Character Keys
Code | title | biography | |
2715 | Smith and Jones |
"Smith and Jones" are generic American surnames. In "Delta Autumn," Don Boyd uses them to suggest how widespread are the contemporary political threats to the U.S. (269). In the revised version of the story that appears in Go Down, Moses, the character who mentions them is Roth Edmonds (322). |
480 | Skeet MacGowan|Skeets Magowan |
He is Skeet MacGowan in his first appearance, in As I Lay Dying. He is Skeets McGowan in Intruder in the Dust and The Town. He is Skeets Magowan in The Mansion. But in all four he is a the kind of drugstore clerk that used to be called a 'soda jerk' or, as Faulkner writes it in the last two novels, a "soda-jerker" (42, 208) - the clerk who served sodas and ice cream at the lunch counters that used to be found in most drugstores. Defined another way, 'jerk' seems to describe his character too, especially in As I Lay Dying. |
2335 | Sister Schultz |
"Sister Schultz" in "Uncle Willy" is probably Reverend Schultz' wife (229). Like "Brother Schultz" and "Brother Miller" (229, 227), the title "Sister" most likely is a ceremonial title, indicating their fellowship as members of the same church. |
1501 | Sis Rachel |
Physically described as "mountainous" (26) and identified as one of Jefferson's best cooks in Flags in the Dust, Rachel works for Belle and Harry Mitchell, and makes no effort to disguise her preference for Harry over his wife. |
1632 | Sis Beulah Clay |
Frony mentions "Sis Beulah Clay" to Caddy and her brothers in The Sound and the Fury when she tries to explain what a "funeral" is (33). When Sis Beulah Clay died, "they moaned two days" (33). "Sis" implies this woman belonged to the same church as Dilsey's family. |
2833 | Sir Banastre Tarleton |
The British commander that Charles Stuart Compson fought under in the "Appendix Compson" (326), Banastre Tarleton, was known in England as an outstanding military leader during the Revolutionary War, which he joined at the age of 21. In America, however, Tarleton had a reputation for savagery on the field; he and his men participated in the capture of Charleston, and later became infamous for what Americans called the "Waxhaws Massacre" in South Carolina in 1780. |
34 | Simon Strother |
Simon first appears, in Flags in the Dust, as the elderly father of Elnora and Caspey and the coachman and butler at the Sartoris place where he has lived his whole life. He is defined by his loyalty to both the Sartorises and his own appetites. The grandson of Joby, Simon was born a slave, but he has only good memories of the old plantation, and still calls Colonel Sartoris "Marse John" when he talks to him, and he still talks to him although "Marse John" has been dead for forty years (112). |
3041 | Simon McEachern |
In Light in August Simon McEachern is more than forty years old when he adopts the five-year-old Joe Christmas from the Memphis orphanage and takes him to the farm where he and his wife live. The narrative describes him as "somehow rocklike, indomitable, not so much ungentle as ruthless" (143-44). His voice is that "of a man who demanded that he be listened to not so much with attention but in silence" (142). |
3210 | Simon |
The Simon who appears in "Race at Morning" is not Simon Strother, who appears in Flags in the Dust and The Unvanquished. Like that earlier 'Simon,' however, he is a servant, one of black cooks for the white deer hunters. He also handles the hunting dogs while the white hunters pursue deer. |
3048 | Simms |
In Light in August Simms may be the owner of Jefferson's planing mill; he is definitely the man in charge of it. He hires Christmas and Brown (aka Burch) at the planing mill. |
1655 | Simmons |
In The Sound and the Fury Mr. Simmons (whom Jason calls "old man Simmons," 216) possesses the key to the old opera house that Jason borrows. |
2747 | Sickymo |
Sickymo was a U.S. marshal in Jefferson during Reconstruction, a period in which more than 2,000 African-Americans - many of them, like Sickymo, former slaves - held public office. Because he is illiterate, he "signs his official papers with a crude cross" (277).When still a slave, he stole alcohol, diluted it, and stored it in a sycamore tree in order to sell it - hence his name. His character and tenure in office are referred to in Go Down, Moses as an instance of the evils that befell the defeated (white) South after the loss of the Civil War. |
1506 | Sibleigh |
In Flags in the Dust Sibleigh serves in France with the Sartoris twins in the Royal Air Force during World War I. He agrees to serve as flying bait to lure Ploeckner into Bayard's sights. (He also appears in the non-Yoknapatawpha fiction "With Honor and Dispatch.") |
3456 | Shuford H. Stillwell |
In The Mansion Stillwell is the "gambler who had cut the throat of a Vicksburg prostitute" who is an inmate in Parchman Penitentiary at the same time as Mink (107). He is the ringleader of the group of prisoners who try to break out, and the only one who escapes successfully. Subsequently he threatens to kill Mink when Mink is finally released. |
