Character Keys
Code |
title![]() |
biography | |
2291 | Unnamed Bank President 1 |
Along with the cashier who works for him, this banker in "Mule in the Yard" tries to convince Mannie Hait to invest her settlement money in bonds or a savings or a checking account. (When Faulkner re-tells this event in The Town, the president of the bank is "Major de Spain himself," 244.) |
2755 | Unnamed Bank President 2 |
In Go Down, Moses Ike McCaslin meets with this man in the little town of Midnight, Arkansas, to make sure that Fonsiba gets her legacy in installments over a long period of time. He is describe as a "translated Mississippian" and a former Confederate who, like Ike's father, served under Nathan Bedford Forrest in the Civil War (267). |
3471 | Unnamed Bank Staff and Customers |
The people who are in the bank lobby in The Mansion to witness Gavin Stevens' negotiation for a loan on his car are described as "not only all the staff but the moment's complement of customers" (401). |
3290 | Unnamed Bank Stockholders |
According to Charles in The Town, the people who own stock in the Sartoris bank include some of the most prestigious families in Yoknapatawpha - besides Sartorises, he mentions Major de Spain, Will Varner, "the Compsons and Benbows and Peabodys and Miss Eunice Habersham" as well as the Stevenses - and also "a hundred others that were farmers around in the county" (124). |
3472 | Unnamed Bank Vice-President |
As a sign of the post-war "industrial renascene and rejuvenation," the Snopes bank now had a "vice president imported from Memphis" (400). The Mansion does not name or describe him in any more detail. |
2546 | Unnamed Banquet Guest |
An unnamed banquet guest in The Hamlet, a "fellow neophyte" in the legal profession, invites Labove to Memphis to celebrate their achievement in graduating from law school (130). |
3291 | Unnamed Baptist and Methodist Settlers |
In The Town Charles explains the origins of Yoknapatawpha's white population's basic moral code by referring to the past. Their ancestors, he says, "hadn't quitted home and security for a wilderness in which to find freedom of thought as they claimed and oh yes, believed, but to find freedom in which to be incorrigible and unreconstructible Baptists and Methodists; not to escape from tyranny as they claimed and believed, but to establish one" (321). |
510 | Unnamed Baptist Minister 1 |
Although Emily herself is an Episcopalian, this Baptist minister is "forced" by the "ladies" of Jefferson to pay her a pastoral visit rebuking her and Homer's public behavior; he "never divulges" what happened in when he confronted Emily, but he "refuses to go back" to her house again (126). |
1002 | Unnamed Baptist Minister 2 |
In Sanctuary the local Baptist minister uses Lee Goodwin's evil ways as the occasion for a sermon. According to the report Horace heard, Lee was condemned "not only as a murderer" but for having a child "begot in sin" (128). |
1001 | Unnamed Baptist Minister 3 |
According to the account in Requiem for a Nun, this minister offers a prayer as part of the ceremony commissioning Sartoris' regiment at the beginning of the Civil War. |
511 | Unnamed Baptist Minister 4 |
In The Town, this Baptist preacher presides over Eck Snopes' funeral service. |
1003 | Unnamed Baptist Minister 5 |
In The Mansion the Baptist minister marries Essie Meadowfill and McKinley Smith (after "washing his hands and putting on his coat and tie," 383), and later performs his "glib and rapid office" when officiates at Flem's funeral (462). |
3314 | Unnamed Baptists and Methodists |
The narrators in The Town refer in several ways to the morally self-righteous members of the community. They can be found among the Presbyterian and Episcopal congregations in Yoknapatawpha, but Baptists and Methodists are the county's principal white Protestant groups. Charles notes, for example, that "ours was a town founded by Aryan Baptists and Methodists" (320; there is no "Aryan" sect in the Baptist church - Faulkner may have meant 'Arian Baptists,' but if "Aryan" is deliberate, he is presumably using the adjective to mean 'white' or even 'white-supremacist'). |
1006 | Unnamed Barber 1 |
One of the two other barbers in Hawkshaw's shop in "Dry September"; he asks, "You reckon [Will Mayes] really done it to her?" (173). |
1007 | Unnamed Barber 2 |
One of the two other barbers in Hawkshaw's shop in "Dry September"; he repeatedly says, "Jees Christ" (1973). |
1005 | Unnamed Barber 3 |
