
Displaying 3701 - 3800 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupation Ranksort descending
Joseph Conrad "Knight's Gambit" Conrad, Joseph Other Peripheral view
Unnamed Light-Colored Woman Go Down, Moses Unnamed Light-Colored Woman Domestic Service Peripheral view
Nathan Bedford Forrest Requiem for a Nun Forrest, Nathan Bedford Armed Forces Peripheral view
Colonel John Sartoris' Mother Flags in the Dust Sartoris, Mother of Colonel John Peripheral view
Clarence Snopes' Grandmother "By the People" Snopes, Grandmother of Clarence Peripheral view
Snopeses "Spotted Horses" Snopeses Farming Peripheral view
Unnamed Father-in-Law of Eck Snopes The Hamlet Unnamed Father-in-Law of Eck Snopes Peripheral view
Euphrony Strother Flags in the Dust Strother, Euphrony Domestic Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Grandmother of Boon Hogganbeck The Reivers Unnamed Grandmother of Boon Peripheral view
Unnamed Undercover Revenue Agent Light in August Unnamed Undercover Revenue Agent Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Italian Marble Syndicate The Mansion Unnamed Italian Marble Syndicate Sales and Service Peripheral view
Theophilus McCaslin 1 "The Unvanquished" McCaslin, Uncle Buck Management Peripheral view
Unnamed Memphis Investigator Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Memphis Investigator Administrative Peripheral view
Huey Long "Knight's Gambit" Long, Huey Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Suitors of Little Belle Sanctuary Unnamed Suitors of Little Belle Peripheral view
Unnamed Telegram Delivery Boy 4 The Mansion Unnamed Telegram Delivery Boy Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed White Man 5 "A Courtship" Unnamed White Man Peripheral view
Thompson, Daughter of Pappy Light in August Thompson, Daughter of Pappy Peripheral view
General Grant "Shall Not Perish" Grant, Ulysses S. Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Threatened Judge The Mansion Unnamed Threatened Judge Administrative Peripheral view
Famous Mississippians Requiem for a Nun Famous Mississippians Peripheral view
Charley Longfeather "Knight's Gambit" Longfeather, Charley Peripheral view
General Burnside Requiem for a Nun Burnside, General Armed Forces Peripheral view
Richthofen Flags in the Dust Von Richthofen, Baron Armed Forces Peripheral view
Mrs. Virginius MacCallum 2 Flags in the Dust MacCallum, Second Wife of VIrginius Peripheral view
John Brown Intruder in the Dust Brown, John Other Peripheral view
Snopeses "Appendix: Compson" Snopeses Peripheral view
De Spain's Daughters "A Bear Hunt" De Spain, Daughters of Manfred Peripheral view
General William Barksdale The Unvanquished Barksdale, General William Armed Forces Peripheral view
General Jubal Early "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" Early, General Jubal Anderson Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Letter Writers Light in August Unnamed Negro Letter Writers Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Yardmen 2 Light in August Unnamed Negro Yardmen Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed German Aviators 2 The Mansion Unnamed German Aviators Armed Forces Peripheral view
Snopes, Brother of Mink The Mansion Snopes, Brother of Mink Peripheral view
Unnamed Charlestonians The Unvanquished Unnamed Charlestonians Peripheral view
Lump Snopes' Father The Hamlet Snopes, Father of Lump Peripheral view
Unnamed Runaway Slave Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed "Runaway Slave" Peripheral view
Alexander Holston Intruder in the Dust Holston Management Peripheral view
Francisco Franco The Mansion Franco, Francisco Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Inmates 1 Light in August Unnamed Inmates Peripheral view
Unnamed Girl in Bland's Story The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Girl in Bland's Story Peripheral view
Ab Snopes' Sister The Hamlet Grimm, Mother of Eustace Peripheral view
Unnamed People of This Delta "Delta Autumn" Unnamed People of This Delta Peripheral view
Sally Rand Go Down, Moses Rand, Sally Other Peripheral view
Byron Snopes "There Was a Queen" Unnamed Letter Writer Administrative Peripheral view
Mike The Sound and the Fury Mike Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Father of Luster The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Father of Luster Peripheral view
General Douglas MacArthur "Two Soldiers" MacArthur, General Douglas Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Judge 5 "Smoke" Unnamed Judge Administrative Peripheral view
General Grant Flags in the Dust Grant, Ulysses S. Armed Forces Peripheral view
