
Vocabulary: Cultural Issues
Term ID Term Parentsort ascending Description
993 Draft War
2665 Draft evasion / Draft dodging War
1505 Fog of War War
4561 Glorification War
2520 Going to war War
3408 Grand Army of the Republic / G.A.R. War
796 Homefront War
4916 Indian / Native American wars War
1508 Insubordination War
4824 Irregular troop War
4927 Jacobite Rebellion War
4976 Korean War War
1108 Mercenary War
2861 Mexican War
4228 Military awards War
3708 Military rank of general War
4274 Military reassignment War
4784 Military service War

Whenever a character did or did not serve in the military during war. In this case, it is Redmond in The Unvanquished (225), but another example is Percy Grimm. JHB

5489 Naval warfare War
3432 Noncombatant War
4695 On homefront War
935 Patriotism War
3436 Peace War
1458 Pillage War
5688 Play at War War
3637 Plunder War
4222 Prisoner War
4407 Profiting from war War
4212 Psychological effects War
2756 Reconstruction War
3635 Recuperation War
5690 Red Cross War
772 Refuge War
4911 Refugee War
4772 Retreat War
963 Return War
2633 Return from war War
2686 Return to war War
2492 Revenge War
4077 Royal Air Force War
4776 Rules of engagement War
2705 Sabotage War
1808 Scorched-earth policy War

This refers specifically to the events describing the destruction of Southern plantations, cities, railroads, etc., by Union forces during the Civil War. Frequently the narratives associate these actions directly with "Sherman," a hated name in Faulkner's South.

2142 Spanish American War War
1487 Spoils War
2546 Stolen valor War

Whenever someone claims to have fought in a war, but it is implied that he (always he) did not do so. This comes up quite a bit in Faulkner. JB

1460 Strategy War

Although technically strategy and tactics are two different elements of war, for the time being they have been collapsed into the same keyword unless there are really nuanced discussions of either in Faulkner. JB

763 Surrender War
2850 Trenches War
4079 U.S. Army War
737 Union Army War
1456 Unity War

This keyword describes the way in which war calls upon disparate people to fight for the same ideal. The specific example this is based on is Southerners ultimately fighting in the United States army in later wars, but could also described the camaraderie between allied nations. Joost Burgers

5318 Veterans War

This is a general marker for anything to do with veterans. The specific instance is the relationship between Jock and Captain Warren in "Death Drag." Although this is technically a "relationship" between veterans, the occurrence is so rare that it makes more sense to create a generic term.

4828 Violence against civilians War
1712 War of 1812 War
800 Women War
978 World War I War
735 World War II War
616 Wound War
Vocabulary: Actions
Term ID Term Parentsort ascending Description
4413 Airplane crash Violent
799 Animal abuse Violent
2902 Animal attack on human Violent
1834 Animal predatory behavior Violent
1969 Arson Violent
5133 Asphyxiation Violent
1248 Assault Violent
3387 Beating Violent
4016 Boxing Violent
3487 Car accident Violent
3824 Castration Violent
1430 Dehumanization Violent

Treating a person through one's actions as if they are an object rather than a fellow human being. BR

1835 Destructive behavior Violent

Should "destructive" be a second-level category for "Actions"? (Violent seems wrong for things like vandalism.) -JBP

5094 Disfigurement Violent
1079 Domestic violence Violent
2490 Dragging Violent
672 Entry Violent
4299 Explosion Violent
550 Fighting Violent
659 Hitting Violent
4231 Homicide Violent
4041 Intent to kill Violent
2945 Interracial Violent
2764 Intimidation Violent
2483 Kicking Violent
1429 Kidnapping Violent
4844 Killing Violent
2715 Killing in war Violent
2072 Killing of animals Violent

This was added to refer to violence related to the killing of animals, either by humans or by other animals. (Some overlap, perhaps, with Animal predatory behavior.) -JBP

1436 Lynch mob Violent
819 Murder Violent
4846 Mutilation Violent
4168 Poisoning Violent
2740 Raiding Violent
1081 Restraining Violent
3997 Scratching Violent
3825 Self-mutilation Violent
3794 Sexual assault Violent
1253 Shooting Violent
3378 Slapping Violent
2750 Stabbing Violent