The town barber in Sanctuary listens silently while Clarence Snopes complains about the "Memphis jew lawyer" who wouldn't pay full price for the information he was trying to sell, then slyly lets Clarence know how little of his story he accepts at face value (266). His open-mindedness identifies this barber with Henry Hawkshaw, the man who owns the Jefferson barber shop in Faulkner's short story "Dry September," published a month before Sanctuary appeared - but the barber in the novel is not named. |
512 | Unnamed Barber 4 |
In "Hair" this is the unnamed barber who takes Hawkshaw's place at the barber shop after Hawkshaw marries Susan Reed and leaves Jefferson. |
1004 | Unnamed Barber 5 |
In "Knight's Gambit," the Jefferson barber who joins the conversation about Gualdres' blind horse is "a neat dapper man with a weary satiated face and skin the color of a mushroom’s belly" (178). |
513 | Unnamed Barbers 1 |
In Light in August, when Christmas reaches Mottstown he stops first at "a white barbership" where "they shave him and cut his hair" (349) - the plural pronoun here is confusing; presumably only one barber does the work. |
1326 | Unnamed Barbers 2 |
In The Mansion the "barbers" at the Memphis "barbers' college" that Virgil and Fonzo attend seem to talk about sex a lot (81). |
1803 | Unnamed Baseball Players |
When Temple in Sanctuary thinks of the baseball game in Starkville that she is missing, she imagines "the green diamond dotted with players." The description of their playing is unmistakably in Faulkner's words, however, not hers: "encouraging one another with short meaningless cries, plaintive, wary and forlorn" (37). |
3330 | Unnamed Biracial Concubines |
In The Town Ratliff reports that Will Varner had three "mulatto concubines" - the "first Negroes" in Frenchman's Bend, "and for a time the only ones [Varner] would permit there" (289). |
3329 | Unnamed Biracial Grandchildren of Will Varner |
Ratliff reports to Gavin in The Town that Will Varner had three biracial concubines, "the first Negroes in that section of the county and for a time the only ones he would permit there, by whom he now had grandchildren" (289). |
2792 | Unnamed Biracial Sister of Sickymo |
She is the mistress of a federal official in Yoknapatawpha during Reconstruction, a connection that leads to her brother’s installation as a marshal in Jefferson. She is described in Go Down, Moses as "half-white" (277). |
2724 | Unnamed Biracial Woman 1 |
The character of the unnamed woman with whom Don Boyd has had an affair and a child in "Delta Autumn" comes into focus slowly. At the start of the story she is referred to elliptically as the "doe" whom Boyd hunted the year before (268). When she appears before Ike in person at the end of the story, she brings with her "something intangible" (277). She is wearing a man's hat and rain coat, and has "a face young" with "dark eyes" (268). She tells Ike she is a teacher. |
2985 | Unnamed Biracial Woman 2 |
The woman in Go Down, Moses whom Lucas calls a "yellow slut" - that is, she is light-skinned and promiscuous - was (perhaps unofficially) married to and (certainly unofficially) divorced from Oscar, one of the workers on the McCaslin plantation; she came to Jefferson from Memphis, and returned there after Roth Edmonds "voced" them, as Lucas puts it (115). |
2777 | Unnamed Biracial Woman at Beauchamp Place |
This young woman who lives in the Beauchamp big house after Emancipation in Go Down, Moses, with skin "even lighter in color than Tomey’s Terrel," is identified by Hubert Beauchamp as his cook (288); however, his sister Sophonsiba is almost certainly right to suspect that she is also his mistress. In response to Sophonsiba's accusation that this woman's presence "defiles" their home, Hubert exclaims "They’re folks too just like we are!" (288). |
980 | Unnamed Birmingham Policeman |
This is "the officer" in Sanctuary who brings Popeye from Birmingham, where he is arrested, to the "small Alabama town" where he will be tried and convicted (310). |
1012 | Unnamed Blacksmith |
In "Barn Burning," Ab Snopes has his wagon worked on at the blacksmith shop across the road from the story's second general store. However, all we see the smith himself doing is "talking or listening" with Snopes and "a third man," about "crops and animals" and Snopes' earlier life as a horsetrader (19). |
1530 | Unnamed Blind Negro Musician |
