with to describe situations where the narrator (I was thinking mainly of anonymous narrators) uses phrases like "perhaps," "probably," "might," "maybe" to weaken the certainty or authority of what's being narrated. Where, that is, the narrator hedges his bets. JW

5394 Cultural Issues Government Congress
5197 Actions Verbal Congratulating
5127 Actions Mental Confusion
3734 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Confusion
1356 Environment Auditory Confused din
2078 Actions Interaction, Social Confrontation
3598 Themes and Motifs Community Conformity
1037 Relationships Interracial Conflict
782 Relationships Intergenerational Conflict
1055 Relationships Marital Conflict
1012 Relationships Familial Conflict
759 Relationships Social Conflict
3568 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Conflation of several possible sources

I added this to account for a Biblical allusion ("Benjamin child of mine old age") that seems to have several possible Old Testament sources, representing a kind of conflating of those sources. JBP

3154 Actions Physical Confining
2124 Environment Domestic Space Confined living quarters

Refers to when a text draws attention to the relative smallness or confined nature of where a character resides - a "single room twelve feet square," for example. -JBP

4690 Actions Emotional Confident
1143 Actions Verbal Confession
1144 Actions Legal Confession
649 Actions Moral Confession
4761 Actions Bodily Confessing without words
2330 Cultural Issues Clothes Confederate uniform
5213 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Confederate raid in Memphis
5058 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Confederate monument unveiled
2204 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Confederate monument
5115 Environment Time of Year Confederate Decoration Day
791 Cultural Issues War Confederate Army