3400 | Shreve MacKenzie|McCannon |
Shreve is Quentin Compson's Canadian roommate at Harvard in two of Faulkner's greatest novels: The Sound and the Fury (where his last name is MacKenzie) and Absalom, Absalom! (where it's McCannon). In the first novel he's largely defined by his concern for Quentin's well-being, which apparently leads some of their fellow students in the novel (and has definitely led a few critics writing about the novel) to speculate that the bond between them may be homoerotic. |
3039 | Sheriff Watt Kennedy |
The county sheriff in Light in August is named Watt Kennedy. Described as a "fat, comfortable man" (287), "with little wise eyes like bits of mica embedded in his fat, still face" (420), he investigates the murder of Joanna Burden and pursues Joe Christmas across the countryside (287). Like so many other characters in this novel, he never appears elsewhere in the Yoknapatawpha fictions. |
833 | Sheriff Hampton's Daughter |
The married daughter of Sheriff and Mrs. Hampton lives in Memphis, where she is expecting a child during the events of Intruder in the Dust. |
835 | Sheriff Hampton 3 |
At least two and probably three of the Yoknapatawpha county sheriffs are named "Hampton." They are all named, or nicknamed, "Hub," except for one "Hope Hampton." They appear in five novels and one short story. While the scholarly consensus is that there are two Sheriff Hamptons, our data suggests that there are three: grandfather, father and son - or perhaps great-grandfather, grandson and great-grandson. This youngest of them is definitely the son of a Sheriff Hampton in both the novels in which he appears. |
381 | Sheriff Hampton 2 |
At least two and probably three of the Yoknapatawpha county sheriffs are named "Hampton." They are all named, or nicknamed, "Hub," except for one "Hope Hampton." They appear in five novels and one short story. While the scholarly consensus is that there are two Sheriff Hamptons, our data suggests that there are three: grandfather, father and son - or perhaps great-grandfather, grandson and great-grandson. |
831 | Sheriff Hampton 1 |
At least two and probably three of the Yoknapatawpha county sheriffs are named "Hampton." They are all named, or nicknamed, "Hub," except for one "Hope Hampton." They appear in five novels and one short story. While the scholarly consensus is that there are two Sheriff Hamptons, our data suggests that there are three: grandfather, father and son - or perhaps great-grandfather, grandson and great-grandson. In either case, this is the earliest Hampton, who is is county sheriff in two novels, both set around the turn into the 20th century: The Hamlet and The Reivers. |
1781 | Shack |
On board the third and last train Horace takes on his way to Oxford in Sanctuary are two "young men in collegiate clothes with small cryptic badges on their shirts and vests" (168). One is unnamed, but he calls the other one "Shack," presumably a nickname derived from the confectionery near the college campus (169). "Shack" whistles a "broken dance rhythm" that the narrator calls "meaningless, vertiginous" (169-70). |
476 | Sergeant Harrison |
In "Ambuscade" and again in The Unvanquished, the top sergeant in the Union troop that arrives at Sartoris is named Harrison. He may be the Yankee who is first spotted by Ringo and Bayard looking at the plantation through field glasses; if so, it is his horse that they kill attempting to shoot him. He was clearly angered by that shooting, which cost the regiment "the best horse in the whole army" (29). Much more hostile to Rosa Millard than his commanding officer, he orders other soldiers to search the house in search of the "little devils" who did the shooting (29). |
3417 | Sergeant Crack |
In The Mansion this man (who will be elected Captain Lendon's "First Sergeant" in the Sartoris Rifles) tells what happens in 1916 when Lendon and Tug Nightingale try to convince Tug's father to let him join "the Yankee army" (204). |
2336 | Secretary |
In "Uncle Willy" Secretary is the name of the "negro boy" whom Willy hires to drive his car (235). In Faulkner's South, even adult black men are often called "boys" by white people, so although the juvenile narrator says that Secretary is "about my size" (235), he also says that Secretary is "older than me" (241) - though we have no way to know how much older. Both the narrator and Willy describe Secretary as "burr-headed," i.e. with short, bristly hair (235). |
1323 | Sebastian Gualdres |
In "Knight's Gambit" Sebastian Gualdres is "the Argentine cavalry captain" whom Mrs. Harriss and her children meet in South America after Mr. Harriss’s death (170). He is one of the more exotic figures to appear in Yoknapatawpha. The narrative notes the stereotypical assumptions that the people of Yoknapatawpha have about him as "a Latin" (174), but in its depiction of his courtesy, his pride and his machismo, the narrative itself seems not unwilling to reinforce the stereotypes. |