In Flags in the Dust this man sits in front of Rogers' restaurant, "a man of at least forty" who is wearing a motley collection of uniforms and playing a guitar and harmonica (which the narrative calls a "mouthorgan," 118). The narrative describes what he plays as "a plaintive reiteration of rich monotonous chords, rhythymic as a mathematical formula but without music" (118). The tin cup at his feet contains "a dime and three pennies" (118). |
3624 | Unnamed Blockade Runners |
During the Civil War these blockade runners smuggled in provisions through the Union naval blockade for the inhabitants of Charleston. According to Aunt Jenny in The Unvanquished, they were "heroes in a way" (244). |
1805 | Unnamed Blonde Woman |
Standing outside Miss Reba's brothel in Sanctuary, Virgil and Fonzo see this "plump blonde woman" and "a man" get out of a taxi (192). The couple's behavior outside the door causes Fonzo to suck in his breath, and Virgil to assume that they must be married, but while the narrator never says so explicitly, it's clear enough that she is a prostitute and he is one of her customers. She disappears into the house. |
1663 | Unnamed Bluegum Children |
According to dictionaries of American and African American slang, a 'bluegum' is a black person whose lips and/or gums look blue. The word appears in The Sound and the Fury in the folklore story Versh tells Benjamin about the Compsons before the Civil War. After one of their slaves becomes a "bluegum," the pregnant women he looks at deliver children who are "bluegum chillen," and after "about a dozen" of these children are born, they eat him (69). |
3340 | Unnamed Board of Aldermen |
These aldermen are elected officials who (along with the town mayor) govern Jefferson. In The Town, the board of aldermen meets to consider Gavin Stevens' complaint against Mayor de Spain. (See also Unnamed Alderman in this index.) |
329 | Unnamed Board of Aldermen (1880s) |
Two different groups of town leaders visit Emily's house in "A Rose for Emily." This is the group of aldermen who visit the house in the middle of the night around 1881, because the smell emanating from her house has become a public nuisance. Unwilling to accuse a "lady" of "smelling bad," the four men, "three graybeards and one younger man" (122), sneak onto her property in the darkness and sprinkle lime into the cellar and around all the outbuildings. |
356 | Unnamed Board of Aldermen (1910s) |
This icon represents the "next generation" of town authorities" in "A Rose for Emily" (120) who lead Jefferson in the early 20th century with their "more modern ideas"; this group includes the "deputation" of Alderman who pay a call on Emily Grierson to tell her that there is no record that her taxes had ever been remitted (120). Their unnamed spokesman is polite but firm, though his courteousness is soundly defeated by her intransigence - and the unwritten chivalric rules that still govern relations between men and ladies. |
3292 | Unnamed Board of County Supervisors 1 |
As County Attorney in The Town, Gavin reports to "the Board of Supervisors"; these men don't appear in the novel, but he does think of them, facetiously, docking his pay for writing a personal letter on county "letterhead" (223). |
3481 | Unnamed Board of County Supervisors 2 |
When in The Mansion Linda Snopes Kohl takes her campaign to improve black schools to "the County Board of Supervisors," they try at first to talk her out of the idea (250); when she persists, they "didn't dare unlock their door while they were in session" and resort to having their lunch snuck in "through the back window" of the meeting room (251). |
3293 | Unnamed Board of Directors of Sartoris Bank |
In The Town the bank's board of directors meets during the Byron Snopes embezzlement crisis. In The Mansion they appear more obliquely, when Flem claims he has to confer with the bank director's before taking over the mortage on the Compson property. |
515 | Unnamed Boarders |
In the "Appendix" these are the unnamed boarders - "juries and horse- and muletraders" - who live in the Compson house after it has been vacated by the Compsons (331) . |
1372 | Unnamed Boarders at Beard Hotel |
These are the men in Flags in the Dust who stay at the Beard Hotel; they come to Jefferson for various reasons: traveling salesmen, jurors from out of town, weather-stranded countrymen, even two "town young bloods" who keep a room as a place for gambling. Besides Byron Snopes, some - bachelors identified as "clerks, mechanics and such" - live there more permanently (104). |
514 | Unnamed Boarders at Mrs. Beard's |
