
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Termsort ascending Description
1797 Themes and Motifs Objects Pipe
1673 Environment Public Pioneer settlement
2093 Themes and Motifs Objects Pine knots
5687 Themes and Motifs Objects Pillow
2868 Relationships Civic Pillar of the community
1458 Cultural Issues War Pillage
2647 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Pilgrim
4734 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Pilate
2251 Themes and Motifs Animals Pigs
2531 Themes and Motifs Animals Pigeons
1971 Cultural Issues Religion Piety
5172 Cultural Issues Food Pie
2323 Aesthetics Metafictional Picture/image
4025 Actions Interaction, Social Picnic
5685 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Pickett, George
4400 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Pickett's Charge
2193 Themes and Motifs Objects Piano
1384 Relationships Familial Physical resemblances
1366 Relationships Familial Physical discipline
4211 Themes and Motifs Body Physical disability
4686 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Physical deformity
353 Actions (First level term) Physical
5125 Actions Work Photography
2393 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Photography
1906 Themes and Motifs Objects Photograph
3737 Themes and Motifs Art Photograph
3209 Themes and Motifs Objects Phonograph
2321 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Phoenix
386 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Philosophical
3514 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Philosopher Bergson, Henri
5584 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Philippines
5364 Cultural Issues Education Phi Beta Kappa
1121 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Pharaoh
2382 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Phantom
1946 Themes and Motifs Objects Phaeton
2836 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Peyton, George
2502 Actions Emotional Petulance
5190 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Petronius
4490 Cultural Issues Sexuality Perverse
4926 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Perth Highlands, Scotland
2255 Actions Verbal Persuasion
1613 Themes and Motifs Appearance Perspective

I added this for "The Old People," 206.5, to describe how the narrator sees Sam Fathers growing smaller and smaller as the hunting party leaves him behind. I don't really like the term that I chose but I couldn't think of anything else. LW

2697 Aesthetics Narrative Perspective
1981 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Personification
2332 Themes and Motifs Character Personality change
3560 Themes and Motifs Past Personal past
294 Cultural Issues Slavery Persistence over time
4606 Themes and Motifs Character Persistence
4087 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Persephone
2600 Themes and Motifs Time Permanence
4699 Cultural Issues Law Perjury
3954 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Periodical filth
2932 Environment Olfactory Perfume smell
2931 Themes and Motifs Objects Perfume
2310 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Performance
5096 Actions Work Performance
4163 Environment Weather Perfect Weather

Perfect, that is, for the context - which can either mean clear sunlight OR pitch darkness, frost or rain. Whenever the weather feels right. For the dawn of the hunt in "Race at Morning," it means "cold and bright" (297).

352 Actions (First level term) Perceptual
527 Aesthetics Figures of Speech People compared to animals
1769 Environment Place Penitentiary
3875 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Pencil
3108 Themes and Motifs Objects Pencil
990 Cultural Issues Crime Penalty for
4047 Actions Communication Pen and ink well
657 Actions Interaction, Social Peer group
3357 Themes and Motifs Objects Peep-hole viewer / Stanhope
5179 Cultural Issues Food Peas
3237 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
4514 Themes and Motifs Objects Pear tree
3859 Cultural Issues Food Peanut
5099 Environment Atmospheric Peaceful
1056 Themes and Motifs Psychological Peace
1117 Actions Emotional Peace
3436 Cultural Issues War Peace
2801 Themes and Motifs Money Payoff

TMT: I added this for the scene in which John Sartoris sends money to the widow of a man whom he killed in The Unvanquished (221), so I don't know whether it will be applicable anywhere else; but nothing else on the list seemed to fit.

686 Actions Economic Paying
5513 Environment Place Pawn shop
5360 Cultural Issues Progress Paving
1364 Aesthetics Narrative Pause
4764 Actions Military Patrol
935 Cultural Issues War Patriotism
1523 Cultural Issues Gender Patriarchy
3937 Relationships Familial Patriarch
2029 Actions Emotional Patience
1423 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Pathetic fallacy
3820 Themes and Motifs Meaning Paternity
828 Relationships Social Paternalism
4502 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Patent medicine
2896 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Patch, Dan
1512 Environment Domestic Space Pasture
2806 Environment Public Pasture

There is already an entry for Domestic Space -> Pasture. This refers to a pasture that is not part of a domestic space. JB

4455 Relationships Hierarchical Pastor-congregant
4206 Themes and Motifs Past Past vs present
1322 Themes and Motifs Past Past in present
521 Themes and Motifs Time Past
1093 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Past
2264 Actions Emotional Passivity
3532 Actions Perceptual Passing from sight
4241 Cultural Issues Race Passing
2431 Actions Interaction, Social Partying
