Character Keys
Code![]() |
title | biography | |
3401 | Unnamed Son-in-Law of Deacon |
In The Sound and the Fury Deacon tells Quentin that the reason he marched in the parade "on that Wop holiday" (presumably Columbus Day, 98) was to help his son-in-law "get a job on the city forces" as a "street cleaner" (98). Deacon also calls him "that son of a bitch," and implies he's very lazy (99). |
3400 | Shreve MacKenzie|McCannon |
Shreve is Quentin Compson's Canadian roommate at Harvard in two of Faulkner's greatest novels: The Sound and the Fury (where his last name is MacKenzie) and Absalom, Absalom! (where it's McCannon). In the first novel he's largely defined by his concern for Quentin's well-being, which apparently leads some of their fellow students in the novel (and has definitely led a few critics writing about the novel) to speculate that the bond between them may be homoerotic. |
3399 | Suratt, Oldest Brother of V.K. |
V.K. Suratt's "oldest brother" appears briefly in Flags in the Dust as the person who taught him how "to chop cotton" fast if he wanted to keep from losing his toes (137). |
3398 | Suratt, Grandfather of V.K. |
While drinking moonshine with Young Bayard and Hub in Flags in the Dust, V.K. Suratt tells them about the time Doctor Peabody amputated his "granpappy's laig," using whiskey as the anesthetic (136). |
3397 | Suratt, Family of V.K. |
In the story V.K. Suratt tells in Flags in the Dust about Doctor Peabody amputating his grandfather's leg, he mentions that the whiskey and (presumably) the pain caused "granpappy" to "cuss and sing so scandalous" that "the women-folks and the chillen went down to the pasture behind the barn" until the operation was over (136). (Suratt himself appears frequently in the fictions, in the later ones as V.K. Ratliff. His character remains essentially the same, but in those later fictions the Ratliff family is different from this Suratt one.) |
3396 | Unnamed Negro Servants of Doctor Peabody |
In Flags in the Dust, Dr. Peabody's household of black servants includes, to quote his dehumanizing description of them, "six or seven registered ones" as well as "a new yearlin' every day or so" (303). Like Abe, the only servant who is named, their main task seems to be assisting the gentlemen and ladies who come to fish at the doctor's pond. |
3395 | Unnamed Patients of Dr. Brandt |
In Flags in the Dust the other people in the waiting room where Dr. Alford, Jenny and Old Bayard wait to see the Memphis specialist are described as "quiet" (246). |
3394 | Unnamed Negro Cane Mill Owner |
Referred to in Flags in the Dust as "a sort of patriarch" among the Negro tenants on the Sartoris estate, and described as old enough to be "stooped with time," he owns the facilities - the mill and mule that grind the sugar cane and the kettle in which the juice is boiled - for making molasses (288). |
3393 | Unnamed Younger Generation in Jefferson |
For a long time prior to 1904, at least according to Charles' account in The Town, "the young people" of Jefferson accepted the rule of their elders, but De Spain's candidacy for mayor "was the opportunity which that whole contemporary generation of young people had been waiting for, not just in Jefferson but everywhere," to change the status quo (12). As voters, this younger generation gives De Spain a landslide victory: "they had displaced the old dug-in aldermen and themselves rode into office as the city fathers on Manfred de Spain's coat-tails" (14). |
3392 | Unnamed Younger Bondsman |
In The Town Ratliff calls the first man sent to Jefferson by the company that insures the bond on Mayor de Spain a "pleasant young feller" who realizes at the end of "one quick horrified day" that settling Gavin's law suit calls for someone with more experience (87). |
3391 | Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 11 |
The country people of Yoknapatawpha, the people who live outside Jefferson, have a smaller presence in The Town than in many other fictions, but as a group they are mentioned several times. For example, when Gavin Stevens starts campaigning for County Attorney, he "began to talk like the people he would lean on fences or squat against the walls of country stores with" (176). |
3390 | Unnamed Yankee Raiders |
The Town refers to the "Yankee raiders" who were present in Mississippi during the Civil War as the stuff of "legend" - the legend of the treasure that remains hidden where the plantation owners supposedly buried their "money and plate" to keep them safe from these invaders (8). (In earlier Yoknapatawpha fictions, the Sartorises did bury their silver and Union troops did dig it up.) |