The men who stay at the Beard boarding house are mentioned in both Flags in the Dust and Light in August. The first novel describes them as traveling salesmen, jurors from out of town, weather-stranded countrymen, even two "town young bloods" who keep a room as a place for gambling. Besides Byron Snopes, some - bachelors identified as "clerks, mechanics and such" - live there more permanently (104). |
1014 | Unnamed Boarders at Snopes' Hotel |
In The Town the all-male transient residents of the Snopes Hotel are described by Gavin as "itinerant cattle drovers and horse- and mule-traders" who are in Jefferson on business and "juries and important witnesses" who stay there "during court term" (41). According to Gavin, these patrons are "incarcerated, boarded and fed" (41). |
1806 | Unnamed Boarding House Tenants 1 |
The narrator of Sanctuary calls the people who board with Popeye's mother "clients" (304). None are described in any detail, but we know they include some "old ones" and one man who finds two fires in his room. The day after firemen discover Popeye's grandmother with a fire in the attic, "all the clients left" (305). |
2757 | Unnamed Boarding House Tenants 2 |
After Ike renounces his inheritance in Go Down, Moses, he and his wife live for a time in a boarding house in Jefferson whose other tenants are described as "petit juries," countrymen in town to serve as jurors "during court terms," and "itinerant horse- and mule-traders" (285). |
2837 | Unnamed Boardinghouse Owner |
In "Appendix Compson" the owner of the boardinghouse that used to be the Compson family home is a "countryman," which in this context refers to a rural person as opposed to someone from town (331). |
3474 | Unnamed Bomber Crew |
In The Mansion these men are the crew of the bomber on which Charles Mallison is the bombardier and Plex is the pilot. After their plane is shot down behind enemy lines, they all end up in German prisoner-of-war camps together. |
516 | Unnamed Bondsmen 1 |
The bondsmen to whom Jason Compson IV refers in the "Appendix" appear to monitor Jason's role as "guardian and trustee" (342). Jason is, presumably, guardian of Caddy's daughter, Quentin Compson, and entrusted with the finances of the Compson estate. |
1015 | Unnamed Bondsmen 2 |
In The Town, when Sheriff Hampton slaps Montgomery Ward, Montgomery Ward threatens to sue the Sheriff's "bondsmen"; as readers learned during the controversy over the missing brass from the power plant, public officials in Yoknapatawpha were 'bonded,' or required to have insurance against complaints of malfeasance in office (172). |
517 | Unnamed Bookkeeper 1 |
In Light in August the bookkeeper in the office at the planing mill who tells Hightower that Byron has quit his job there also calls Byron a "hillbilly," which suggests he himself might be from town (413). |
1016 | Unnamed Bookkeeper 2 |
In The Mansion this man, "one of the book-keepers" at Snopes's bank, lets Gavin Stevens in when he goes there after hours to warn Flem about Mink (416). |
1017 | Unnamed Bookkeepers 1 |
In The Town, to find out "how a bank was run," Flem Snopes watches the men who "kept the books" at work (147). |
1018 | Unnamed Bookkeepers 2 |
The second set of "book-keepers" mentioned in The Town are women: two "girl book-keepers" employed by the Sartoris bank. Like the others on the staff, they receive "coca colas" at the bank's three o'clock closing hour (323). |
1807 | Unnamed Bootlegger 1 |
In Sanctuary the man who drives the truck carrying the moonshine that Lee Goodwin makes from Frenchman's Bend to Memphis complains about having to wait for Horace, to whom he is giving a ride to Jefferson. "I got a woman waiting for me," he says (21). |
1808 | Unnamed Bootlegger 2 |
In Sanctuary the second man who rides in the truck that carries the moonshine that Lee Goodwin makes from Frenchman's Bend to Memphis literally rides "shotgun" - as the truck pulls away from the Frenchman's place, "the second man lays a shotgun along the back of the seat" (22). He teases the driver about his impatience to get back to his woman in the city. |
1435 | Unnamed Borneo Headhunters |
This anomalous 'character' does not appear in either the magazine or book versions of "Vendee." But in the typescript for the story Faulkner included a passing reference to the techniques used by "headhunters" in Borneo that Bayard read about and that he and Ringo apparently employ in skinning Grumby after they succeed in killing him (115). In his edition of the story for Uncollected Stories, Joseph Blotner restores this passage to the text, and so the "headhunters" become an entry in our database. |
2565 | Unnamed Borrower |
