
Vocabulary: Cultural Issues
Term ID Term Parent Description
2658 Reticule Clothes
4028 Retirement Economy
4772 Retreat War
1171 Retrial Law
963 Return War
2633 Return from war War
2686 Return to war War
4858 Revelation Religion
2492 Revenge War
904 Revenue officer Law
298 Revolt Slavery
2471 Rheumatism Health and Illness
3466 Rhodes Scholar Education
2675 Ribbons Clothes
5016 Riding Clothes
1716 Right of secession Government
2639 Riots Race
2940 Rite of passage Age

Any challenge or ritualized moment in which a person goes from child to adult. The other option here is coming of age, but felt like a more passive, ambiguous movement over time, when what is meant here is someone having an active, singular moment in which he or she becomes an adult. For example, Lucius winning the horse race in The Reivers (274). JB

475 Ritual (First level term)
1629 Ritual Hunting and Fishing
4254 Rituals and rites Religion
5495 Road traffic Progress
765 Roads Progress
4077 Royal Air Force War
4891 Rules Hunting and Fishing
3707 Rules / norms for addressing whites Race
4776 Rules of engagement War
3386 Running water Technology
602 Rural Identity, Cultural
5296 Rural industry Economy
643 Rural poverty Clothes
1368 Rural sales Economy
1759 Rural school Education
2712 Rural South Region
5453 Russian Revolution History
1935 Sabbath Religion
2705 Sabotage War
4192 Sacramental Hunting and Fishing
3613 Sacrilege Religion
5101 Sales contract Economy
3678 Salt lick Agriculture
5561 Salvation Religion
5642 Sandwich Food
3716 Sati or suttee Ritual
4849 Savagism Cultural Identity
4068 Savings Economy
4864 Scarcity Food
5550 School vs life Education
3756 School year Education
1808 Scorched-earth policy War

This refers specifically to the events describing the destruction of Southern plantations, cities, railroads, etc., by Union forces during the Civil War. Frequently the narratives associate these actions directly with "Sherman," a hated name in Faulkner's South.

857 Scotch-Irish Ethnicity
4930 Scottish / Scots Ethnicity
1737 Secrecy Government
5358 Sect Religion
4938 Sedition Crime
4817 Segregated space Race
444 Segregation (First level term)
1584 Segregation Race
4814 Segregation of space Slavery
855 Self emancipation Race
1409 Self-abnegation Race
284 Self-emancipation Slavery

For textual moments in which an enslaved person or group acts upon the desire to be free, as when Loosh or unnamed groups of slaves take advantage of the proximity of the Union Army to leave the Sartoris, Sutpen and other plantations where they were enslaved. Most examples of self-emancipation occur during the Civil War, but it also applies the way Thucydus earns the money to buy himself from the McCaslins. SR

1018 Self-sufficiency Economy
5629 Self-taught Education
3807 Sensuality Sexuality
2842 Separate spaces Gender

Not the most refined word for this concept, but essentially different spaces in which women and men can move. This is not like segregation or separate spheres, rather existing social norms that prevent, generally women, from entering certain spaces like hotels, saloons, bootleg joints, etc. JB

4517 Sermon Religion
3464 Sewanee Education
271 Sex Slavery
3900 Sex and death Sexuality
4624 Sexual Violence
3730 Sexual double standard Gender

For when a text makes references to the double standards between men and women; also can apply to double standard for women - Madonna/whore (or virgin/whore). Added for when Mrs Compson posits that a woman is either a lady or not (referring to Caddy and her dishonor). JBP

2816 Sexual Harassment Gender
3650 Sexual passion Sexuality
486 Sexuality (First level term)
579 Shabby Clothes
1564 Shadow of Negro Race
3203 Share-cropping|Tenantry Agriculture

There are significant differences between "share-cropping" and "tenant farming" in reality. "Tenants" typically furnished their own farming tools and livestock, and had at least a measure of control over what crops they planted on land they rented from a landlord; "share-croppers" typically only contributed their own labor, with the landlord dictating what they would raise and providing the animals and tools they used. But in his fiction Faulkner does not maintain this distinction, using the terms as essentially synonymous. SR

4798 Sharing the land Economy
1645 Shawl Clothes
804 Sheriff Law
907 Sheriff's deputy Law
3590 Ship's wheel Technology
5510 Shipping Economy
3586 Shipping schooner Technology
3585 Shipping tugboat Technology
2630 Shirt Clothes
5321 Shirtless Clothes
3080 Shirtsleeves Clothes
1190 Shoes Clothes
861 Shooting Violence
3742 Sick as euphemism for pregnancy Health and Illness
2435 Silk Clothes
4968 Silver Shirts History
1780 Sin Religion
4145 Skirt Clothes
3356 Skyscraper Progress
306 Slave trading Slavery
248 Slavery (First level term)
289 Slaves vs masters Slavery