200 | Sartoris Womenfolks |
Other than Colonel John, the only Sartorises referred to in Absalom! are "Sartoris' womenfolks," who use their "silk dresses" to sew the regimental flag that Yoknapatawpha's Confederate volunteers carry to the Civil War (63). |
153 | Sarah Edmonds Priest |
Lucius' paternal Grandmother in The Reivers is an Edmonds by birth, which accounts for the fact that the Priests belong to the "cadet branch" of the McCaslin-Edmonds family (17). Married at fifteen, she is now "just past fifty" (41). While afraid at first of the family's new car, she soon learns to enjoy riding in it - until the first (and last) time the wind blows her husband's expectorated tobacco juice into her face. |
757 | Sarah Burden |
She is one of three daughters of Calvin Burden I and Evangeline in Light in August. Unlike their older brother Nathaniel, who is dark like their mother, all three daughters have blue eyes. |
2308 | Sarah |
Sarah - Uncle Rodney's older sister, George's wife and woman whom the narrator of "That Will Be Fine" calls "mamma" (265) - is greatly upset by Rodney's behavior, mostly because gossip about it would damage "the family's good name" (267). She is very class-conscious, but also genuinely concerned about her younger brother: "mamma cried and said how Uncle Rodney was the baby and that must be why papa hated him" (268). |
2677 | Samuel Worsham Beauchamp |
In both "Go Down, Moses" and the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, Samuel is the grandson of Lucas and Molly Beauchamp. As he tells the census taker, to whom he identifies himself by his real name, Samuel Worsham Beauchamp was "born in the country near Jefferson, Mississippi" (351). Like well over a million rural black southerners by the 1930s, he has relocated to the urban north. |
164 | Samuel Worsham Beauchamp |
In "Go Down, Moses," and again in the chapter with that title in the novel Go Down, Moses - the only texts he appears in - Samuel is the grandson of Lucas and Molly Beauchamp. As he tells the census taker, to whom he identifies himself by his real name, Samuel Worsham Beauchamp was "born in the country near Jefferson, Mississippi" (256, 351). Like well over a million rural black southerners by the 1930s, he has relocated to the urban north. |
1299 | Samuel Worsham |
In "Go Down, Moses" and again in the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, Miss Worsham tells Stevens that Mollie "gave [her grandson] my father's name" (261, 358). The narrative tells us that Samuel Worsham left his daughter Belle "the decaying house" she continues to live in (260, 356). |
205 | Samuel Beauchamp's Mother |
In "Go Down, Moses" and again in the chapter with that name in Go Down, Moses, Samuel Beauchamp's unnamed mother was the oldest daughter of Lucas and Mollie Beauchamp; she dies while giving birth to him. In "A Point of Law," Lucas and Molly Beauchamp have at least one child besides Nat; we are assuming this child is the daughter who gives birth to Samuel, though the story's only reference to her is ambiguous. According to the narrator, it is known that Lucas has "one daughter with grandchildren" (214). |
931 | Samson 2 |
The Samson who appears in The Town is a porter at the Snopes Hotel. |
472 | Samson 1 |
There is a Frenchman's Bend character named "Samson" in both As I Lay Dying, where he narrates a section of the narrative, and Light in August, where only his name appears. In the first novel, he lets the Bundren family spend a night in his barn on their trek to Jefferson. The barn suggests he is farmer, but when his section begins he is sitting with a group of men at "the store" (112), which may mean he also owns a country store. |
114 | Sam Fathers |
This is not the Indian named "Had-Two-Fathers" who plays a minor role in "Red Leaves." This is the character best known as Sam Fathers, though as he tells Quentin Compson in Faulkner's second Indian story, "A Justice," his Indian name was "Had-Two-Fathers" too (345). In that story he is the child of a Choctaw named Crawfish-ford and an enslaved woman whom Doom, the chief, won gambling on a Mississippi riverboat. |
3659 | Sam Caldwell |
A regular customer of Miss Corrie's in The Reivers, Sam Caldwell is a "flagman" on "the Memphis Special," a train that runs to New York (127). He owes his job to his uncle, a "division superintendent" on the rail line (127), but shows himself as generous and kind when he helps the adventurers smuggle their horse to Parsham and again throughout their misadventures once they get there. Lucius says he is "almost as big as Boon" (135), and Boon sees him as a rival for Corrie's affections. |
2541 | Sam |