This "resident of the village" of Frenchman's Bend is the first of many men, white and black, to whom Flem Snopes lends money in The Hamlet (67). |
1664 | Unnamed Boston Folks |
In The Sound and the Fury the bridge over the Charles where Quentin decides to commit suicide is also a place, he learns from the boys he meets there, where "Boston folks" come to fish for the renowned trout who swims under it (119). |
1692 | Unnamed Boy 1 |
In The Sound and the Fury, after the Patterson boy stops selling kites with him, Jason finds a new partner, presumably another child about his own age (and presumably more lackadaisical than the Patterson boy about who ends up with the money they make). |
1665 | Unnamed Boy 2 |
One of the three boys carrying fishing poles whom Quentin encounters in The Sound and the Fury is named "Kenny" (122). This is one of the two who are not; Quentin thinks of them as "the first," "the second" and "the third" (117 etc.) and they can be distinguished from each other. This "second" boy, for example, imagines catching the trout and exchanging it for a "horse and wagon" (117) - Quentin refers to him as "the one that thought the horse and wagon back there at the bridge" (137), and he is consistently the most contrary of the three. |
1666 | Unnamed Boy 3 |
In The Sound and the Fury Quentin thinks of the three boys carrying fishing poles whom he meets at the bridge as "the first," "the second" and "the third" (117 etc.), but they can also be distinguished from each other by their actions (and the fact that one is called "Kenny" by another, 122). This is the "third" boy, who seems the most agreeable and least interesting of the three, although like his friends, he is upset when Quentin comes along later with the unnamed little girl and watches them swimming - because they are swimming naked. |
518 | Unnamed Boy 4 |
In "Death Drag," this boy is afraid to return Mr. Harris' car to him after Ginsfarb skips town without paying for its use in the air show. He seems enterprising enough to take a quarter for returning the car and smart enough to know that Mr. Harris "might get mad" at being cheated (205). |
1019 | Unnamed Boy 5 |
This boy is one of Zilphia's schoolmates in "Miss Zilphia Gant." Sometime after she turns thirteen, she and this boy lie together for "a month" beneath a blanket in the woods, "in the mutual, dreamlike mesmeric throes of puberty," "rigid, side by side," and apparently without any intimate contact (374). He disappears from the story after Zilphia's mother discovers them together. |
1021 | Unnamed Boy 6 |
In Light in August, this is the friend who upsets Christmas when he tells him and the other boys who hunt and fish together on Saturday afternoons about sexual intercourse, female desire, and menstruation. He also arranges the meeting in the shed with the Negro girl. |
1020 | Unnamed Boy 7 |
In "Vendee" and then again in The Unvanquished this boy, along with his mother, is a victim of Grumby. Described by Bayard as "almost as big as Ringo and me," the boy is "unconscious in the stable with even his shirt cut to pieces" after he was brutally whipped by Grumby and his men (102, 164). |
1022 | Unnamed Boy 8 |
In The Hamlet this fourteen-year-old boy has a "habit" of spying on Will Varner's affair with a tenant's wife; he reveals that "Varner would not even remove his hat" during their trysts (157). |
1023 | Unnamed Boy 9 |
In The Town, as the meeting of aldermen breaks up, this boy "come burrowing through and up to the table and handed Lawyer something and Lawyer taken it" (92). "Laywer" is Ratliff's name for Gavin Stevens. The note is from Eula Varner Snopes. |
2060 | Unnamed Boy and Girl |
In "Lizards in Jamshy'd Courtyard" Suratt gives away the one dollar profit he made on the goat contract that Flem pre-empted to "a boy and a girl" who are "carrying a basket" as they enter Varner's store (140). Suratt calls them "chillens" (140). |
519 | Unnamed Boy Hunter|Narrator 10 |
In Go Down, Moses this character is Ike McCaslin, the novel's central figure, but in both "The Old People" and "The Bear," originally published as magazine stories before being revised and incorporated into the novel, he is a lot harder to name. In all three texts, he's a child of white privilege who has been taught how to conduct oneself as a hunter - which is to say, how to be the right kind of man - by Sam Fathers, mixed race son of a Chickasaw chief. |
3589 | Unnamed Boy Who Owns Rifle |
The narrator of The Mansion speculates that Meadowfill might have "haggled or browbeat" a young boy for his .22 rifle (370). |
