Sartoris Plantation Slave Cabin in "The Unvanquished" (Location)
When talking to the Yankee Lieutenant, Ringo mentions "the quarters" that are "back yonder" behind the destroyed big house on the Sartoris plantation (88), but that larger area is never described. Only one cabin - "the cabin," as it is called throughout the story - is depicted. As part of the quarters, it originally housed slaves. Now, however, the masters live there too: Granny and Bayard moved in there after the Sartoris mansion was burned in "Retreat." In "Raid," Bayard explains that "We lived in Joby's cabin then, with a red quilt nailed by one edge to a rafter and hanging down to make two rooms" (37-38). This arrangement still is in place in "The Unvanquished" as Bayard mentions that he "went inside the quilt" to enter the room where he and Granny sleep, and Granny then "looked at the quilt until Ringo pushed it aside and came in" (77).
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