3389 | Unnamed Wounded Veteran of World War I |
In The Town Charles mentions that "one of Captain McClendon's company was wounded in the first battle in which American troops were engaged and was back in his uniform with his wound stripe in 1918" (123). He is the first veteran of World War I to return to Jefferson. (Historically, this first battle was the Battle of Cantigny, 28 May 1918.) |
3388 | Unnamed Interior Decorator from Memphis |
In The Town it is the wife of the furniture salesman in Memphis who knows what kind of furniture Flem wants for his new house, and she provides it. She is mentioned again as "the Memphis expert" who "learns Eula" what the home of a bank vice president should contain (173). |
3387 | Unnamed Wholesalers and Brokers |
In The Town these grocery distributors accept Wallstreet's commercial methods and innovations as congenial to their own. |
3386 | Unnamed Firemen 3 |
In "Mule in the Yard" and again in The Town a fire engine full of "volunteer fire fighters" arrives too late to save Mrs. Hait's house, although the men are in time to "fling her dishes and furniture up and down the street" in the attempt (258, 252). |
3385 | Unnamed Veterans of World War I 1 |
In The Town these veterans who served in McLendon's company in the first World War return to Jefferson early in 1919, "except two dead from flu and a few in hospital," "all home again to wear their uniforms too around the Square for a while" (123). |
3384 | Unnamed Bachelors at the University of Mississippi |
According to Ratliff's account in The Town, "there's a thousand extry young fellers all new and strange and interesting and male" at the University of Mississippi (271). Ratliff believes that among these young men might be Linda's future husband. Flem later thinks about this group as "a thousand young men, all bachelors and all male" - and a threat to his financial interest in Linda (304). (The University of Mississippi began admitting women in 1882.) |
3383 | Unnamed Two Witnesses |
In his hypothetical account in The Town of the deal Flem made with Eula that allowed Linda to leave home, Gavin assumes the presence of "two witnesses waiting" outside the room until she is ready to sign the agreement he has drawn up (304). |
3382 | Unnamed Two Men at the Cotillion Ball |
In The Town these two men attempt to help Gavin Stevens stand up after Manfred de Spain strikes him down (79). |
3381 | Unnamed Tenant Farmer |
In his reconstruction of Flem moving his money to the Bank of Jefferson in The Town, Gavin imagines him being "stopped on the street one day" by this share cropper, "one still in the overalls and the tieless shirt . . . attached irrevocably by the lean umbilicus of bare livelihood . . . to the worn-out tenant farm" (281). He looks at Flem "with envy and respect (ay, and hatred too)" for having "wrenched himself free" of "the overalls and the grinding landlord" that define the costume and the world of a tenant farmer. |
3380 | Unnamed School Teacher 3 |
In The Town Miss Vaiden Wyott's colleague is watching when Wallstreet proposes to Miss Vaiden (153). |
3379 | Unnamed Suitors of Linda Snopes |
These are the "young men" in The Town who do or someday might court Linda Snopes (297). They exist both in fact - "half the football and baseball teams escort her home from school in the afternoon and squire her in gangs to the picture show during her junior and senior high school years" (299) - and in Flem's mind, as the threat to his control over his daughter and her potential inheritance. |
3378 | Unnamed Enslaved People 4 |
In The Town Charles notes that Jefferson's Episcopal church, "the oldest extant building in town," and perhaps "the finest too," was "built by slaves" (321). |
3377 | Unnamed Slaves of Issetibbeha |
Gavin briefly mentions these people in his vision of Yoknapatawpha in the past in The Town: the slaves who belonged to Issetibbeha, a Chickasaw chief (331). |
3376 | Unnamed Slaves of Mohataha |
Like other Indian tribes in the old South, the Indians of Yoknapatawpha own slaves in various Faulkner fictions. The slaves of the Chickasaw who appear in "A Name for the City" and again in Requiem for a Nun are specifically referred to as the slaves of Mohataha, Ikketubbe's mother who rules the tribe in those texts. In the short story and in Act I of the novel, these enslaved people purchase items at the Indian agency-store in the settlement (17). |