Although the narrator of The Hamlet calls the Varner's cook the "only servant of any sort in the whole district" (11), the Varner's also have a manservant. Among his jobs is carrying Eula "until she was five or six": "the negro man staggering slightly beneath his long, dangling, already indisputably female burden" (106). |
3047 | Salmon |
Salmon is the owner of a garage in Mottstown in Light in August. He offers to rent a car to Doc and Mrs. Hines for three dollars but also tells them they can take the train "for fiftytwo cents apiece" (358). |
2744 | Sally Rand |
Sally Rand was a minor actress and nightclub dancer who became famous at the 1933 Chicago World's Fair when she danced apparently naked, using a pair of ostrich feather "fans" to reveal and conceal her body in provocative ways that got her arrested four times in one day (323). |
3265 | Sally Hampton Priest |
Sally Priest, an abused married woman, receives a corsage from Grenier Weddel and a black eye from her husband; according to Gowan Stevens' account, "you would even have thought she was proud of it" (81). Her maiden name, "Sally Hampton" (80), suggests she is related to the Hamptons who are county sheriffs in other fictions, but if Faulkner imagined her in that relation, the text gives no hint of it. |
3774 | Saint Francis |
"Saint Francis" - known as Francis of Assisi, the Catholic friar who founded the Franciscan Order in the early 13th century - wrote the words that Quentin Compson remembers on the first page of his section in The Sound and the Fury in the song "The Canticle of the Sun": "All praise be yours, my Lord, through Sister Death, From whose embrace no mortal can escape." |
232 | Saint Elmo Snopes |
As a child, a hulking and "bear-shaped" figure, Saint Elmo eats all of the candy in Varner's case (350). A son of I.O. Snopes from his first marriage, he appears only in The Hamlet. (The names of the various Snopeses come from a variety of sources; Saint Elmo's name comes from the title of an 1866 novel by Georgia author Augusta Jane Evans.) |
40 | Saddie |
One of Elnora's three children in the short story "There Was a Queen," Saddie works as Miss Jenny's caretaker, "tending her as though she were a baby" (728). "Saddie" may be a corruption of 'Saturday.' She sleeps in the big house, "on a cot beside Virginia Du Pre's bed" (728). Genealogically, she is Miss Jenny's great-niece, the illegitimate granddaughter of her brother John, though that relationship is not discussed by any of the characters. (In the earlier novel Flags in the Dust, Elnora has only one child - Isom.) |
3046 | Russell |
In Light in August Russell works in the Sheriff Kennedy's office and gossips about Mrs. Hines's visit. |
874 | Rufus Pruitt |
Pruitts appear in two different texts - "That Will Be Fine" (1935) and "Tomorrow" (1940) - but there seems to be no connection between the group in each text. In "Tomorrow" Rufus Pruitt is a working-class farmer, a sharecropper's son. He and his mother narrate part of the Fentry-Thorpe saga, helping Chick and Gavin to solve the mystery of Stonewall Jackson Fentry's behavior. |
1771 | Ruby Lamar |
Ruby Lamar is a former Memphis prostitute who appears in Sanctuary as the devoted common-law wife of Lee Goodwin and conscientious mother of their very young child. Earlier she moved to San Francisco and New York to wait for Lee while he was serving overseas, and when he is sentenced to prison for killing fellow U.S. soldier in a fight over another woman, she not only moves to Leavenworth to be near him, but hires a lawyer for him, using her body as payment. When Lee is arrested for killing Tommy, she is prepared to pay Horace the same way. |
3050 | Roz Thompson |
In Light in August Roz is the grandson of Pappy Thompson; he is there when Joe Christmas disrupts the church service and knocks the old man down. The "six foot tall" Roz is so furious that he pulls out his razor hollering "I'll kill him" (323). The Negroes in the church think Joe is 'white,' and they try to restrain Roz, but according to a member of the congregation, he didn't "care much who he had to cut to carve his path . . . to where that white man was" (324). Joe defeats his attack, however, by knocking him down too, with a bench, and fracturing his skull. |
172 | Roth Edmonds' Child |
The end of the McCaslin-Edmonds-Beauchamp family line in Go Down, Moses appears essentially as a "blanket-swaddled bundle" (340) being carried by his mother; he is the illegitimate child of Roth Edmonds and Edmonds's mistress, the granddaughter of James Beauchamp. Roth and the young mother are distantly related, making their child the multi-racial product of incest; this an echo of Lucius Quintus Carothers McCaslin's impregnation of Tomey, the slave girl who was also his daughter. |
62 | Roskus Gibson |
In The Sound and the Fury Roskus is husband to Dilsey and father to Versh, T.P., and Frony. He drives for the Compsons while also caring for the farm animals, although over the years his rheumatism makes that increasingly hard. He is slightly less loyal than his wife to the white family he works for, complaining that there "aint no luck on this place" (29). Dilsey reproaches him for giving their son Versh "them Memphis notions" - that is, presumably, encouraging Versh to leave Yoknapatawpha (31). |
