
Vocabulary: Aesthetics
Term ID Term Parentsort descending Description
5056 Architect captured Recurring Episodes
5046 Battle of Jefferson Recurring Episodes
5218 Bayard and the lost generation Recurring Episodes
5029 Bayard avenges Johnny Recurring Episodes
5034 Benjy accosts schoolgirl Recurring Episodes
5611 Benjy castrated Recurring Episodes
5204 Benjy committed Recurring Episodes
5036 Benjy's name changed Recurring Episodes
5053 Boon shoots Negro Recurring Episodes
5048 Buck and Buddy's experiment Recurring Episodes
5038 Burying Sartoris silver Recurring Episodes
5031 Byron robs bank Recurring Episodes
5055 Byron Snopes' children Recurring Episodes
5074 Caddy's marriage ends Recurring Episodes
5073 Caddy's wedding Recurring Episodes
5028 Colonel Sartoris killed Recurring Episodes
5208 Compson land acquired Recurring Episodes
5207 Compsons sell pasture Recurring Episodes
5058 Confederate monument unveiled Recurring Episodes
5213 Confederate raid in Memphis Recurring Episodes
5069 De Spain creates camp Recurring Episodes
5039 Doom becomes chief Recurring Episodes
5063 Driving to Goodwin's Recurring Episodes
5047 Etching name on window Recurring Episodes
5071 Eula's medallion unveiled Recurring Episodes
5042 First settlers arrive Recurring Episodes
5060 Flem and Eula marry Recurring Episodes
5215 Flem reaches Jefferson Recurring Episodes
5054 General Compson's military record Recurring Episodes
5210 Harriss' death Recurring Episodes
5068 Henry kills Bon Recurring Episodes
5070 Houston murdered Recurring Episodes
5075 Ikkemotubbe becomes "Doom" Recurring Episodes
5043 Indian removal Recurring Episodes
5059 Jefferson's first car Recurring Episodes
5027 Jenny arrives Recurring Episodes
5030 Johnny Sartoris shot down Recurring Episodes
5061 Looking upon evil Recurring Episodes
5212 Mannie Hait cashes check Recurring Episodes
5211 Mannie's death Recurring Episodes
5072 McCarron ambushed Recurring Episodes
5035 Miss Quentin runs away Recurring Episodes
5051 Nancy confronts white man Recurring Episodes
5217 Narcissa marries Bayard Recurring Episodes
5033 Narcissa's anonymous letters Recurring Episodes
5025 Negro voting Recurring Episodes
5024 Old Bayard's death Recurring Episodes
5041 Old Frenchman's arrival Recurring Episodes
5220 Plantation to housing development Recurring Episodes
5067 Popeye's execution Recurring Episodes
5076 Quentin's suicide Recurring Episodes
2245 Recurring event, intertextual Recurring Episodes

When Faulkner in one text refers to or re-writes an event that also occurs in other text(s), for example the account of Miss Quentin climbing down the pear tree (in The Sound and the Fury) or the rain pipe (as the same event has it in the "Appendix" and The Mansion. SR

2244 Recurring event, intratextual Recurring Episodes

When Faulkner refers to or re-writes an event more than once inside a single text, for example the four references to Caddy's muddy drawers in Benjy and Quentin's sections of The Sound and the Fury. SR

5050 Rider in jail Recurring Episodes
5049 Ringo whips Ab Recurring Episodes
5040 Sartoris builds railroad Recurring Episodes
5026 Sartoris captures Yankees Recurring Episodes
5045 Sartoris deposed Recurring Episodes
5078 Sartoris escapes Yankees Recurring Episodes
5044 Sartoris raises regiment Recurring Episodes
5057 Sutpen rejects KKK Recurring Episodes
5052 Sutpen's arrival Recurring Episodes
5064 Temple at Goodwin's Recurring Episodes
5065 Temple at Reba's Recurring Episodes
5062 Temple leaves train Recurring Episodes
5066 Temple testifying Recurring Episodes
5037 Texas horses auctioned Recurring Episodes
5665 Tommy's murder Recurring Episodes
5219 Trying to kill Gualdres Recurring Episodes
5631 Wash charges posse Recurring Episodes
5630 Wash kills Sutpen Recurring Episodes
5206 Will Mayes lynched Recurring Episodes
5032 Young Bayard's death Recurring Episodes
Vocabulary: Themes and Motifs
Term ID Term Parentsort descending Description
1202 "Wait" Recurring Tropes

Spoken by a character to pause or slow down narration by another character so s/he can process the significance or take over the narration. The classic examples are from ABSALOM, but it's a signature verbal formula across Faulkner. JW

4216 Apotheosis Recurring Tropes
4209 Apparition Recurring Tropes
1982 Belatedness Recurring Tropes
3850 Beyond Recurring Tropes

I added this keyword to mark places where a character or text contemplates or imagines exceeding ordinary or usual boundaries. Specifically, this was added for when Quentin starts imagining "a hell beyond that" for him and Caddy. It can be used when "beyond" or a similar construction is used in figurative ways. JBP

2511 Chasing a person Recurring Tropes

For the many instances when a human being is hunted by others - the slave in "Red Leaves," the architect in Absalom!, Christmas several times in Light in August, Miss Quentin in The Sound and the Fury, etc. SR

2204 Confederate monument Recurring Tropes
5338 Constitutive moment Recurring Tropes

A moment in a character's story when something happens that changes the arc of his or her life. For example, when in Absalom! Thomas Sutpen is turned away from the front door of that Tidewater plantation. Or in The Mansion, when Houston tells Mink Snopes he still owes the one dollar "pound fee" (28). SR

4236 Dark house Recurring Tropes
2343 Dead time Recurring Tropes
4349 Design Recurring Tropes
2183 Destiny Recurring Tropes
2337 Doom Recurring Tropes
609 Door Recurring Tropes
2023 Dream Recurring Tropes
2671 Dream turns to dust Recurring Tropes
2625 Echo Recurring Tropes
1177 Endurance Recurring Tropes
2398 Eternal feminine Recurring Tropes
2623 Fairy-tale Recurring Tropes
1927 Fatality Recurring Tropes
3279 Father said Recurring Tropes
875 Fire on the hearth Recurring Tropes
2651 Fixation Recurring Tropes

The action or process of fixing or being fixed. For instance, In AA!, characters find themselves fixed in place, unable to move beyond something either spatially or conceptually. JC

1032 Gaze Recurring Tropes
4399 Glory Recurring Tropes
1256 Going fast Recurring Tropes