3375 | Unnamed Resident of Oxford |
In The Town Linda Snopes asks "someone" in Oxford to tell her who was "the nicest lawyer for her to go to" about drawing up a will (343). The novel says nothing about this "someone," but since Oxford is where Faulkner lived, and the lawyer whom this person recommends is Faulkner's close friend [Phil] Stone, to whom the novel is dedicated, it's fun to wonder if Faulkner wrote himself into the novel in the role of this "someone." |
3374 | Unnamed Railroad Owners |
In The Town, I.O. Snopes refers, resentfully, to the men who own the railroad he regularly sues as "them cold hard millionaire railroad magnits" (i.e. magnates, 260)" - because when Mannie Hait's husband was killed on the track, they awarded all of the indemnity to her. |
3373 | Unnamed Man Who Questions I.O. Snopes |
When I.O. blunders in The Town by saying "I reckon it's a few things I could tell a jury myself about - ," this unnamed man asks him, "Tell the jury about what?" (253). |
3372 | Unnamed Presbyterians and Episcopalians |
According to The Town, the members of the Presbyterian and the Episcopalian churches in Jefferson constitute the two oldest congregations in the county, dating from "before the county was a County and Jefferson was Jefferson" (321). |
3371 | Unnamed Somebody at City Hall |
This is the "somebody at the City Hall" in The Town who is informed about the missing brass fixtures at the power plant and calls in "the auditors" to investigate the matter (31). |
3369 | Unnamed Newspaper Boys 2 |
These are the "two more boys" whom Wall Snopes hires in The Town to help his brother, Admiral Dewey, deliver newspapers and "handbills" around Jefferson (135). |
3368 | Unnamed Older Bondsman |
This man, the senior of the two representatives from the company that bonds De Spain in The Town, has "gray hair" and comes to town wearing "striped britches and a gold watch chain big enough to boom logs with and gold eyeglasses and even a gold toothpick and the pigeon-tailed coat and the plug hat" (88). |
3367 | Unnamed Oil Company Executives |
Only referred to generically in The Town as "the oil company," these faceless men "cuss Mr [Eck] Snopes" for his foolishness in blowing himself and one of their tanks up, but also give his widow $1000, "even if she had married a fool" (117). |
3366 | Unnamed Someone 7 |
This person in The Town is first to notice that one of Byron's children is wearing the collar from Mrs. Widrington's missing dog: "One day the four Snopes Indians came out of Christian's drugstore and somebody passing on the street pointed his finger and hollered 'Look!'" (381). |
3365 | Unnamed Tourists from the North |
In The Town these undescribed Northern tourists admire Jefferson's Episcopal church and photograph it. Charles wonders at their attitude toward the church, "since they themselves had burned it and blown it up with dynamite in 1863" (321). As a Southerner, he's using a generic idea of 'Yankees' - whether Union troops in the Civil War or Northern tourists in the mid-20th century. |
3364 | Unnamed New Families in Jefferson |
In The Town these families, including "engineers and contractors and such like" (380), moved to Jefferson with the city's modernization of its streets. |
3363 | Unnamed Neighbor Girl |
After Matt Levitt's departure in The Town, Linda begins to go to and from school "with another girl who lived on the same street" (222). |
3362 | Unnamed Negro Train Porter 2 |
In The Town the porter accompanies the conductor as he signals for Byron Snopes's four children to board the train. (He could be the same man as the porter on the train that brought the children to Jefferson a few days earlier, but that is not made explicit.) |
3361 | Unnamed Negro Train Porter 1 |
Although he's usually the first employee off the train when it arrives in Jefferson, in The Town this porter on the train carrying Byron's children lets the conductor and the flagman exit the train first (377). |
3360 | Unnamed Negro Substitute Fireman |
In The Town Tom Tom Bird's "substitute, who fires the boilers on Sunday" (26), also fills in for him when Tom Tom keeps lookout at home. |
3359 | Unnamed Negro Pullman Porters |