2315 | Rosie |
Rosie, a servant working for the family of the narrator of "That Will Be Fine," seems to have a clear understanding of her employers' characters. In particular, she chastises young Georgie: "You and money! If you ain't rich time you twenty-one, hit will be because the law done abolished money or done abolished you" (265). Rosie, like Emmeline, has to do some of the cooking due to the absence of Grandma and Grandpa's servant, Mandy. Although she grumbles about her work, she performs it conscientiously. |
2859 | Roscius |
In Go Down, Moses Roscius (spelled "Roskus" by Buck McCaslin in the plantation ledger, 252) is one of the slaves that "Carothers McCaslin inherited" and brought with him to Yoknapatawpha from Carolina (249). He is the husband of Phoebe (spelled "Fibby" in the ledger, 252), and was like her manumitted when Old Carothers died in 1837. According to the ledger, despite being free he "Dont want to leave," and he remains on the plantation until his death four years later (252). |
15 | Rosa Millard |
Rosa Millard - "Granny" to two boys, one white and one black - is one of Faulkner's most formidable old women. As John Sartoris' mother-in-law, she runs his plantation while he's away fighting in the Civil War. |
2376 | Rosa Coldfield |
Of all the storytellers in Absalom!, Rosa Coldfield is the one with the most firsthand knowledge of the Sutpen family. She is Ellen's sister, Judith and Henry's aunt, and was even, for a few weeks right after the Civil War, Thomas' fiancee - until he spoke the words that caused her to begin wearing the "eternal black which she had worn for forty-three years" when the novel opens (3). And it is her version of the story, of Sutpen in particular, that is expressed first. |
2311 | Rodney |
The "Uncle Rodney" (266) of the narrator of "That Will Be Fine" is the youngest of three children. He is also guilty of theft, fraud, and embezzlement. He is also a serial philanderer. Rodney manages the latter "business" by manipulating his nephew, Georgie, with promises of future monetary rewards. "By God," he tells Georgie, "some day you will be as good a businessman as I am" (280). His attempted elopement with a married woman on Christmas Eve goes horribly wrong, and Rodney winds up "wrapped in a quilt" and carried back to his family like a "side of beef" (286). |
2977 | Robert Markey |
In "Knight's Gambit" Robert Markey is "a lawyer" and a man in Memphis "city politics . . . who had been at Heidelberg" with Gavin Stevens and now lives in the city (201). Gavin contacts him for assistance in keeping track of Max Harriss when he goes to Memphis. |
2231 | Robert Ingersoll |
Historically, Robert Ingersoll was a late 19th-century orator and philosopher nicknamed "The Great Agnostic," whose rejection of Christianity was widely discussed in his day and in Faulkner's. In "Beyond," Faulkner locates Ingersoll in the story's version of heaven, and gives him the role of interlocutor to the protagonist's doubts about God and the afterlife; Ingersoll listens to what Judge Allison says about his life and ideas, but he doesn't offer any solutions or answers. |
36 | Ringo |
Ringo - short for Marengo, the name of Napoleon's horse - was born into slavery as a member of the black family that has served the Sartorises for several generations. He appears in all the stories that Bayard Sartoris narrates, as a major character in the seven that were collected in The Unvanquished and a somewhat reduced one in the later "My Grandmother Millard." Even as a slave he occupies an intimate place in the Sartoris family, as both Bayard's personal servant and his friend. |
468 | Rider |
Rider, the protagonist of "Pantaloon in Black" as both a short story and a chapter in Go Down, Moses, is one of Faulkner's most memorable black characters. We never learn his real name; "Rider" is a nickname, given to him by "the men he worked with and the bright dark nameless women he had taken" before he became the devoted husband of Mannie (249, 144). He is depicted from two different perspectives in both texts. |
2540 | Rideout, Brother of Aaron |
At the end of The Hamlet among the men watching Flem's wagon heading out from Varner's store toward Jefferson and speculating on what Flem's next move will be is a man who is identified only as Aaron Rideout's brother and also V.K. Ratliff's cousin (403). |
3313 | Riddell, Boy |
In The Town, this second-grade boy moves to Jefferson with his parents. When it is discovered that he has polio, the school that he and Chick attend is closed. He is hospitalized in Memphis, and Eula says to Chick, "Let's hope they got him to Memphis in time" (324). |
1512 | Richthofen |