3294 | Unnamed Boy Who Rides with Levitt |
When Linda declines to ride with Matt Levitt in The Town, he is seen driving with "another boy or man" in his racer (197). |
1668 | Unnamed Boy with Frog |
In The Sound and the Fury Quentin gets in a fight with this boy when he threatened to put a frog in a girl's desk - or possibly the teacher's desk; she is female too. Quentin tells Mr. Compson, though, that "He was as big as me" (67). |
1809 | Unnamed Boy with Packard |
In Sanctuary Temple tells Gowan that she knows "a boy at home" who owns a Packard automobile like the one that Popeye drives (49). |
3564 | Unnamed Boys |
In The Mansion Charles describes how "the five-year-old Jeffersonians like I was then" (199) and the "eight- and nine- and ten-year old males" (200) regarded the men returning from in World War I with their "wound- and service-stripes" and "medal ribbons" (200). |
1531 | Unnamed Boys and Girls |
These are the anonymous "boys and girls" in Flags in the Dust who "lingered on spring and summer nights" among the birds and bushes in the lot on which the unnamed "hillman" later built his home (25). |
1810 | Unnamed Boys and Negroes |
This ambiguously defined group represents the "one or two ragamuffin boys or negroes" who "sometimes" visit Lee Goodwin after he's been convicted of murder and on some of those times bring him "baskets," presumably containing food (115). |
1811 | Unnamed Boys and Youths |
In Sanctuary the group that visits the undertaker's parlor to get a glimpse of Tommy's body consists of boys "with and without schoolbooks" who press against the window and the "bolder" young men of the town who go inside the building, "in twos and threes," for a closer look (112). |
2049 | Unnamed Boys at Airfield |
In "Death Drag," these boys are the first to appear at the airfield when the barnstormers land there after having performed a stunt over the town. They are curious about the airplane and the aviators and ask questions that the adults can't or won't. Noticing that "two of the strangers were of a different race from themselves," one asks the "limping man" who turns out to be Ginsfarb, "Were you in the war?" (188). They accompany barnstormers into town, where a boy repeats the question, assuming that the limp is the result of a war injury (192). |
2338 | Unnamed Boys in Jefferson 1 |
Although the narrator of "Uncle Willy" has a particularly close relationship with Willy, he is also one of the group of twelve- to fourteen-year-old "boys" who "see a lot" of Willy, in two very different contexts (226). They stop by his drugstore after their baseball games, where he feeds them ice cream while listening to their accounts of the games, and they watch him inject morphine; he joins them in church as a member of Mr. Barbour's Sunday School class for boys. |
3295 | Unnamed Boys in Jefferson 2 |
This entry represents the boys who appear or are referred to in various passages in The Town. For example, Mink Snopes called out from the jail to passing boys "he could trust would deliver his message" to Flem Snopes (85). "All the boys in town" appreciate Eck Snopes' goodness and the "raw peanuts" he is always willing to share with them (116). "All the boys in Jefferson between six and twelve years old and sometimes even older" enjoy stealing watermelons from Ab Snopes' patch, then watching him rage about the loss (138). |
3721 | Unnamed Boys in the Neighborhood |
In The Reivers Lucius Priest mentions "all the other boys on the street" he lives on (3). During May they play baseball on Saturdays. |
3110 | Unnamed Brawlers and Drunkards |
In "A Name for the City" and again in Requiem for a Nun these two categories represent the kinds of white men who have been confined in the jail: occasional lawbreakers who are easily detained by "a single wooden bar in slots across the outside of the door like on a corn crib" (202, 6). |
2008 | Unnamed Brigadier General |
After Sartoris' trick in "All the Dead Pilots," "the brigadier and the Wing Commander" arrive at the squadron's aerodrome to investigate (527). Historically, brigadier generals were the second highest ranking in the R.A.F. That the high command would personally see to the Sartoris-Spoomer rivalry speaks to the influence of Spoomer's uncle, also a brigadier general. |
3588 | Unnamed British Aviator |
The "RFC captain" in World War I who, according to Uncle Gavin in The Mansion, was so young and had "such a record" that the British government sent him home before the end of the war so that "he might at least be present on the day of his civilian majority" - i.e. the day he turned twenty-one (232). (The Royal Flying Corps was the original name of the RAF, the better-known Royal Air Force.) |