Although they are unseen in The Town, Charles knows there are "pullman porters" on the train that arrives in Jefferson in Chapter 24 (377). Shortly after the Civil War a white man named George Pullman designed the original sleeper cars for passenger trains, and hired blacks, in many cases former slaves, to serve as the attendants in those cars. |
3358 | Unnamed Negro Railroad Porters |
In The Town, these two men carry the medallion of Eula across the railroad platform to Gavin's car. |
3357 | Unnamed Negro House Servant 2 |
In The Town this "houseman in a white coat" performs general duties in for Manfred de Spain's house, and lives in Manfred's "late father's big wooden house" (14). |
3356 | Unnamed Negro Employees of the Holston House 1 |
This entry represents every "porter and waiter" on the staff of the Holston Hotel in The Town; according to Ratliff, they find the older bondsman from St. Louis so charming that they hang around his door, hoping for a chance to "wait on him" (88). |
3355 | Unnamed Negro "Least Boy" |
In The Town the Jefferson hotel porter named Samson works with someone whom Ratliff refers to as "Samson's least boy," whose one action in the novel is carrying a newspaper for the white bondsman when he leaves the hotel (103). It's not clear what "least boy" means - perhaps he is a bellboy at the hotel or possibly he is Samson's youngest son. |
3354 | Unnamed Mule Buyers |
According to The Town, I.O. Snopes sells mules to "farmers and widows and orphans black and white, for whatever he could get, down to some last irreducible figure" (245). |
3353 | Unnamed Men at Fight |
This entry represents the men in The Town - described simply as "a few more men" - who watch the fight that Buddy McCallum arranges between his son Anse and Matt Levitt (207). Since Matt is from town and Anse from the country, these men could be from anywhere in Yoknapatawpha. |
3352 | Unnamed Members of Frenchman's Bend Church |
In his hypothetical account in The Town of Flem's return to Frenchman's Bend in 1927, Gavin mentions the members of the church there, but only in the context of Mrs. Varner's authoritarian control of the "terrified congregation" and the "ministers" whom she "selects and chooses and hires" herself - she "fires them too when they don't suit her" (306). Still according to Gavin, one of these ministers was plowing "a cotton field" when she passed by in her buggy and noticed him: she ordered him "to go home and bathe and change his clothes" before she "ordained" him herself (306). |
3351 | Unnamed Members of Byron Society |
Byron Societies were originally literary groups that met to read and discuss the works of George Gordon, Lord Byron. By the time of The Town, the Jefferson version of the Byron Society was essentially a social club for upper and middle class women. Like the Cotillion Club, membership in the Society confers social prestige. |
3350 | Unnamed Loafers |
In The Town, these unnamed "loafers, Negro and white boys too," watch the Cotillion couples arrive at the Opera House (76). |
3349 | Unnamed Livery Stable Customers |
Chick's father in The Town - Charles Mallison, Sr. - owns the town livery stable. He notes that because so "many of my customers use horses and mules for a living," it would be bad for his business if he owned an automobile (65). |
3348 | Unnamed Jewish Families |
As exceptions to his portrait of the local population in The Town as Protestant ("Baptists and Methodists," 320), Charles mentions these "two Jews brothers with their families, who ran two clothing stores": "One of them had been trained in Russia to be a rabbi and spoke seven languages including classic Greek and Latin and worked geometry problems for relaxation" (320). These are the only Jewish inhabitants of Yoknapatawpha ever mentioned. |
3347 | Unnamed Jefferson Ministers 2 |
In The Town, along with the Episcopalian minister Mr. Thorndyke, these three "pastors" - identified as "the Methodist, the Baptist, the Presbyterian" - call on Gavin Stevens at the request of their congregations to offer Gavin their assistance with Eula's memorial service. Gavin calls them all "Doctor" (359), but in the distribution of names Charles' narration clearly distinguishes between the Episcopalian and the other three; Charles calls Thorndyke as "our" pastor - i.e. |
3346 | Unnamed Jefferson Mothers |
The "mothers" of Jefferson appear as a distinct group several times in The Town. They bring their little children to the kindergarten class in which Wallstreet Panic and Admiral Dewey Snopes are already enrolled, for example. We also use this entry to refer to the larger group that Gavin refers to as "Southern mothers" - the women who want "their daughters" to attend college in Virginia (221). |
