
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Termsort descending Description
3172 Themes and Motifs Futility Illusion of success or victory
1346 Cultural Issues Race Imaginary Negro men
3222 Themes and Motifs Values Imagination
4677 Themes and Motifs Death Imagined
2138 Cultural Issues Violence Imagined
1805 Aesthetics Narrative Imagined conversation

When a narrator retrospectively imagines what they could have or wished they had said in a particular conversation. BR

2177 Actions Mental Imagining
1804 Aesthetics Diction Imitation

When a character imitates or approximates the dialect of another, whose dialect they themselves do not use. BR

2366 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Imitation
3962 Environment Domestic Space Immigrant neighborhood
5222 Cultural Issues History Immigration
3928 Cultural Issues Nationality Immigration|Immigrants
2773 Cultural Issues Clothes Immodest female clothing
5571 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Impaired vision
2207 Actions Mental Impairment
1058 Actions Emotional Impatience
4821 Aesthetics Symbolism Impermanence
1275 Cultural Issues Violence Implied shooting
1832 Themes and Motifs Naming Importance of naming

When a character or narrator draws attention to a name - e.g., the narrator of "Lion" saying as "head bear," Old Ben "deserved a better name." JBP

2504 Cultural Issues Slavery Imported

To indicate when slaves began their lives (in either freedom or slavery) outside the U.S. The most obvious example are the slaves Sutpen brings with him from the Caribbean. SR

3082 Cultural Issues Sexuality Impotence
2679 Themes and Motifs Character Impotence

This entry can refer both to, and beyond, the physiological to denote the inability to achieve an aim, dream or ambition. In Absalom 149.4, Sutpen provides an example; he still has the same ruthless ambition, but can no longer realize it, reduced as he is to tending his store and drinking with Wash Jones. JC

685 Actions Economic Impounding
4525 Themes and Motifs Home Improvements
3253 Themes and Motifs Character Impulsiveness
5023 Themes and Motifs Futility In battle
1349 Themes and Motifs Death In childbirth
1561 Themes and Motifs Home In nature
1723 Themes and Motifs Money In prospect
4641 Themes and Motifs Futility Inability
3329 Actions Physical Inaction / Not doing something
4179 Relationships Sexual Inappropriate
3555 Actions Mental Inattentativeness
1724 Actions Interaction, Social Incarcerating
2944 Cultural Issues Law Incarceration

There are already a number of similar words in the keyword list that denote some type of legal confinement. This one is meant to indicate the general concept of going to jail, not the direct action of someone being sent to jail or prison. JB

3290 Cultural Issues Sexuality Incest
5123 Themes and Motifs Inheritance Income
4751 Actions Agricultural Incompetent farming
3804 Actions Mental Incomprehension
3670 Aesthetics Tone Incongruous
4355 Actions Emotional Incredulity
3394 Actions Economic Indebtedness
1785 Actions Emotional Indecision
1187 Themes and Motifs Character Independence
683 Themes and Motifs Values Independence
613 Aesthetics Narrative Indeterminacy
3036 Aesthetics Style Index
1636 Aesthetics Language Indian
987 Relationships Ancestral Indian
4916 Cultural Issues War Indian / Native American wars
4946 Environment Place Indian agency
985 Themes and Motifs Death Indian burial practices
1465 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Indian medicine
4021 Environment Place Indian mound
846 Themes and Motifs Naming Indian name
2421 Themes and Motifs Exile Indian Removal
1674 Cultural Issues History Indian Removal
5043 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Indian removal
329 Cultural Issues Slavery Indian slave-owners
4782 Environment Time of Year Indian Summer
5617 Relationships Interracial Indian-black
1557 Relationships Interracial Indian-white
1624 Relationships Interracial Indian-white
5605 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Indiana
4900 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Indianapolis, Indiana
1152 Cultural Issues Law Indictment
1509 Actions Emotional Indifference
2779 Actions Emotional Indignation
5415 Cultural Issues Race Indistinguishable

Whenever a white and black character cannot be distinguished from one another, or when a white character looks black and vice versa. I'm thinking here of Uncle Willy and Secretary in the plane in "Uncle Willy", "Uncle Willy and Secretary side by side and looking exactly alike, I don't mean in the face but exactly alike two tines of a garden fork look exactly alike before they chop into the ground" (244). JB

4258 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Individualism

Beyond self-reliance, this concept also folds in ideas of treating people as individuals and a deep skepticism about organizations, institutions, or perspectives that group people together. In its base form it is anti-government, anti-collectivist, anti-group think, but not a full-fledged political doctrine like Libertarianism. JB and EP

4917 Themes and Motifs Character Indomitable
5537 Cultural Issues Progress Indoor plumbing
2247 Cultural Issues Labor Industrial
3202 Cultural Issues Economy Industrialization
2498 Environment Auditory Industry
4167 Cultural Issues Race Inequalities

Created to capture the pervasive patterns of difference caused by race - specifically, that the white hunters in "Race at Morning" carry good guns while Simon carries an old "britchloader slung on a piece of plow line" (298). Could also be used to capture what Bayard calls the "arrangements" between him and Ringo, etc. SR

4329 Themes and Motifs Character Inexperience
3535 Cultural Issues Prejudice Infantilizing of blacks
4466 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Infection
3723 Actions Emotional Inferiority
4692 Relationships Romantic Infidelity
3878 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Infinity
2275 Cultural Issues Education Informal

Any time a character "learns-by-doing" or receives some type of mentorship into a trade or profession. The specific example here is Mr Buffaloe teaching Boon how to operate a car. JB

2038 Cultural Issues Law Informal arrangement

Whenever there is an arrangement between two or multiple parties that is not strictly legal, but is adhered to as law. For example, Judge Steven's arrangement with Maury Priest over the actions of Ludus and Boon in the Reivers. This won't hold up in a court of law, but is adhered to by both parties. J. Burgers

1457 Cultural Issues Progress Infrastructure

This is a blanket term for any infrastructural development that happens. This is used for something that is either not covered, or when infrastructure in general improves. The specific example here is about Jefferson not being developed enough for it to have anything the Union Army might want. JB

5583 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Ingersoll, Robert G.
4134 Themes and Motifs Money Inheritance
1091 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Inheritance
899 Cultural Issues Government Inheritance
681 Cultural Issues Law Inheritance
4895 Themes and Motifs Inheritance Inheritance of wrong
4133 Cultural Issues Law Inheritance refusal
901 Cultural Issues Government Inherited position
2407 Themes and Motifs Character Inherited traits
1628 Cultural Issues Ritual Initiation
5319 Actions Bodily Inject
1377 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Injured
2077 Actions Hunting Injury

Added for when hunters (or hunting dogs) are injured while hunting -- as Boon (and Lion) are. -JBP

3627 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Injury
1245 Themes and Motifs Morals Injustice