General Grant "The Unvanquished" Grant, General Ulysses S. Armed Forces Peripheral view
Napoleon "Appendix: Compson" Napoleon Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Union Quartermaster The Unvanquished Unnamed Union Quartermaster Armed Forces Peripheral view
Thomas Sutpen Go Down, Moses Sutpen, Thomas Peripheral view
Unnamed Young Girl The Mansion Unnamed Young Girl Peripheral view
Unnamed Union General 1 The Unvanquished Unnamed Union General Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Mother of Molly Worsham Beauchamp Go Down, Moses Unnamed Mother of Hamp and Mollie Beauchamp Peripheral view
Unnamed Grandfather of Boy Hunter "The Bear" Unnamed Grandfather of Boy Hunter Management Peripheral view
Unnamed Local Negroes "The Bear" Unnamed Local Negroes Peripheral view
Unnamed Deceased Sheriff The Town Unnamed Deceased Sheriff Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Mourners at Judge's Funeral "Beyond" Unnamed Mourners at Judge's Funeral Peripheral view
Unnamed Uncle of Paul "Elly" Unnamed Uncle of Paul Peripheral view
Bishop 1 "Ad Astra" Bishop Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Self-Mutilator The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Self-Mutilator Peripheral view
Unnamed Southern Wives and Daughters Go Down, Moses Unnamed Southern Wives and Daughters Peripheral view
General John Pope Flags in the Dust Pope, General John Armed Forces Peripheral view
Res Grier "By the People" Grier, Eck Peripheral view
Joby 1 Flags in the Dust Joby Peripheral view
Unnamed Roman Consul Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Roman Consul Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Yardman 1 Sanctuary Unnamed Negro Yardman Domestic Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Men in Dreams "Miss Zilphia Gant" Unnamed Negro Men in Dreams Peripheral view
Unnamed Mail Carrier 3 "By the People" Unnamed Mail Carrier Administrative Peripheral view
Henry Sutpen The Unvanquished Sutpen, Unnamed Son of Thomas Peripheral view
Unnamed Assistant Provost Marshal Flags in the Dust Unnamed Assistant Provost Marshal Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Jefferson Lawyers The Mansion Unnamed Jefferson Lawyers Professional Peripheral view
Unnamed Confederate Captain "The Unvanquished" Unnamed Confederate Captain Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Grandfather of the Governor "Monk" Unnamed Grandfather of the Governor Peripheral view
Lucius Quintus Priest I The Mansion Unnamed Bank President Management Peripheral view
Unnamed Men 3 "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Men Who Knew Mrs. Harriss' Father Peripheral view
Unnamed Husband of Linda The Mansion Unnamed Husband of Linda Peripheral view
Unnamed Minister in Santa Fe Light in August Unnamed Minister in Sante Fe Professional Peripheral view
Old Lady Wyatt "A Rose for Emily" Wyatt, "Old Lady" Peripheral view
John Sartoris I "Shall Not Perish" Sartoris, John Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Threatened Prosecutor The Mansion Unnamed Threatened Prosecutor Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Father of Belle and Joan Sanctuary Unnamed Father of Belle Peripheral view
Abraham DeFrance Requiem for a Nun DeFrance, Abraham Administrative Peripheral view
Joe Ginotta "Knight's Gambit" Ginotta, Joe Peripheral view
Chevalier Soeur-Blonde de Vitry "A Justice" Unnamed "French Chief" Peripheral view
Quentin Compson II "Skirmish at Sartoris" Compson, Mr. Peripheral view
Unnamed Sheriff 11 "Gold Is Not Always" Unnamed Sheriff Administrative Peripheral view
Virginius MacCallum's Father Flags in the Dust MacCallum, Father of Virginius Farming Peripheral view
General Robert E. Lee Intruder in the Dust Lee, General Robert E. Armed Forces Peripheral view
Major Yoknapatawpha Families "Appendix: Compson" Major Yoknapatawpha Families Peripheral view
Unnamed American Soldier 1 Sanctuary Unnamed American Soldier Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Newspaper Editor 2 "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" Unnamed Newspaper Editor Professional Peripheral view
E.E. Peebles Light in August Peebles, E.E. Professional Peripheral view
President Franklin Roosevelt The Mansion Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Administrative Peripheral view
John Sartoris I "Raid" Sartoris, Colonel John Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Union General 1 "Ambuscade" Unnamed Union General Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Merchant|Installment People The Hamlet Unnamed Merchant|Installment People Sales and Service Peripheral view


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