3345 | Unnamed Jefferson Masons |
A secret fraternal order originating in medieval ritual, the Masons advocate charity and obedience. In The Town Eck Snopes was an active member among the Frenchman's Bend Masons, and Will Varner encouraged the Masons in Jefferson to find an appropriate job for Eck after his neck was broken. When Eck dies, the Masonic Lodge buries him, displaying their ritual "aprons" and "signs" at his funeral (117). |
3344 | Unnamed Jefferson Lady 2 |
This is the woman in The Town - identified only as "the second lady" - who condescendingly reproves Maggie Mallison for calling on Eula Snopes (53). |
3343 | Unnamed Jefferson Lady 1 |
This woman in The Town - identified by Charles' narrative only as "the first lady" (53) - reproves Maggie Mallison for calling on Eula Snopes. |
3342 | Unnamed Jefferson Housewives |
In The Town Jefferson housewives eventually drive to Wallstreet's self-service grocery store to "seek his bargains and carry them home themselves" (157). |
3341 | Unnamed Jefferson High School Principal |
This principal awards Wallstreet Panic Snopes his diploma in The Town. |
3340 | Unnamed Board of Aldermen |
These aldermen are elected officials who (along with the town mayor) govern Jefferson. In The Town, the board of aldermen meets to consider Gavin Stevens' complaint against Mayor de Spain. (See also Unnamed Alderman in this index.) |
3339 | Unnamed Italian Consul |
In The Town Gavin nags the Italian consul in New Orleans in an attempt to hasten the arrival of the medallion containing Eula's "carved marble face" (368). |
3338 | Unnamed Insurance Adjuster |
In The Town this man comes to Jefferson to determine his company's liability for Mrs. Widrington's lost dog. |
3337 | Unnamed Imaginary Assassin |
In Chapter 17 of The Town Gavin refers, hypothetically, to "some dedicated enthusiast panting for martyrdom in the simple name of Man" whom Flem could get to "shoot old Will some night" (302). The context suggests that this potential solution to Flem's problem is invented by Gavin as much if not more than by Flem. |
3336 | Unnamed Husbands and Beaus of the Ladies in the Club |
In The Town these "husbands and beaus" reluctantly bought at least one corsage for their Cotillion Club partners, following Gavin's example (73). |
3335 | Unnamed Hired Driver 3 |
Unlike the other drivers in The Town, this one is imaginary. In his hypothetical account of Flem's trip to Frenchman's Bend in Chapter 17, Gavin describes the man who drives him as an outsider: his car "would not bear Yoknapatawpha County license plates" (305). (In Chapter 18, Ratliff describes how he himself drove Flem on that trip.) |
3334 | Unnamed Hired Boy |
In The Town Wall Snopes hires this boy "to come before daylight on the winter mornings to build the fire and sweep" the grocery store (136). |
3333 | Unnamed Grocery Store Owner |
This unnamed grocery store owner in The Town is young Wallstreet Panic Snopes' employer. In time, Wall becomes his partner. |
3332 | Unnamed Grandfather of Walter |
According to Charles in The Town Walter's grandfather was a slave who "had belonged to Uncle Willy's grandfather before the Surrender" (167). |
3331 | Unnamed Grandfather of Uncle Willy |
According to The Town, before the Civil War, Willy Christian's grandfather owned Walter's grandfather. The employer-employee relationship described in the novel between Willy and Walter has affinities with this master-slave relationship. (See also Hoke Christian's entry in this index. He is Willy's father in the story "Uncle Willy," and may have been the man Faulkner was thinking of when he created a grandfather for Willy.) |
3330 | Unnamed Biracial Concubines |
In The Town Ratliff reports that Will Varner had three "mulatto concubines" - the "first Negroes" in Frenchman's Bend, "and for a time the only ones [Varner] would permit there" (289). |
3329 | Unnamed Biracial Grandchildren of Will Varner |
Ratliff reports to Gavin in The Town that Will Varner had three biracial concubines, "the first Negroes in that section of the county and for a time the only ones he would permit there, by whom he now had grandchildren" (289). |
3328 | Unnamed Jurors 7 |
In The Town these jurors indict Mink Snopes for murdering Zack Houston. |
3327 | Unnamed Furniture Salesman |