Manfred von Richthofen, better known as "The Red Baron," shot down more planes than any other aviator in World War I. Young Bayard tells his grandfather and great-great-aunt that the German pilot who shot down Johnny was a "pupil of Richthofen's" (43). |
1504 | Richard |
This is the named man among the "two negro men" and the boy in the MacCallum kitchen in Flags in the Dust (336). Mandy calls him "Richud" (337). Buddy calls him "Dick" (338). So it seems likely that his full name is Richard, though neither that nor his role in the household or on the family's land is spelled out. |
467 | Reverend Whitfield |
Reverend Whitfield is the local preacher in Frenchman's Bend, and in four of the fictions set there. His character varies dramatically across those texts. He appears first in As I Lay Dying, in the part of a minister who has had an unconfessed affair with a married woman and is the father of an illegitimate child; many readers are reminded of Hawthorne's Dimmesdale, Hester and Pearl, not least because Addie Bundren, Whitfield's lover, names her son Jewel. |
1654 | Reverend Shegog |
In The Sound and the Fury Shegog is the visiting clergyman from St. Louis who gives the Easter sermon at the Negro church in Jefferson. Physically he is unimpressive: "The visitor was undersized, in a shabby alpaca coat. He had a wizened black face like a small, aged monkey" (293). But he possesses a powerful voice: the congregation soon forgets "his insignificant appearance in the virtuosity" of his voice (293). |
2334 | Reverend Schultz |
Reverend Schultz is "the minister" of the Protestant church that both the narrator and title character of "Uncle Willy" attend (227). Along with Mrs. Merridew, he leads the campaign to "cure" Willy of his addictions (232). The narrator, who admires Willy Christian but not the town's 'Christians,' describes Schultz in the Sunday school class for adult men this way: "sitting in the middle of them . . . like he was just a plain man like the rest of them yet kind of bulging out from among the others like he didn't have to move or speak them reminded that he wasn't a plain man" (228). |
3037 | Reverend Gail Hightower |
Reverend Gail Hightower's story is one of the three principal plot lines in Light in August. After seminary, he worked hard to secure the position of minister to the Presbyterian church in Jefferson, the site where his grandfather had died in a Civil War raid twenty years before his own birth. His obsession with that grandfather results in his loss of his wife, his pulpit and his vocation. For most of the twenty-five years he has lived in Jefferson, he has been treated as a pariah: the narrative describes him as a "fifty-year-old outcast" (49), "tall, with thin . . . |
353 | Res Grier |
Res, the farmer at the head of the Grier family, appears very differently in each of the three stories Faulkner wrote about the family during the early 1940s. |
1502 | Res |
"A rotund man with bristling hair and lapping jowls like a Berkshire hog" (102), Res is the cashier at Old Bayard's bank in Flags in the Dust. |
1503 | Reno |
The only named one among the three black musicians who accompany Young Bayard, Hub and Mitch on their trip to the neighboring college town to serenade young women in Flags in the Dust, Reno plays the clarinet. He loses his hat when Bayard steps on the gas of his roadster. |
465 | Redlaw|Redmond |
Named Redlaw in Flags in the Dust and Redmond in The Unvanquished, this man was Colonel Sartoris' partner in building the railroad through Yoknapatawpha until the two men fell out; after Sartoris defeated him in an election, Redlaw shot and killed him. His name changes to "Ben Redmond" in The Unvanquished, where he also plays a larger role. The second novel adds the detail that he did not fight in the Civil War, one of the things Sartoris taunts him about during the political campaign - though many people in Jefferson know that "he aint no coward" (226). |
1780 | Red |
Popeye, who is himself impotent, brings Red into Temple's life as a surrogate sexual partner for her - turning Reba's "respectable" brothel, as she indignantly puts it in Sanctuary, "into a peep-show" (255). Red "looked like a college boy" (235), but is part of the Memphis underworld. When Temple tries to run away with Red, however, Popeye kills him. His death is not narrated, but at the raucous funeral service that is held for him in the same speakeasy where he and Temple danced we see the hole Popeye's bullet made in "the center of his forehead" (249). |
464 | Reba Rivers |
"Miss Reba" Rivers - whom Temple in Requiem for a Nun calls "the madam of [a] cat house" in Memphis (111) - appears by name in Sanctuary, The Mansion and The Reivers. She is a colorful character: fat, asthmatic, church-going and hard-drinking, with some pretensions to gentility but no illusions about life. When readers first meet her she is carrying a "rosary" in one hand and a "tankard" of beer in the other (144). In Sanctuary the great love of her life, someone named Mr. |
2539 | Ratliff, Father of V.K. |
