
Displaying 3501 - 3600 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupationsort ascending Rank
Unnamed Customers at the Atelier Monty The Town Unnamed Customers at the Atelier Monty Minor view
Mrs. Andrew Jackson "Appendix: Compson" Jackson, Mrs. Peripheral view
Aunt Rachel "That Evening Sun" Rachel, Aunt Minor view
Unnamed Militia Band "A Name for the City" Unnamed Militia Band Minor view
Unnamed Little Boys "A Rose for Emily" Unnamed Little Boys Minor view
Unnamed Bluegum Children The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Bluegum Children Minor view
Unnamed Grandfather of the Governor "Monk" Unnamed Grandfather of the Governor Peripheral view
Unnamed Slaves of Indians 6 "A Courtship" Unnamed Slaves of Indians Minor view
Mrs. Burchett "Hair" Burchett, Mrs. Minor view
Mrs. Farmer (Jailer) Requiem for a Nun Farmer, Mrs. Minor view
Unnamed Infant 1 Sanctuary Unnamed Infant Minor view
Unnamed Mother of Molly Worsham Beauchamp "Go Down, Moses" Unnamed Mother of Hamp and Mollie Beauchamp Peripheral view
Unnamed Mother of Sutpen's First Wife Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Mother of Sutpen's First Wife Peripheral view
Fraser 1 "A Bear Hunt" Fraser, Mr. Minor view
Mrs. de Spain The Hamlet De Spain, Mrs. Minor view
Unnamed White Boy 2 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed White Boy Minor view
Unnamed Narrator 1 "A Rose for Emily" Unnamed Narrator Major view
Unnamed Negro Woman on Mourner's Bench Light in August Unnamed Woman on Mourner's Bench Minor view
Unnamed Painters The Mansion Unnamed Painters Minor view
Unnamed Slaves of Indians 1 "Red Leaves" Unnamed Slaves of Indians(1) Minor view
Unnamed Convict The Reivers Unnamed Convict Peripheral view
Unnamed Boston Folks The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Boston Folks Peripheral view
Unnamed Anglo-Saxon Pioneers Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Anglo-Saxon Pioneers Minor view
Unnamed Slaves of Sartorises 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed Sartoris Slaves Minor view
Mrs. Parsham Hood The Reivers Hood, Mrs. Parsham Peripheral view
Isaac McCaslin "Race at Morning" McCaslin, Uncle Ike Minor view
Unnamed University Men Sanctuary Unnamed University Men Minor view
Unnamed Negroes 7 "Uncle Willy" Unnamed Negroes Minor view
Unnamed Young Northern Woman Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Young Northern Woman Peripheral view
Miss Lorraine Sanctuary Miss Lorraine Secondary view
Roth Edmonds' Child Go Down, Moses Unnamed Infant Son of Roth Edmonds Minor view
Unnamed Wife of Tom-Tom|Mrs. Bird The Town Bird, Mrs. Tom Tom Minor view
Nat Beauchamp Wilkins "A Point of Law" Wilkins, Nat Beauchamp Major view
Unnamed Mississippi Indians 1 "Delta Autumn" Unnamed Indians in Mississippi Minor view
Unnamed Jurors 5 The Mansion Unnamed Jurors Minor view
Unnamed Two Mottstown Men "That Will Be Fine" Unnamed Two Mottstown Men Minor view
Unnamed Men in Max's Restaurant Light in August Unnamed Men in Max's Restaurant Minor view
Unnamed Jefferson Children 3 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Jefferson Children Minor view
Labove, Sister of Labove The Hamlet Labove, Sister of Labove Minor view
Burgess Girl "Appendix: Compson" Unnamed Girl Minor view
Unnamed Choctaw Woman Flags in the Dust Unnamed Choctaw Woman Peripheral view
Unnamed Second Wife of Zilphia's Husband "Miss Zilphia Gant" Unnamed Second Wife of Zilphia's Husband Minor view
Unnamed Indian Stripling "Red Leaves" Unnamed Indian Stripling Minor view
Mrs. Linscomb The Reivers Linscomb, Mrs. Minor view
Unnamed Men Who Work with Ab Snopes "The Unvanquished" Unnamed Men Who Work with Ab Snopes Minor view
Celia Cook|Cecilia Farmer The Unvanquished Cook, Celia Minor view
Unnamed Negro Who Disappeared Light in August Unnamed Negro Who Disappeared Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Witness 1 "Smoke" Unnamed Negro Witness(1) Minor view
