
Vocabulary: Cultural Issues
Term ID Term Parentsort ascending Description
1457 Infrastructure Progress

This is a blanket term for any infrastructural development that happens. This is used for something that is either not covered, or when infrastructure in general improves. The specific example here is about Jefferson not being developed enough for it to have anything the Union Army might want. JB

1684 Ironies of Progress
1703 Mail delivery Progress
5507 Neon lights Progress
2166 New replacing old Progress
5409 Pace of travel Progress
5360 Paving Progress
5105 Racialized Progress
2803 Regional Progress
1675 Religion Progress
2533 Renaming Progress

The renaming of a product or object due to modernization. This is different than Themes-> Naming -> Change over time which is related to people. JB

1706 Renovations Progress
1677 Requirements Progress
5495 Road traffic Progress
765 Roads Progress
3356 Skyscraper Progress
3780 Smoke stack Progress
4978 Social Progress
3868 Streetcar line Progress
1665 Technological Progress
4496 Telegraph Progress
5627 Tractor Progress
980 Trains Progress
5504 Anti-Asian Prejudice
4967 Anti-Catholic Prejudice
4470 Anti-Semitism Prejudice
3535 Infantilizing of blacks Prejudice
4295 Not caring about race Prejudice
512 Racism Prejudice
1358 Socio-economic Prejudice
572 White supremacy Prejudice
5456 And race Politics
4955 Campaigning Politics
1849 City government Politics
2579 Conservative Politics

In The Reivers Lucius Priest defines the various positions of Conservative, Liberal, Republican, and Democrat in the following manner: "Like this: a Republican is a man who made his money; a Liberal is a man who inherited his; a Democrat is a barefoot Liberal in a cross-country race; a Conservative is a Republican who has learned to read and write." (109) Though, these positions are hardly set in stone it is important to note the distinct separation between political outlook and political party. JB

5589 Corruption Politics
4971 Demagoguery Politics
2900 Democracy Politics
2577 Democrat Politics

In The Reivers Lucius Priest defines the various positions of Conservative, Liberal, Republican, and Democrat in the following manner: "Like this: a Republican is a man who made his money; a Liberal is a man who inherited his; a Democrat is a barefoot Liberal in a cross-country race; a Conservative is a Republican who has learned to read and write." (109) Though, these positions are hardly set in stone it is important to note the distinct separation between political outlook and political party. JB

1066 Election Politics
4979 Exploitative Politics
2578 Liberal Politics

In The Reivers Lucius Priest defines the various positions of Conservative, Liberal, Republican, and Democrat in the following manner: "Like this: a Republican is a man who made his money; a Liberal is a man who inherited his; a Democrat is a barefoot Liberal in a cross-country race; a Conservative is a Republican who has learned to read and write." (109) Though, these positions are hardly set in stone it is important to note the distinct separation between political outlook and political party. JB

5566 Local political bosses Politics
5521 One-Party Politics
4688 Political ambition Politics
1050 Presidential administration Politics
5500 Progressive Politics
4658 Public opinion Politics
2576 Republican Politics

In The Reivers Lucius Priest defines the various positions of Conservative, Liberal, Republican, and Democrat in the following manner: "Like this: a Republican is a man who made his money; a Liberal is a man who inherited his; a Democrat is a barefoot Liberal in a cross-country race; a Conservative is a Republican who has learned to read and write." (109) Though, these positions are hardly set in stone it is important to note the distinct separation between political outlook and political party. JB

1794 Republicanism Politics
1216 Taxes Politics
716 Voting Politics
Vocabulary: Actions
Term ID Term Parentsort ascending Description
5248 Athletic competition Play
3777 Betting Play
2074 Card playing Play

Added for moments when it is unclear if (a) the game is poker, or (b) if gambling is occurring. -JBP

2729 Checkers Play
2730 Chess Play
2192 Children playing Play
4723 Fireworks Play
937 Gambling Play
1858 Historical recreation Play
4175 Joking around Play
2480 Playing in water Play

For when people (usually children) are playing (splashing, etc.) in water - a creek or branch - as in The Sound and the Fury. Distinct from "swimming" per se. JBP

1955 Poker Play
3401 Polo Play
4225 Prank Play
1289 School recess Play
3840 Sport-fencing Play
3591 Sports Crew / rowing Play
2205 Sports Golf Play
3469 Tennis Play
Vocabulary: Environment
Term ID Term Parentsort ascending Description
5400 Artist's studio Place
3918 Bakery Place
570 Barn Place
4623 Bedroom Place
5000 Blacksmith shop Place
5221 Boundary Place
2399 Brothel / Bordello Place
876 Cabin Place
4834 Campsite Place
1767 Capital Place
1768 Capitol Place
3890 Cemetery Place
2732 Church Place
1837 City Place

For when a place is characterized by its built-up nature, especially as a contrast to town or rural places (e.g., "the tall buildings and the hard pavements and the street cars" in "Lion"). JBP

1760 Classroom Place
4873 Commisary Place
1362 Corral Place
5368 Cotillion Club Place
695 Cottonfield Place
5667 Country club Place
534 Country store Place
929 Country vs city Place
4697 Courtroom Place
655 Crime scene Place
4665 Decayed house Place
4613 Decayed plantation Place
4804 Dirt lane Place
600 Ditch Place
3941 Drugstore / pharmacy Place