In The Hamlet Ratliff's father was a tenant farmer who at one time worked on land owned by "old man Anse Holland" next to parcel that Ab Snopes was sharecropping on (29). |
3639 | Ratlif, Descendants of Ratcliffe |
Requiem for a Nun refers to three generations of descendants from the "Ratcliffe" who first arrived in the settlement that became Jefferson, and notes how over that time the name "lost the 'c' and the final 'fe' too" (13). Although he is not singled out in this text, the latest descendant is V.K. Ratliff, one of Faulkner's favorite characters - although in the Requiem passage Faulkner seems to have forgotten that his name still has both "f"s. |
3582 | Ratcliffe Family |
According to The Mansion's account of how a Russian fighting for the British as a German mercenary during the Revolutionary War became the founder of the Ratliff family in Yoknapatawpha, the name first belonged to a farm family in Virginia. Some time after Nelly Ratcliffe begins secretly feeding Vladimir Kyrilytch, she "brings him out where her folks could see him" (184). Some time after that, her "ma or paw or brothers or whoever it was, maybe jest a neighbor," noticed that she was pregnant, "and so" Nelly and this first V.K. were married, using her last name (184). |
74 | Rafe MacCallum |
One of the six sons of Virginius MacCallum in Flags in the Dust, and of the five sons of Anse McCallum in "The Tall Men," and the twin brother of Stuart, Rafe appears in more texts - five - than any of his brothers. In Flags he is an old friend of the Sartoris twins, John and Bayard, and tries to help Bayard with his pain by offering homemade whiskey and a chance to talk about the war. He is only mentioned in As I Lay Dying as the twin brother of the MacCallum (Stuart) whose first name Samson can't remember (119). |
694 | Rachel Samson |
In As I Lay Dying Rachel Samson is the wife of one of the farmers in Frenchman’s Bend. She is upset by the Bundrens' treatment of Addie's body but heaps all her displeasure onto Samson. |
2002 | R. Kyerling |
In "All the Dead Pilots," this R.A.F. aviator was flying below Sartoris when the latter was "shot down while in pursuit of duty over enemy lines" and witnessed his death (530). |
263 | Quentin Compson's Aunt |
Like the enigmatic aunt of (Old) Bayard Sartoris in Flags in the Dust, this aunt of Quentin Compson is hard to place on the family tree. She appears only, abruptly, in Absalom, Absalom! when Mr. Compson uses her to explain to his son Quentin something about the nature of women: this aunt - whom apparently neither of these males ever saw - is locked in what Mr. Compson calls one of those "inexplicable (to the man mind) amicable enmities" with "her nearest female kin" (156). |
50 | Quentin Compson III |
Quentin Compson is a major character in two of Faulkner's greatest novels, The Sound and the Fury and Absalom, Absalom!, and the narrator of four early short stories. He is also the oldest son in one of the most prominent Yoknapatawpha families but born after the South's defeat in the Civil War and at the end of the 19th century, and so has to try to grow up in a modern world that that has no place for him. |
47 | Quentin Compson II |
There are a few references to Quentin's great-grandfather in the early fictions about the family. In The Sound and The Fury Mr. Compson mentions him when he gives Quentin his grandfather's watch (76). In "A Justice" Sam Fathers tells Quentin the "your great-grandpappy" bought him and his mother as slaves (344). |
44 | Quentin Compson I |
When Faulkner creates four earlier generations of Compsons in the "Appendix" he wrote in 1945, Quentin MacLachan Compson - the great-great-great grandfather of the Quentin Compson who appears in The Sound and the Fury - is the first one who is given a first name. This Quentin I is the "son of a Glasgow printer, orphaned and raised by his mother's people" (326) in the Perth Highlands. |
3458 | Q'Milla Strutterbuck |
Q'Milla sends Strutterbuck a money order for two dollars in The Mansion. Reba and Minnie discuss whether she is "his sister or his daughter" or "his wife" (90-91); according to Minnie, "nobody but his wife" would send him two dollars (91). She lives in Lonoke, Arkansas. |
872 | Pruitt 2 |
Pruitts appear in two different texts - "That Will Be Fine" (1935) and "Tomorrow" (1940) - but there seems to be no connection between the group in each text. This Pruitt appears in "Tomorrow," where his widow tells Gavin Stevens how poor she and her husband were when they married: "we didn't even own a roof over our heads. We moved into a rented house, on rented land" (96-97). |
434 | Pruitt 1 |
Pruitts appear in two different texts - "That Will Be Fine" (1935) and "Tomorrow" (1940) - but there seems to be no connection between the group in each text. This Pruitt and his wife appear in "That Will Be Fine." He is President of the Compress Association and a recent arrival in Mottstown. |
