
Vocabulary: Themes and Motifs
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
601 Control Chaos/Order
5425 Conventional Character
4362 Conviction Character
4815 Cook book Texts
4856 Cooperation Community
4702 Corncob Objects
1525 Corpse Objects
1788 Corpse Death
2090 Cosmetics Appearance
684 Courage Values
3671 Courteous Character
2741 Coward Character
2473 Cows Animals
2509 Creating order Chaos/Order
1894 Creation Chaos/Order
3713 Crib / Cradle Objects
2486 Crickets Animals
1596 Crowd Community
2904 Cruel Character
1546 Crystal Objects
Vocabulary: Cultural Issues
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
3632 Convalescence Health and Illness
5277 Convict labor History
4718 Conviction Law
1178 Corn Agriculture
1184 Corn farming Land-Use
5589 Corruption Politics
1775 Corruption Government
2815 Corruption Law
4276 Cost of war War
1179 Cotton Agriculture
972 Cotton farming Land-Use
5235 Cotton gin Technology
2420 Cotton planting Economy
1309 Country to city Progress

To capture the movement of people from the countryside to more urban areas, including moving from Frenchman's Bend to Jefferson, as Zilphia Gant's mother and so many Snopeses do. SR

3661 Country vs city Cultural Identity
4739 County attorney Law
5256 County fair Entertainment
2446 Courtship Slavery
5143 Crackers Food
4742 Creating an Other Group Mentality
429 Crime (First level term)
4037 Criminal assault Law
4038 Criminal assault and battery Law
5488 Crop dusting Agriculture
833 Cross dressing Clothes
2364 Cross-dress Gender
Vocabulary: Actions
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
794 Conversation Interaction, Private
797 Conversation Verbal
2547 Conversion Interaction, Social

Whenever a religious person changes someone's mind on religion. The example here is Hightower taming Ballanbaugh's through violent conversion. JB

1118 Cooking Physical
1125 Cooking Domestic
2394 Corrupting Moral
2260 Cotton picking Agricultural
2126 Coughing Bodily
4057 Counsel Legal
3548 Counting Mental
1317 Courting Interaction, Private
2062 Crash Movement
2250 Crawling Physical
1039 Crossing Movement
4727 Crowding Physical
2903 Cruelty Emotional
1651 Crying Emotional
651 Crying Bodily
Vocabulary: Aesthetics
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
1470 Conversation with oneself Narrative
4568 Coolidge, Calvin Allusion, Historical
1877 Cooper, James Fenimore Allusion, Literary
4379 Corinth, Mississippi Allusion, Geographical
2864 Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Allusion, Historical
4093 Coupled Figures of Speech
3892 Coventry, England Allusion, Geographical
1715 Created by characters Symbolism
2670 Creditor Figures of Speech
1885 Crucifixion Allusion, Biblical
2165 Crusades Allusion, Historical
2144 Cuba Allusion, Geographical
1959 Cubism Style
Vocabulary: Environment
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
3784 Coolness Weather
693 Corn planting time Time of Year
692 Corn-planting time (First level term)
1362 Corral Place
5368 Cotillion Club Place
695 Cottonfield Place
5667 Country club Place
534 Country store Place
929 Country vs city Place
493 Court Public
5200 Courthouse Public
4697 Courtroom Place
4092 Courtroom Public
926 Creek Natural
851 Creek bottom Natural
2690 Creepy Atmospheric
655 Crime scene Place
2018 Crowded Atmospheric
Vocabulary: Relationships
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
545 Courtship Romantic
815 Cousin Familial
811 Cousin-cousin Familial
4865 Coworker Social
3304 Crowds Social