Unnamed "Mentor" of Mink Snopes The Mansion Unnamed "Mentor" of Mink Snopes Minor view
Thomas Sutpen's Sister 2 Absalom, Absalom! Sutpen, Sister of Thomas(2) Minor view
Unnamed Negroes outside Jail Sanctuary Unnamed Negroes Outside Jail Minor view
Unnamed Customers at Sutpen's Store Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Customers at Sutpen's Store Minor view
Unnamed Negro Who Kicks Nancy Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Negro Who Kicks Nancy Minor view
Unnamed Self-Emancipated Mother The Unvanquished Unnamed Self-Emancipated Negro Mother Minor view
Admiral Dewey Snopes The Town Snopes, Admiral Dewey Minor view
Unnamed Modern Aryans The Mansion Unnamed Modern Aryans Minor view
Unnamed Negro at the Forks The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Negro at the Forks Minor view
Unnamed Lady in Mottstown "That Will Be Fine" Unnamed Lady in Mottstown Minor view
Unnamed Wholesalers and Brokers The Town Unnamed Wholesalers and Brokers Peripheral view
Lizzie "Barn Burning" Lizzie Secondary view
Beck Burden Light in August Burden, Beck Minor view
Lucy Pate Houston|Letty Bookright Houston The Hamlet Houston, Lucy Pate Secondary view
Unnamed Suitors of Eula Varner The Mansion Unnamed Suitors of Eula Varner Minor view
Jesus 2 "That Evening Sun" Jesus Secondary view
Mr. Burgess The Sound and the Fury Burgess, Mr. Minor view
Mohataha "A Courtship" Unnamed Sister of Issetibbeha Peripheral view
Deacon Vines Light in August Vines, Deacon Minor view
Unnamed Small Boys The Mansion Unnamed Small Boys Minor view
Virginia Sartoris Du Pre Sanctuary Du Pre, Jenny Sartoris Secondary view
Benbow Sartoris "Shall Not Perish" Sartorises Minor view
Tennie Beauchamp Go Down, Moses Beauchamp, Tennie Minor view
Unnamed Young Fellows "Hair" Unnamed Young Fellows Minor view
Unnamed White Men 2 "Death Drag" Unnamed Two White Men Minor view
Ellen Coldfield Sutpen Absalom, Absalom! Sutpen, Ellen Coldfield Secondary view
Candace Compson The Sound and the Fury Compson, Caddy Major view
Sally Hampton Priest The Town Priest, Sally Hampton Minor view
Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 16 The Unvanquished Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople(1) Minor view
Unnamed People Who Telephone Judge "Beyond" Unnamed People Who Telephone Judge Minor view
Nub Gowrie Intruder in the Dust Gowrie, Nub Secondary view
Unnamed Moonshine Buyers 1 Light in August Unnamed Moonshine Buyers Minor view
Herman Short The Hamlet Short, Herman Minor view
Unnamed Customers at the Atelier Monty The Mansion Unnamed Customers at the Atelier Monty Minor view
Boy Grier "Two Soldiers" Grier, Boy Major view
Rideout, Brother of Aaron The Hamlet Rideout, Brother of Aaron Minor view
Unnamed Siblings of Doom "Red Leaves" Unnamed Siblings of Doom Minor view
Clarence Snopes Flags in the Dust Snopes, Clarence Minor view
Unnamed Wagon Driver 1 Light in August Unnamed Wagon Driver(1) Minor view
Unnamed Residents of the Poorhouse 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed Residents of Poorhouse Minor view
Unnamed White Man 2 "Red Leaves" Unnamed White Man Minor view
Unnamed Wife of Doctor "Lion" Unnamed Wife of the Doctor Minor view
Walter Ewell "The Old People" Ewell, Walter Secondary view
Hubert Drake Sanctuary Drake, Hubert Minor view
Unnamed Men in Search Party Go Down, Moses Unnamed Men in Search Party Minor view
Martha Habersham "Skirmish at Sartoris" Habersham, Martha Secondary view
Unnamed Car Owner 1 The Mansion Unnamed Car Owner Minor view
Old Het "Mule in the Yard" Het Major view
Unnamed Movie-Goers 2 Light in August Unnamed Movie-Goers Minor view
Unnamed Football Player Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Football Player Minor view
Unnamed Drummer 4 The Hamlet Unnamed Drummer Minor view
Addie Bundren As I Lay Dying Bundren, Addie Major view


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