2279 | Provine, Children of Lucius |
The unnamed children of Lucius Provine. The narrator of "A Bear Hunt" makes only one direct reference to them, saying their father "makes no effort whatever to support his wife and three children" (64). |
2278 | Provine, Brother of Lucius |
The dead brother of Luke Provine. According to the narrator of "A Bear Hunt," it has been "years now" since he, Luke, and another man, Jack Bonds, "were known as the Provine gang and terrorized our quiet town after the unimaginative fashion of wild youth" (63-64). |
1471 | Professor Wilkins |
In The Unvanquished Professor Wilkins is teaching and boarding Bayard Sartoris while Bayard pursues a law degree. He seems to have grown fond of Bayard and calls him "my son" when he has to deliver the sad news about Bayard's father's murder (212). Professor and student have had conversations about the principles of the Bible and the Ten Commandments, particularly "Thou shalt not kill." He is afraid that Bayard is contemplating breaking it as he "believed he was touching [Bayard's] flesh which might not be alive tomorrow" (216). Bayard refers to him as "Judge Wilkins" (212). |
1641 | Professor Junkin |
In The Sound and the Fury Mrs. Compson names "Professor Junkin" as the person at the Jefferson school who called to tell her that her granddaughter Quentin has been truant. He is either Quentin's teacher or the school principal or, since it is a fairly small school, perhaps both. |
2864 | Pritchel, Children of Wesley |
In "An Error in Chemistry," Joel Flint says during his impersonation of Wesley Pritchel that 'he' had "four children," all of whom have died (130); Joel is just mean enough to include the one he killed, Ellie, in this count. As Ellie Flint (nee Pritchel) she has her own entry in the database. |
2537 | Prince of Darkness, Father of |
In The Hamlet Faulkner's imagination takes one of its most amazing flights (or perhaps descents) when he describes Flem Snopes meeting the fallen angels in Hell. Among them is this "pa" of the Prince of Darkness, and so presumably Satan himself - though Faulkner's cosmology is by no means clear (168). |
2538 | Prince of Darkness |
The "Prince of Darkness" that Faulkner describes trying to deal with Flem Snopes in Hell is apparently the son of the original Satan, "the Prince's pa" (168). Flem gets the better of him - or maybe we mean the worse. |
2699 | President Franklin Roosevelt |
Franklin Roosevelt was the 32nd President of the United States, re-elected to four terms in between 1932 and his death in 1945. He is mentioned in three later texts. In "Two Soldiers" he appears only in Res Grier's reference to "Our President in Washington, D.C." (85). He is included in a list of contemporary political figures in the "Delta Autumn" chapter of Go Down, Moses - but curiously isn't on the similar list in the earlier magazine version of "Delta Autumn" (322). |
3240 | Preacher Birdsong |
Preacher Birdsong is a World War I veteran who "learned to box in France in the war" (192). He "lives out in the country," and likely is connected to the Birdsong family in Frenchman's Bend that appears in two other texts - but that's not made explicit. "Preacher" is his name, not a job title. Charles Mallison has seen him boxing with Matt Levitt. |
2516 | Pose |
One of the four men - the others are Ike, Matthew, and Jim Blake - who load Lonnie Grinnup’s body onto a wagon for transfer to Tyler Ballenbaugh’s truck in "Hand upon the Waters." |
1778 | Popeye Vitelli |
The narrator of Sanctuary describes Popeye as someone with "that vicious depthless quality of stamped tin" (4). Although Temple once calls him "that black man" (49), and Horace refers to "Popeye's black presence" (121), Popeye is white. A modern psychologist would label him a sociopath. Horace calls him one of "those Memphis folks" (21), the gangsters who buy homemade whiskey from Lee to sell in the speakeasies of the city. He was born on Christmas, in Pensacola, Florida. |
3045 | Pomp |
In Light in August Pomp (presumably short for 'Pompey') is Cinthy's husband and the first Gail Hightower's slave. Though called "boy," he is older than his master, and is completely bald (471). He follows his master to war and refuses to believe that he could have been killed in the cavalry raid in Jefferson. Pomp himself is reportedly killed after attacking "a Yankee officer with a shovel" in an attempt to see or perhaps rescue "Marse Gail" (476-77). |
3725 | Poleymus, Children of Constable |
"All" of Mr. and Mrs. Poleymus' children "are married and gone"; The Reivers does not say how many they had, or where they went (251). |
1499 | Ploeckner |
According to what Bayard tells his family in Flags in the Dust, the German pilot who shot down Johnny Sartoris in combat was named Ploeckner; "one of the best they had," Bayard says (43), adding that he is one of the proteges of Manfred von Richthofen, the pilot known as the "Red Baron." Ploeckner in turn shot down by Bayard. |