2989 | Unnamed British Aviators |
In "Knight's Gambit" Charles Mallison thinks of "the British, the handful of boys, some no older than he and some probably not even as old, who flew the Royal Air Force’s fighter command" against the German air campaign during the Battle of Britain in 1940 (205). The valor of these R.A.F. pilots was widely celebrated during and after World War II. |
2015 | Unnamed British Corporal |
Sartoris drunkenly tries to work off his resentment toward Spoomer in "All the Dead Pilots" by making this corporal - "who was an ex-professional boxer" - wear a captain's uniform and pretend to be "Cap'm Spoomer" while fighting him with his fists (514). |
520 | Unnamed British Officers 1 |
These are the British officers mentioned in "Ad Astra" who were placed in charge of the Indian soldiers serving in World War I. According to the subadar, when they ordered their troops to "'Go there and do this,' they would not stir" (415). A particularly dreadful consequence of their lack of responsible procedure is the death of almost an entire Indian battalion which advances on the enemy without loaded rifles. |
1024 | Unnamed British Officers 2 |
These are the British officers whom Chick refers to in Intruder in the Dust when he reminds his uncle Gavin what he once told him, "about the English boys not much older than me leading troops and flying scout aeroplanes in France in 1918" (200). |
1813 | Unnamed Brother of Ruby |
In Sanctuary, according to Ruby, her brother is just as determined as her father to keep her apart from Frank, the man she loves. He tells his sister he's going to kill him, "in his yellow buggy" (58). His ambush is foiled by her. |
2549 | Unnamed Brother-in-Law |
The brother-in-law of Labove's Oxford landlady in The Hamlet gives her sweet potatoes as a treat. |
1985 | Unnamed Brother-in-Law of Maxey |
Maxey's brother-in-law in "Hair" owns a barber shop in Porterfield, Alabama. When he goes on vacation, Maxey takes his place at the shop. |
2059 | Unnamed Brother-in-Law of Suratt |
"Lizards in Jamshyd's Courtyard" says that Suratt owns "half of a restaurant" in Jefferson (150). The other half is owned by "his brother-in-law" (141) - which is all we know about this man. (The earlier "Centaur in Brass" said even less about this half-owner. In the later novel The Hamlet this brother-in-law is named Aaron Rideout.) |
3296 | Unnamed Burglars |
These are the two men who break into and rob Willy Christian's drugstore in The Town and again in The Mansion. |
2701 | Unnamed Bus Driver 1 |
The narrator of "Two Soldiers" mentions that "the feller wound the door shut and the bus began to hum" (87). He is referring to the driver of the bus that his brother, Pete, is taking to Jefferson on the first leg of his journey to enlist in the U.S. Army. |
2702 | Unnamed Bus Driver 2 |
This second "bus feller" in "Two Soldiers" is the driver of the bus that the narrator takes from Jefferson to Memphis (93). |
2838 | Unnamed Bus Passengers |
When Melissa Meek gets there in "Appendix Compson," the bus station in Memphis is filled with "a few middleaged civilians but mostly soldiers and sailors enroute either to leave or to death and the homeless young women, their companions" (337). |
1533 | Unnamed Businessmen in Horace's New Town |
These are the various businessmen in the town where Horace lives at the end of Flags in the Dust. On his walk to the train station he sees and greets "merchants, another lawyer, his barber" and "a young man who was trying to sell him a car" (374). |
521 | Unnamed Butcher 1 |
In "Centaur in Brass" an unnamed local butcher gives Tom-Tom one of last year's watermelons that has been in cold storage for a year; he is afraid to eat it himself. In giving it to a black man, he joins other white folks in Faulkner's fiction who give black people castoffs with no regard for what happens next. |
1025 | Unnamed Butcher 2 |
In The Town Mrs. Widrington's dog eats meat "that Mr Wall Snopes's butcher ordered special from Kansas City" (380-81). |
522 | Unnamed Bystanders 1 |
"Bystanders" is the term the narrator of Light in August uses for the people who watch Percy Grimm lose a fist fight with an "exsoldier" and, despite the veteran's request, refuse to break it up (450). These same people later remember the fight when they see Grimm wearing "his captain's uniform" as a member of the National Guard (451). |