Aesthetics: Allusion, Historical Goethe, Johann
Parent Term
Sibling Terms
- Ahenobarbus
- Alabama Secession Convention
- Alexander
- Alma Tadema
- Americans for Democratic Action
- Ancient Greeks
- Archimedes
- Argonne
- Arlen, Michael
- Armistice Day
- Ashby, Turner
- Astor, John Jacob
- Attila the Hun
- Avant, Jim
- Aztec tribes
- Bach, Johann Sebastian
- Barksdale
- Battle of Atlanta
- Battle of Chickamauga
- Battle of Corinth
- Battle of Culloden Moor
- Battle of Franklin
- Battle of Lookout Mountain
- Battle of Manassas
- Battle of Resaca
- Battle of Ronceavaux Pass
- Battle of Second Manassas
- Battle of Vicksburg
- Beardsley
- Beauregard, P. G. T.
- Beethoven, Ludwig van
- Bernhardt, Sarah
- Bertrand du Guesclin
- Blackstone
- Bonaparte, Napoleon
- Boone, Daniel
- Booth, William
- Boxers Dempsey and Tunney
- Boxers Sullivan and Kilrain
- Bull Run
- Burgoyne, General John
- Burnside, Ambrose
- Burr, Aaron
- Caesar, Julius
- Cambrai
- Capone, Al
- Chaplin, Charlie
- Chateau-Thierry
- Chickamauga
- Churchill, John, Duke of Marlborough
- Churchill, Winston
- Cincinnatus
- Claiborne
- Claiborne, William C. C.
- Clay, Henry
- Cleveland, Grover
- Clostermann, Pierre
- Cobb, Ty
- Cockrum
- Coke upon Littleton
- Columbus, Christopher
- Coolidge, Calvin
- Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille
- Crusades
- Das Kapital
- Davis, Jefferson
- Daymond
- De Bouillon, Godfrey
- De Soto, Hernando
- Dead-eye Dick
- DeFrance, Abraham
- Demosthenes
- Dickson
- Dillinger, John
- Dreiser, Theodore
- Duke John of Lorraine
- Dumas, Alexandre
- Duse, Eleonora
- Einstein, Albert
- Emperor Maximilian
- Explorers
- Fields, Lew
- Ford, Henry
- Forrest, Nathan Bedford
- Fort Sumter
- Franco, Francisco
- Freud, Sigmund
- Garibaldi, Giuseppe
- Goldwater, Barry
- Grable, Betty
- Grant, Ulysses S.
- Great Depression
- Hamilton, Alexander
- Hampton, Wade
- Handy, W.C.
- Hare
- Harlow, Jean
- Harpe
- Harriman, E.H.
- Helen of Troy
- Hill, A.T.
- Hinds, General Thomas
- Hinson, Jack
- Hitler, Adolph
- Homer
- Hooker, Joseph
- Huey Long
- Humphries
- I.W.W.|Industrial Workers of the World
- Ingersoll, Robert G.
- Jackson, Andrew
- Jackson, Thomas "Stonewall"
- James, Jesse
- Jazz Age
- Jefferson, Thomas
- John L. Sullivan
- Johnston, Joseph E.
- Khan, Genghis
- Kitchener, Horatio Herbert
- Kreisler, Fritz
- Lamar
- Lee, Robert Edward
- LeFlore, Greenwood
- Lincoln, Abraham
- Lind, Jenny
- Longstreet, James
- Lookout Mountain
- Lusitania
- Lycurgus of Sparta
- Lytle, Horace
- MacArthur, Douglas
- Maginot Line
- Manassas, Horse
- Mark Twain
- Masons
- McClellan, George B.
- McLaurin
- Messalina
- Middle Ages
- Milton, John
- Miss America
- Mississippi Reports
- Mistinguett
- Monroe, Marilyn
- Morgan, J.P.
- Morgan, John Hunt
- Mozart
- Murat, Joachim
- Napoleon
- Nazi Party
- Newton, Isaac
- Patch, Dan
- Petronius
- Peyton, George
- Philosopher Bergson, Henri
- Pickett's Charge
- Pickett, George
- Pocahontas
- Polynesian tribes
- Pope, John
- Porter, Fitz-John
- Prentiss
- Ptolemy
- Queen Victoria
- Rainey, Paul
- Rainey, Paul DELETE
- Richard I of England
- Roland of Roncesvalles
- Roman consul
- Roman salute
- Roman senator
- Roosevelt, Eleanor
- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
- Rubicon
- Ruth, George Herman "Babe"
- Sabatini, Rafael
- Sabine people
- Saint Francis
- Saint Louis Fair of 1904 / Louisiana Purchase Exposition
- Saint Mihiel
- Sande, Earl
- Schiller, Friedrich
- Scythian
- Semiramis
- Sheridan, Philip
- Sherman, William Tecumseh
- Shiloh
- Smith, Al
- Spanish-American War
- Steamboat race
- Taft, President
- Tamerlane
- Tancred
- Tarleton, Banastre
- Van Dorn, Earl
- Vardaman, James K.
- Vicksburg
- Vymy Ridge
- Wagner, Richard
- Washington, George
- Weber, Joe
- White Citizens' Council
- Wilkinson, James
- Wilson, Woodrow
- Women's Christian Temperance Union / W.C.T.U.
- Wzlewski
- Year 1860
- Year 1861
Tagged Events
Cultural Issues: History›Awareness of / Being in history | Identity, Cultural›America vs Europe | War›Noncombatant | War›Return from war | War›World War I
Aesthetics: Allusion, Geographical›Amsterdam | Allusion, Historical›Bach, Johann Sebastian | Allusion, Historical›Beethoven, Ludwig van | Allusion, Historical›Goethe, Johann | Allusion, Historical›Helen of Troy | Allusion, Historical›Schiller, Friedrich | Narrative›First-person passim | Narrative›Reconstructed