When he becomes vice president of the bank in The Town, Flem employs this salesman in a Memphis furniture store to provide him with appropriate home furnishings. |
3326 | Unnamed Friends of Linda Snopes |
In The Town after Linda Snopes stops seeing Matt Levitt, she goes to the movies "with another girl or maybe two or three of them" (205). |
3325 | Unnamed Friends of Gavin Stevens |
Gavin counts on these friends who live in New York to help Linda during her move to Greenwich Village. Ratliff says, "Lawyer had it all arranged, friends he knowed in Harvard to meet the train at the depot and take care of her, get her settled and ever thing" (367). |
3324 | Unnamed Minister in Frenchman's Bend |
The minister who leads Eula's memorial service in Jefferson in The Town is "the old Methodist minister who had christened her thirty-eight years ago" in Frenchman's Bend; he is described as "an old man who had been a preacher all his adult life but would have for the rest of it the warped back and the wrenched bitter hands of a dirt farmer" (360). He is mentioned again in The Mansion, where Ratliff calls him "the old Methodist preacher that had baptised Eula" (163). |
3323 | Unnamed Masons in Frenchman's Bend |
Uncle Billy's Frenchman's Bend Masons are in charge of Eck Snopes' funeral in The Town. (The first American chapters of the social order known as Freemasonry were organized in Pennsylvania in the early 18th century. Many of the Founders of the Revolutionary era were Freemasons, which is why the U.S. dollar includes masonic symbolism. Not long after the Revolution ended there were 'lodges' in all the states, but I confess it's surprising to think that such a small and impoverished place as Frenchman's Bend had its own chapter.) |
3322 | Unnamed French Prostitutes |
As Ratliff explains to Charles in The Town, during World War I Montgomery Ward Snopes ran brothels in France. He began in a little town with "a young French lady he happened to know" (120; since Charles is only five at the time, Ratliff resorts to evasive terms), then set up a bigger brothel in Paris, "adding more and more entertaining ladies to that-ere new canteen he set up in Paris" (121). The ladies themselves are not described in any more detail. (Prostitution was legal in France at this time, though it was illegal to run a brothel.) |
3321 | Unnamed Fourteen-Year-Old Girl |
In The Town this girl is discovered in an "empty cotton house" having sex with "schoolmaster" Snopes (43). (See also the Unnamed Eleven-Year-Old Girl who appears in The Mansion, and may be the same character.) |
3320 | Unnamed Residents of the Poorhouse 2 |
In The Town these poor people, who are housed by the county, know about Mr. Hait's death and have "heard that Mrs. Hait had got eight thousand dollars for him" (242). |
3319 | Unnamed Fish-Grabblers |
'Fish grabbling' means catching fish underwater with one's bare hands. That's what these men in The Town are doing when they find Mink Snopes' shotgun in the slough where he had thrown it. (See also Unnamed Negro Who Finds Gun in this index.) |
3318 | Unnamed Fiance of Miss Wyott |
In The Town Miss Vaiden Wyott mentions "her fiance" when she explains to Wall Snopes why she cannot accept his marriage proposal; all the text says about him is that she is sure that, if he and Wall ever met, they "would be friends" (154). |
3317 | Unnamed Federal Drug Inspectors |
The federal drug inspectors who audit the narcotics in Uncle Willy's drugstore in The Town criticize him for his poor security of the morphine (163). |
3316 | Unnamed Father-in-Law of Wallstreet Snopes |
Gavin speculates in The Town that this "small though thrifty farmer" (157) finds the money to save his son-in-law's business. |
3315 | Unnamed Directors of the Bank of Jefferson |
In The Town Ratliff mentions "the directors of the Bank of Jefferson" - the other bank in town, rival to the Sartoris Bank - when he tells Gavin about Wallstreet Panic Snopes' business plans (152): they apparently authorized a loan to him. |
3314 | Unnamed Baptists and Methodists |
The narrators in The Town refer in several ways to the morally self-righteous members of the community. They can be found among the Presbyterian and Episcopal congregations in Yoknapatawpha, but Baptists and Methodists are the county's principal white Protestant groups. Charles notes, for example, that "ours was a town founded by Aryan Baptists and Methodists" (320; there is no "Aryan" sect in the Baptist church - Faulkner may have meant 'Arian Baptists,' but if "Aryan" is deliberate, he is presumably using the adjective to mean 'white' or even 'white-supremacist'). |
