
Vocabulary: Themes and Motifs
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
4755 Entropy Chaos/Order
4441 Epitaph Texts
4335 Epitaph Death
1305 Estranged Home
2398 Eternal feminine Recurring Tropes
2700 Eternity Supernatural
536 Ethics Philosophical
2699 Eulogy Death
4758 European in U.S. Objects
3065 Evil Values
2402 Evolution Philosophical
3278 Excrement Body
988 Execution Death
372 Exile (First level term)
3350 Existentialism Philosophical
1789 Expenses Money
4918 Explaining Story-telling
2161 Eyeglasses Objects
3740 Eyelashes Body
584 Eyes Body
629 Face Body
Vocabulary: Actions
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
672 Entry Violent
890 Envisioning Mental
1373 Escape Non-human
1967 Escape Military
3041 Escape from confinement Physical
3909 Escaping Physical
3449 Esoteric language Verbal
3778 Evasion Physical
5365 Eviction Economic
2102 Exaggeration Verbal
950 Exasperation Emotional
1599 Excitement Emotional
2227 Exhaustion Emotional
4598 Exhumation order Legal
4859 Expecting Emotional
3835 Experiencing second-hand / vicariously Perceptual
3362 Explaining Verbal
2261 Exploitation Moral
4299 Explosion Violent
5093 Exposure Interaction, Social
4251 Extinguishing fire Physical
1341 Exultation Emotional
4694 Factory Work
5483 Factory labor Economic
3553 Failing / Failure Mental
Vocabulary: Aesthetics
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
1637 Epiphany Narrative
3220 Erinys Allusion, Mythical
5047 Etching name on window Recurring Episodes
3927 Ethnic slur Diction
4088 Euboeleus / Eubuleus Allusion, Mythical
5071 Eula's medallion unveiled Recurring Episodes
5442 Europe Allusion, Geographical
2617 Eve Allusion, Biblical
4322 Exodus Allusion, Biblical
760 Exoticism Figures of Speech
4963 Explanatory passage Interpretation
1661 Explorers Allusion, Historical
2287 Expression Figures of Speech

Any common expression, saying, or proverb that Faulkner uses. For example, "cat on a hot stove" or "sticks out like a horse in a duck pond." JB

915 Eyes Figures of Speech
1204 Eyes Description
1545 Face Figures of Speech
Vocabulary: Cultural Issues
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
1642 Episcopal Religion
2716 Equal rights Race
2898 Equality Class

Whenever there is a leveling force that allows different classes to meet on an equal playing field. In this particular example it is the horse race in The Reivers in which class and status don't matter to the observers.

4754 Erosion Land-Use
2824 Ether Alcohol
433 Ethnicity (First level term)
783 Etiquette Race
291 Etiquette Slavery
3639 Etiquette Class
4673 European History
5373 European Revolutions of 1848 History
4480 Evaluate exchange value Economy
660 Evidence Law
299 Evil Slavery
3893 Exams / tests Education
808 Execution Law
762 Exoticism Global
3894 Expelled / expulsion Education
820 Expensive Clothes
3616 Expensive and/or fancy clothes Clothes
3475 Experience Sexuality
4979 Exploitative Politics
1660 Explorers History
2959 Extortion Crime
850 Extra-marital Sexuality
1157 Eye for an eye Law

I opted for the more familiar phrase over "Talionic code of justice" to facilitate searching. JW

1772 Eyewitness Law
3867 Factory Progress
Vocabulary: Environment
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
3375 Ether Olfactory
2484 Evening Time of Day
1329 Evoking memory Olfactory
3377 Excrement Olfactory
5484 Factory|Plant Place
Vocabulary: Relationships
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
755 Etiquette Interracial
1381 Exigent circumstances Familial
1576 Extended family Familial
1573 Extra-marital Romantic
4523 Extramarital Sexual