3313 | Riddell, Boy |
In The Town, this second-grade boy moves to Jefferson with his parents. When it is discovered that he has polio, the school that he and Chick attend is closed. He is hospitalized in Memphis, and Eula says to Chick, "Let's hope they got him to Memphis in time" (324). |
3312 | Snopeses |
There are more Snopeses in the fictions than any other family. Over 60 named members of the family have their own entries in our database. |
3311 | Unnamed People Who Grieve |
Thinking about the local men killed in the war leads the narrator of "Shall Not Perish" to imagine "all the grieving about the earth, the rich and the poor too" (103): the people who lose loved ones in the fighting. |
3310 | Unnamed Country Wives and Daughters |
The day the Grand Jury meets to consider Christmas' case in Light in August is a Saturday, which as always means there are a lot of people from the surrounding county in Jefferson; according to the narrator, while the “countrymen in overalls” join the townsmen standing around the courthouse, their wives and daughters of move “in and out of the stores . . . in clumps, slowly and also aimlessly as cattle or clouds" (416). |
3309 | Unnamed Station Agent 3 |
In The Town Ratliff claims it was "the depot agent" who sent I.O. Snopes a printed train schedule - though he may have done that himself. (In "Mule in the Yard" the local man who sends I.O. the schedule is identified as the "town wag.") It is definitely an agent at the station, and so presumably the same man, who takes Flem Snopes' payment for freight charges on Eula's medallion. |
3308 | Unnamed Deceased Sheriff |
In The Town Sheriff Hub Hampton's "office deputy," Miss Elma, is identified as the "widow of the sheriff Mr Hampton had succeeded last time" (183). This previous sheriff is not otherwise described. |
3307 | Unnamed Debtors |
In Chapter 17 of The Town Gavin refers several times to the people who owe Flem Snopes money. He describes them variously as people owing "sums ranging from twenty-five cents to five dollars" (291); as people "who had been paying [Flem] the usury on five or ten or twenty dollar loans" (295); and as people against whom Flem holds "a usurious note or mortage" (299). |
3306 | Unnamed Spectators in Courtroom 3 |
A large crowd comes to watch Mink Snopes' trial for murder in The Town; people are "still crowding in long after they had run out of anything to set on" (86). |
3305 | Unnamed Countrywomen |
In The Town, Gavin refers to the women - groups of "four or five or six ladies in sunbonnets" who live on "back-country roads" (240) - as the customers to whom Ratliff sells sewing machines, and from whom he has learned how to listen. Gavin's use of "ladies" is generous; these are the wives of the poor farmers who inhabit Yoknapatawpha's "back-country" in the fictions. |
3304 | Unnamed Countrymen 2 |
In The Town, the potential customers asking for directions to the Snopes Hotel are "country men" - men from the countryside outside Jefferson - who "were told simply to walk in that direction until they came to a woman rocking, and that was it" (42). (The woman is I.O. Snopes' wife. Faulkner here spells "country men" as two words, but our name spells it as one word, which Faulkner himself did elsewhere; see Unnamed Countrymen 1, for example, in this index.) |
3303 | Unnamed Country Girl |
After Linda Snopes stops going out with Matt Levitt in The Town, he replaces her with "a country girl he had found somewhere" (206). |
3302 | Unnamed Cotillion Guests |
The Jefferson couples who receive invitations to the Cotillion Dance in The Town represent the town's social elite. Charles describes their appearance as "crimped and frizzed in scarves and earrings and perfume and long white gloves like Mother or in claw-hammer coats and boiled shirts and white ties and yesterday's haircuts like Father and Uncle Gavin" (75-76). |
3301 | Unnamed Confederate Provost Man|Picket |
Ab Snopes' Civil War wound was never received in battle, or even from a Yankee, but Faulkner provides several different accounts of the Confederate who shot him while he was stealing a horse and left him with a lifelong limp. In "Barn Burning" that man is identified as "a Confederate provost's man" (5). We are assuming this is the same person who shoots him in two other texts, which provide slightly different versions of Ab's wounding. |